Exceptional stories exquisite requirements

Totentanz bump!

Options in Totentanz is available for those with access to Sinning Jenny’s Finishing School (Empress’ Shadow). One to enter the Parlour of Virtue, and another option inside.
edited by PSGarak on 3/31/2022

Not quite on topic, but I notice there’s an opportunity card in the Tomb Colonies after finishing All Things Must End.

With the new Fate policy, how would that be recorded on the wiki, incidentally?
edited by Alexander Feld on 4/1/2022

It already is, there’s a section called Notable Rewards and Tie-ins on each story that starts out collapsed by default.

The new story has an option unlocked by Lyon Pursuivant of Arms Extraordinary!

Other options available at the same point include: Both presence and absence of A True Denizen of the Neath (i.e. having completed your Ambition), Poet-Laureate (any level), Newspaper, and A Name Whispered in Darkness (any level).

Several options for Silverers. One option I saw (but couldn’t take) required Fierce Mint Humbugs. And now, an option unlocked by Poor Edward! I am much less excited about trying this one!
edited by PSGarak on 4/28/2022

Saw this in the ES thread

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]Ooh, unique option for the Vake steed! Nice.[/quote]Wow, interesting!

And now this! :o Damn, nice!

[quote=PSGarak]The new story has an option unlocked by Lyon Pursuivant of Arms Extraordinary!

Other options available at the same point include: Both presence and absence of A True Denizen of the Neath (i.e. having completed your Ambition), Poet-Laureate (any level), Newspaper, and A Name Whispered in Darkness (any level).

Several options for Silverers. One option I saw (but couldn’t take) required Fierce Mint Humbugs. And now, an option unlocked by Poor Edward! I am much less excited about trying this one![/quote]Poor Edward? What exact quality or item? This ES sounds a blast only from the requirements!
edited by Skinnyman on 4/28/2022

Specifically, A Loyal Nightmare (the one with stats).

Now, an option for Ratwork Velocipede. The button text says “Whee!”

[quote=PSGarak]Specifically, A Loyal Nightmare (the one with stats).

Now, an option for Ratwork Velocipede. The button text says &quotWhee!&quot[/quote]Bhahahaha, the Velocipede!
Just yesterday I was going through my notes and reading a little about that very old story. I still remember when people were upset because they locked themselves out of the carousel and missed a great card. I am ashamed that I picked the 2.5 E card ending.

Hmmm, wish we could reset those stories or have FBG take another look at them. :)

This story keeps giving! Options unlocked by Sympathetic about Ratly Concerns 3, or a Bat with Attitude, or a Bifurcated Owl.

There’s an option at the end for those who are Members of the Order of THose Who Will Not Be Caught Red-Handed

Thanks to the new Fate policies, Wiki now (from some time) records the mechanics of Fate options/stories. The people over there are doing a great job and that’s the main reason I didn’t bump this thread. That and Surface matters.

For the time being, please check the Wiki of each ES, but if you find something missing, a message here or over the Wiki will do the community a great help. I’ll try and update the sheet with the latest requirements and add Wiki links to each story so everyone that uses/used it can navigate faster.

Thanks to everybody that offered their input!