Family Ties Season: Item Trade-In

[color=#e53e00]The grind of keel against shingle announces the ferry boat. The Boatman does not greet you.

The Family Ties Season has finished. If you played the Frequently Deceased, the Seven-Day Reign and the Pentecost Predicament, you will have gained an item unique to each tale. You can trade in these items to unlock a short tale suffused with lore and adorned with an alluring reward.

This option opens today, and will remain permanently, so there is no need to trade in your items by any deadline.

The story can be found anywhere in London. Bask in it.[/color]

Hm, it seems the entrance storylet has different options depending on your level of The Boatman’s Opponent - 0-4 is a tier, not sure whether its 5+ or there are multiple higher tiers.

Man, both choices seem to be full if lore. I’m not sure what to pick.

I was obligated to take the option saying that I wouldn’t dream of obligating the Boatman to do something he didn’t want to do, because of course I wouldn’t dream of obligating the Boatman to do something he didn’t want to do! So we had a nice chat, and I learned some interesting and pleasant things. And he gave me a nice little present, which was jolly kind.

Umm, D___ but I’m torn. My character has never met the Boatman. So, while I really want the cool stuff, I don’t know that I can do that. I’m oddly proud of the fact that Absimiliard has no clues about anything where the Boatman is involved, this would make them far more clueful.

I guess we’ll see how long my Will can hold out against my Curiosity.

Does anyone know what the each option will bring?

Should I have waited till I played against the boat man?

I have The Boatman’s Opponent 40 but my option was opened with 5+.

[quote=absimiliard]Umm, D___ but I’m torn. My character has never met the Boatman. So, while I really want the cool stuff, I don’t know that I can do that. I’m oddly proud of the fact that Absimiliard has no clues about anything where the Boatman is involved, this would make them far more clueful.

I guess we’ll see how long my Will can hold out against my Curiosity.[/quote]

Sardonyx is having the exact same problem. I’ve worked very hard to have never met the Boatman (because zie wants to see the Surface again, even if zie doesn’t want to live there again). This is a VERY difficult choice for me.
edited by Quixoticcat on 6/1/2016

So I was very rude with one alt, insisting that I go as close as possible to the shore, and my main had a fascinating chat with the boatman.

Delightful. The reward for being rude is harder to come by than the reward for being pleasant, but both routes have value.

[quote=RandomWalker]So I was very rude with one alt, insisting that I go as close as possible to the shore, and my main had a fascinating chat with the boatman.

Delightful. The reward for being rude is harder to come by than the reward for being pleasant, but both routes have value.[/quote]

Do you have journal echoes for each route? I’m likely to be polite, but I’m curious what awaits on the far shore.

And in terms of sheer mechanical value, are the rewards similar? I don’t particularly care about the monetary value if its just something you’d sell, but I’d hate to miss out on an otherwise limited companion or other unique item like that.

You’re too nice (for an esotericist). I’m not one to make others do unpleasant things, either, but this is one of the mysteries of the Neath we’re talking about here. I couldn’t resist, even though I feared for the others. I wasn’t comfortable, though.

Congratulations to the writers. This was harder than I expected. My heart was racing.

EDITED: I echoed the less polite alternative, if anybody wants to take a look.
edited by Mysterion on 6/1/2016

I was rude - and am very happy with the outcome. An unexpected and very welcome diversion.

Okay, I give up. I have to know.

Pushing the button…

[quote=Harlocke][quote=RandomWalker]So I was very rude with one alt, insisting that I go as close as possible to the shore, and my main had a fascinating chat with the boatman.

Delightful. The reward for being rude is harder to come by than the reward for being pleasant, but both routes have value.[/quote]

Do you have journal echoes for each route? I’m likely to be polite, but I’m curious what awaits on the far shore.

And in terms of sheer mechanical value, are the rewards similar? I don’t particularly care about the monetary value if its just something you’d sell, but I’d hate to miss out on an otherwise limited companion or other unique item like that.[/quote]


[li]Edit - My humblest of apologies (well at least as humble as i can get, which is at least slightly contrite) turns out that the previous post answered my question. Whoops.[li][li]Yeah i’d really like both outcomes clearly stated behind spoiler tags if possible pretty please : ) I didn’t realise there’d be a hard choice so now ive been on this screen for the last few hours letting my spare actions and cards go to waste. Especially for a choice that has taken 3 months or so to access, i’d dearly love a better guide than Blind Chance, 'cos I know that it’d only lead to a long and stern lecture from his close friend Regret.[/li][li]
edited by Alfred_Bloodwine on 6/1/2016

Does anyone have any clue who the boatman was referring to when you ask him about family? Somebody ‘close to’ the Boatmen who’s preaching what sounds like the Liberation of Night? Because I’m drawing a blank at who that could mean. Did the Thief-of-Faces join the revolutionaries when I wasn’t looking?

Another here who’s never met the boatman – so this will have to wait.

I love my new coruscating soul and my chat with the Boatman, but I find I’d like to know what the “rough rock” was that I missed out on by being polite.

If it helps, the text makes very clear that you are not dying and are a rare living passenger on the boatman’ ferry. Since you don’t die, that probably wouldn’t disqualify you from returning to the surface.

A Starstone Demark

Unlike (I think) the last item trade in, this one seems to have left me with a permanent quality. I’d love confirmation one way or the other on if that quality blocks me from repeating the story (and choosing the other ending) once all this season’s stories are available for Fate.