Fallen London Reworks: Lodgings Part 2

Also having problems. I can’t respond to chess invites- the game shows my opponent [needs qualities!], as if they were outside London’s main hub, but I know they aren’t.

[color=#cc0099]Just popping on to let you know we’re aware of the errors a few of you are experiencing with social actions and we’re currently in investigation mode, thank you[/color]

[color=#cc0099]Sparring has now returned![/color]

I’ve won a chess match. I have to admit I’m somewhat disappointed at getting only one Sudden Insight from a social event which consumed 3 actions. I do, however, very much appreciate the fact that Plagued by a Popular Song can be used to gain an advantage in chess.

slams fists on the table FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FI

on the more civilized note, it seems I can only have one chess game with one partner going at once. Bug or feature?

on the more civilized note, it seems I can only have one chess game with one partner going at once. Bug or feature?[/quote]
That’s how Debates worked, which follow the same model. I’m guessing &quottechnical limitation,&quot probably related to tracking progress with multiple copies of the same quality.

Shame. I guess the easy days of farming insights via spamming massive amounts of chess invites are gone. Let us all, (but especially “us” as in “us, foolish Name-Seekers burning their minds away”), wave them goodbye.

It seems a shame to have given such a blow to chess as a source of sudden insights (and thus watchful) given that it was an extremely nice and gentle way for players to help each other out - a social action that went beyond making waves.

I’ve also been getting error messages whenever I try to respond to a wound-healing offer from an acquaintance of mine.[/quote]
For my own part, I noticed problems when I tried to write a response; when I just accepted, it went through fine.[/li]

Given the action investment in chess, I’m rather disappointed that it doesn’t give out any more Sudden Insights than it used to. I feel like it faces the same difficulties as in Debates, where you spend an interminable time waiting for an opponent with minimal reward.

Given the action investment in chess, I’m rather disappointed that it doesn’t give out any more Sudden Insights than it used to. I feel like it faces the same difficulties as in Debates, where you spend an interminable time waiting for an opponent with minimal reward.

I would gladly be up for Chess or Supper if anyone would like some company. I do not get around very often and can’t remember the last time I had non-NPC company.

This is a major drawback - waiting for someone to respond several times in order to complete the chess game and be able to invite another…

I’m not saying FBG wrote the new sparring content just for me … but …

Lady Sapho L Byron has relied on their knowledge of anatomy to win this bout.

[quote=Lady Sapho Byron]I’m not saying FBG wrote the new sparring content just for me … but …

Lady Sapho L Byron has relied on their knowledge of anatomy to win this bout.

this clearly proves the main goal in implementing the new social mechanics was paving the road to so many lame pick-up lines. :)

I love the new death duels, and the fact that a lot of social actions now let you reply to the sender. Wonderful, absolutely marvelous! However I find it unbelievably frustrating that I can no longer send two regular spars to the same person (for when I write a long rp post), nor can I do any regular spars at all with anyone while in a death duel. I understand that, as much as we might like to, we do not get to send an entire mob down the river to cool their heads for a while. It’s a shame, but it makes sense. Mechanically, however, especially for those of us who rp our chars and rely on social actions to do them, it’s frustrating to be entirely cut off from posting, especially if it also depends on another person’s availability. Example: Alys challenges Max to a duel to the death at 8am EST, and he accepts. When I return in the afternoon, I see this, so I fire back a response. That’s great!

But say I want to have a regular spar with Hieronymus Drake, or perhaps I know Max is running low on Forceful second chances, or something? Welp, too bad. Can’t send any other invites. Nor can I receive any, if Ed finds the time to write something that seems to fit a spar instead of chess or Caligula’s. Furthermore, if he wants to tell me another way, he has to spend in-game resources (I know it’s only a penny but that can add up, especially with highly active rpers – and some people dislike using actions that don’t match the situation). It’s nice that there’s an option to poke the person you’re in a spar with…but that does nothing for anyone else that might want to reach that char.

My solution is this: keep the new version, the to-the-death one with its…whatever that new mechanic is. It’s weird. Looks like even a very low shadowy will defeat someone with a much higher dangerous the first time through…but I digress. Return simple bouts, or make a third option for a one-off bout that does not require a char not to be in any other bouts, just somewhere accessible. I imagine the same should be done with chess, so there is both a complicated and a straightforward option.

I should mention that I do hope the to-the-death ones do not depend on actual dangerous/shadowy stats, since that is going to be absolutely brutal for new players. I think there was a random element in the old spars, though I’m not sure. I’d love to see the math behind these.
edited by shylarah on 7/26/2017

Chess duell do in fact give more Sudden Insights than before. A match consists of 5 actions: the invitation and then 2 actions for each player. The midgame-options will give a Sudden Insight to the player losing the contest and at the end of the the game the winner will one Insight and the loser another 1 or 2 Sudden Insights. So the losing player will end up with 2 to 4 Sudden Insights per game, the winning player will get 1 to 2 Insights at most.

Edit: Fixed numbers of Sudden Insights gained because the change is not always displayed.
edited by rahv7 on 7/26/2017

If I understand correctly, that’s still at most 3 Inisghts for 5 actions, whereas with the old mechanic you could get 2 Insights per action.

I haven’t tried these myself but they also sound pretty bad for the winner: previously, it was 1CP MW and 1 Insight per action; now, for 5 actions, you’ll only get 1 Insight - does it at least give 5CP MW?

5 actions for both players.

The initiator plays 3 actions. The recipient plays 2.

Oh, ok. That’s not so bad. Still slightly lower efficiency (1.5 Insight per action) but not nearly as much as I thought.

What about the winner?