I have messaged Arthur and not heard back, so I’m guessing he’s all set.
I’ve been seeking curious forever now without success - if any lovely person has a skull to spare, I’d surely take it off their hands!
edited by Festus Moonbear on 3/5/2014
Yeah, one char has now spent three months seeking curios. 4 skulls so far… that’s an awfully low chance :-). But it has caused several fun trips to the mirror marches, there’s no real problem, just a long time…
Festus, if you’re still looking I’ve got 2. Just drop me a calling card.
Good afternoon, delicious friends. After several weeks of wandering the Forgotten Quarter seeking curios, I am still without an Eyeless Skull. I’m very keen to finally visit the Cave of the Nadir - if anyone has a skull that they are willing to part with I would be most grateful.
If anyone would be kind enough to spare a skull, I would be most grateful. I have 95 supplies and am all set to start an expedition to Nadir, but that skull has remained most elusive. Much wandering the Forbidden Quarter and many expeditions later, and I still can’t find it.
Edit: Thanks, Troper!
edited by Bonny Kate on 3/9/2014
Captblood, have my skull – please! You’ll have to explain to me how to send it over. (If you have yours, Bonny Kate is up next.)[li]
I, too am happy to give them up, to any who need them. Though I don’t know how…
The person will have to send the request to you rather than the other way around.
Many thanks, Troper - I have sent a request for the terrifying object winging your way. Expect my bat to arrive soon.
Jonquil, I thank you for the offer, but you had apparently already divested yourself of your skull before I was able to send a request.
I’m actually JonquilS on EchoBazaar; so sorry for the confusion. I am still beskulled, if anybody wants one.
Ah, that clears up that bit of confusion. Jonquil, I have sent a request to you. Many thanks!
If anyone would be willing to part with a skull on my behalf, I would be most grateful - I have spent the past few weeks grinding curios to no benefit, and the Nightmares are becoming rather annoying to circumvent.
I currently have three burning a hole in my mind. Send an invite to Esterhazy.
Edit: and sent. Down to two, for now.
edited by Esterhazy on 3/21/2014
I’ve got two - send the requests to Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook!
Question–I’ve heard collecting five of these monstrosities allows for a nice fiscal reward. Does claiming said reward advance the Liberation of Night? Because if so, I have a skull I need to get rid of, pronto.
[quote=Flipz]Question–I’ve heard collecting five of these monstrosities allows for a nice fiscal reward. Does claiming said reward advance the Liberation of Night? Because if so, I have a skull I need to get rid of, pronto.[/quote]According to the wiki it does minutely advance the Liberation of Night. Selling him a single skull however, does not.
I too have had to put a long pause on my expedition to seek eyeless skulls, and have yet to find a one.
Do any more kind souls have a skull they wish to be rid of?
Edit: and of course I find one within a few hours of asking. Well, I suppose that achieves the same result! I no longer have need of a skull
edited by Khryseis on 3/22/2014[li]
edited by Khryseis on 3/22/2014
I currently have a skull that’s burning a hole in my deck. Send me a message if you’d like to relieve me of the horrid thing.
Hello! I also have an eyeless skull to my dismay. Since I rather not liberate the night again, learned the hard way first time I did the five skulls option, I’ll be happy to give it to someone who wants it. Please message me first and then add my main account to your contact list. I’m ‘Andrea Belen’!
Sorry for that. This is what I meant to say.
edited by ArtRulesAll on 3/24/2014