Family Ties Season: Item Trade-In

I wonder what “opening the mirrors” means. Fingerking foreshadowing?

[quote=Ian Hart]
Unlike the last item trade in, this one seems to have left me with a permanent quality. I’d love confirmation one way or the other on if that quality blocks me from repeating the story (and choosing the other ending) once all this season’s stories are available for Fate.[/quote]

[Color=#e53e00] Hello! If you have, could you let me know?
You should be able to repeat this, if you replay the EFs - if you’ve been left with any quality other than the reward, it’s a bug.
edited by babelfishwars on 6/1/2016

It’s … not what they said, that place.

Oh my.

(I have echoed the ‘force the Boatman to continue’ path, if people wish to read it.)

Has anyone noticed any significant difference because of Boatman’s Opponent (I realize there is a high barrier to entry when asking this question)? My main hasn’t allowed himself to die yet, but isn’t adverse to the idea if it provides more interesting lore.

From the text unlocked with Boatman’s Opponent, it seems to just be a nod to the Boatman being acquainted with you.

Thanks! That was just what I needed to hear.

[quote=babelfishwars][quote=Ian Hart]
Unlike the last item trade in, this one seems to have left me with a permanent quality. I’d love confirmation one way or the other on if that quality blocks me from repeating the story (and choosing the other ending) once all this season’s stories are available for Fate.[/quote]

[color=#e53e00] Hello! If you have, could you let me know?
You should be able to repeat this, if you replay the EFs - if you’ve been left with any quality other than the reward, it’s a bug.
edited by babelfishwars on 6/1/2016[/quote]

Likely just confusing a &quotquality set to 0&quot with gaining a new quality. I don’t see anything new in my quality list now that I look closely. Thanks!

Ugh, I wasn’t interested in engaging in acts of cannibalism, meeting the Boatman alive is certainly tempting.

Perhaps when I can afford to redo all 3 of the Exceptional Stories so I don’t lose the associated items.

[quote=Blaine Davidson]Ugh, I wasn’t interested in engaging in acts of cannibalism, meeting the Boatman alive is certainly tempting.

Perhaps when I can afford to redo all 3 of the Exceptional Stories so I don’t lose the associated items.[/quote]

You probably should only do two, or the turn-in storylet will appear again.

I was reluctant to trade in those items, but for me it was certainly worth it. This was the perfect follow up to what my character did at the Brass Embassy. Thank you for this great piece of lore!

Really enjoyed this. I took the hard path and stared steely eyed into the abyss. I let the forger off the hook that one time and its haunted me ever since.

Big thanks to RandomWalker for echoing the other path though. There’s some really interesting lore down both tracks. This is one of those situations that makes me really tempted to get EF on an alt account.

My character has waffled between attempting to procure a heptagoat or cider. He had decided on the goat… until he saw this. Immortality is definitely at the very top of his to-do list now.

[quote=Harlocke][quote=Blaine Davidson]Ugh, I wasn’t interested in engaging in acts of cannibalism, meeting the Boatman alive is certainly tempting.

Perhaps when I can afford to redo all 3 of the Exceptional Stories so I don’t lose the associated items.[/quote]

You probably should only do two, or the turn-in storylet will appear again.[/quote]

Having an extra storylet around wouldn’t bother me. Knowing I’m missing a unique item for my collection would.

Playing the Family Ties trade-in was very in-character for my main, but I was disappointed in the non-text part of the reward:

It was a Starstone Demark. I already had two of them; now I have three of the blasted things! They are too hard to come by for me to want to sell them, but they’re not unique either! Arrgh…

The text, as always, was splendid, and the information therein tantalizing (pun intended!).
edited by cathyr19355 on 6/2/2016

if I buy these stories later on (with fate), will I also have access to the item trade-in?


I am getting addicted to those trade-in short stories. Each of them is a concentrated thrill.
Lovely idea!

Asking about The Mountain

He says he knows more of the daughter, I presume this means Mt Nomad?

Given how the Boatman likes to be Cryptic, I am happy it just doesn’t pay a truckload of Cryptic Clues on both routes.

Given how the Boatman likes to be Cryptic, I am happy it just doesn’t pay a truckload of Cryptic Clues on both routes.[/quote]
Oh my God, that would have been infuriating.