Fallen London Reworks: Home Comforts and Transport

[color=#cc0099]As part of the ongoing reworks to Fallen London, we’re also adjusting the properties of some equipment in the Expanded Inventory. Starting in June, we’ll be increasing the amount Home Comforts and Transports improve/boost the Watchful, Dangerous, Shadowy and Persuasive stats. The more difficult something is to obtain, the greater the stat boost.

This will also give us room to create more varied and interesting items in the future. Indeed, the first Home Comfort unlocked as a Renown item will be available soon, to players who’ve established themselves amongst spies.[/color]

I continue to be hyped!

I am glad to hear that the Renown items are branching out to the Extended Inventory. I felt that was a missed opportunity before, and I see what you mean by the small stat range constraining what you can reasonably do.

Two questions: First, will this generally cause stat inflation, and if so, is that a concern? E.g. if it becomes possible to get another five points of Watchful across a few inventory slots, then Courier’s Footprint will become less exclusive. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’m just wondering if that’s a concern.

Second, will existing Fate-locked items be improved as well?

Hm. Since a Home Comfort can’t be dragged around with you, I think it makes sense for most of their power to be in opportunity cards unlocked when a home comfort is equipped. You don’t build a gymnasium for the sake of having one; you build it so you can use it, getting those sweet sweet Dangerous change points ten at a time. It could be good for Home Comforts to give a bit of a direct numbers increase, but I think it’d be weird for any of them to give more than +4 to any one core quality.

Midnighters get a Shrine to St. Joshua as their career item, which is currently the best Home Comfort by a long shot and which is received in lieu of the other professions’ spectacularly powerful +12/+12 items. I think the addition of a Great Game-related Home Comfort, and a boost to Home Comfort bonuses in general, should be accompanied by a change to the Midnighter career item. Perhaps some Robes Dyed in Irrigo (description: &quotnow, what were you wearing these for?&quot) giving +12/+12/+1 Shadowy/Watchful/Dreaded? That would free up the Home Comfort slot for those greatest devotees of the Game, and the current best Shadowy clothing is the +6 Ratskin Suit.

tangent: I keep mistyping &quotList Writ in Gant&quot as &quotWrist Lit in Gant&quot. New glove-slot item confirmed?
edited by Anchovies on 5/30/2017

My body is ready

I hope that a certain Bell given to me by a certain Master suddenly actually allows me to smite my enemies from afar as I see fit.
edited by Blaine Davidson on 5/30/2017

The main advantage of the Midnighter Shrine is that you get +1 BDR without paying fate for a Mr Sacks item. It might be nice to have another free option not tied to profession, for players that don’t want to be Midnighters.

Similar to the lodgings suggestions, I’d like them to be sellable somehow. I bought my gymnasium from someone, it makes sense I’d be able to sell it to someone else.

It will be interesting to see if this breaks the Mood requirement for Courier’s Footprint. We only need 3 more points if fate is involved and 4 otherwise. If the Voluminous Library or White Glim Telescope are bumped up to +5 (or a new comfort is introduced with a +5 watchful bonus) that’s all that would be necessary. Literally any watchful transportation introduced would also chip away at that number.

This isn’t to say that this would make Courier’s Footprint easy. Assuming we only just break that barrier you’d still need an Ubergoat and a full +15 Extraordinary Mind boost to get there. The moods probably remain the easier option. It would just introduce another approach for those who REALLY don’t want to wait a few months to draw that next mood card.

I’d be interested in seeing if one could get Courier’s Footprint with a mood but without an Overgoat/Ubergoat, but with a Watchful specialization.

I’d be interested in seeing if one could get Courier’s Footprint with a mood but without an Overgoat/Ubergoat, but with a Watchful specialization.

This is a very welcome change. I’d be even happier if the cards that came with those items weren’t so bad — even the ones that are worth using would take hundreds or thousands of uses to make up for the cost of the item.

D’accord. All grinding aside, I have no particular desire for an Overgoat. I have long been quietly hoping that, by the time I got all the way up there, enough equipment improvements would exist to help me bypass the goat.

[quote=Blaine Davidson]I hope that a certain Bell given to me by a certain Master suddenly actually allows me to smite my enemies from afar as I see fit.
edited by Blaine Davidson on 5/30/2017[/quote]

That would be either Persuasive or Dangerous, depending on whether you actually use it.

Overgoat’s not actually that hard once you set your mind to it. Even if you just log in 2 or 3 times a day using affair of the box you can have it within several months. Don’t be afraid of it, the sooner you start the sooner you’ll finish.
edited by IgnatuStone on 6/1/2017

Oh, I’m not afraid of the grind; I’ve already got my way planned out all the way to Cider. I just don’t want one. He’s not the sort of companion I can see my character wanting to have smelling up the place.

The Shrine of St. Joshua now gives +9 Watchful, +9 Shadowy, and +1 Dreaded. I think this means we can reach Courier’s Footprint without a Mood now.

Gymnasium and Library now give +3 to their respective stats.


Collection of Discomfiting Photographs from the Foreign Office continuation now gives +5 Shadowy,
up from +1.

My transports haven’t updated yet.

The Obdurate Stallion is still +2 Dreaded. Not that I’m complaining, though. I have a horse, my horse is amazing.

The Ratwork Velocipede is now +2 Shadowy instead of +1. The Ray-Drenched Correspondence Paperweight is +3 Persuasive instead of +1.

Thoroughly Cowed Pony is now Shadowy +6.