Exceptional Friendship is Changing!

Just a thought on this, Hannah. Rather than allowing access to a story after 3 months, you might consider doing a &quotquarterly catch up&quot - i.e. bundling together the previous 3 months’ stories. Perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary to charge a premium in that instance (because you’d be getting 3 months’ worth of subscription in one whack), although I think it would be understandable if it did cost a bit more.

Good day, Hannah! This is a very exciting change. I was thinking of acquiring a sizeable amount of NEX this week and spending some of it to subscribe as an Exceptional Friend for a couple of months.

So I have a quick, but important question - when exactly this week will the change go live? Or, in simpler words - do I still have a couple of days to become Exceptional Friend with NEX?

Thank you very much.
edited by Danko on 4/28/2015

This is excellent news, Hannah! Thank you very much for taking our concerns into account. Now I can’t wait to see the new stories :)

[color=#0066ff]All technical things being well, the change will go ahead tomorrow (Wednesday). If you’re waiting to stock up on Exceptional Friendship, the message is: don’t wait![/color]
[color=#0066ff]Edit: The change has been made! Story is incoming, exceptional friends![/color]
edited by h4nchan on 4/29/2015

Here comes the new nex tab! Also an 10 Nex option called a Box of Worm briefly appeared there with very perplexing description, then disappeared.

And it is live! Also, TRADE IN FACES CAMEO
edited by Estelle Knoht on 4/29/2015

Okay, I haven’t had a chance to play the new story yet, and I won’t for a few hours, but can I say that your first set of choices at the start made me laugh out loud? I’m looking forward to this one.

You should, the art budget’s through the roof.

Speaking as someone who doesn’t check the forum or FL social media very often, it would have been nice to have more than a week’s notice on the change, or to get a heads up in the top banner. I definitely would have spent some last-minute fate.

EDIT: Except this change wasn’t posted on FL social media at all, was it? And it came right on the heels of a functionality change–the Plans–there was actual effort to publicize.

Maybe I’m the only one with this opinion, but I don’t think the way this was rolled out is ok at all.
edited by ruen on 4/30/2015

[quote=ruen]Speaking as someone who doesn’t check the forum or FL social media very often, it would have been nice to have more than a week’s notice on the change, or to get a heads up in the top banner. I definitely would have spent some last-minute fate.

EDIT: Except this change wasn’t posted on FL social media at all, was it? And it came right on the heels of a functionality change–the Plans–there was actual effort to publicize.

Maybe I’m the only one with this opinion, but I don’t think the way this was rolled out is ok at all.

I agree; more of a heads up would have been rather nice.

I got very lucky and saw the forum post a day before the change; it was my first visit to the forum in probably two months. I immediately farmed all my Nex into Exceptional Friendship and mine now lasts till July next year.

I can imagine how I would have felt had I found out only today.

I’m another one of those who just found out - especially since I was planning to get a whole bunch of nex to also dole out to a couple of friends to join me as exceptional friends. Guess that isn’t going to happen now.

I have a question: Are we supposed to see a more comprehensive list of required qualities in the manor when we are out of actions? When I am out of actions I see a large list of qualities (mainly menaces I haven’t maxed out) that are not listed when I still have actions remaining.

&quotOh, right, my EF subscription just ran out, better go spend some more of that Nex from my bulk purchase a while ago.&quot
&quotHmm. Doesn’t work anymore? I’m sure I did it here last time…&quot
10 minutes of digging around before I stumble across this forum, and related thread.

So yes, not very happy about the complete in-game silence related to this rather substantial change. I also spend my Nex almost exclusively on EF subscriptions, so that’s just a large dead weight in my pocket now. Ah well, I’ll miss my double candles. =\

First things first: I really appreciate the changes, both the idea of the exceptional stories (and the actual story we got), and the bigger deck.

My only issue is communication. I play the game daily, but only check the forums occasionally, around once a month or two (mostly when seasonal or new events come up). I would have appreciated a notification in any other channel, especially as I might have topped up my subscription with Nex, had I known I should.

As for the channels, nothing new has to be invented. There’s the notice box in the Messages tab, where a link to this announcement could have been placed with little effort. Also, I have allowed direct messages from StoryNexus in case “There is an announcement about the game”, which I believe would apply to this. Being notified of such a change seems a bit more relevant than getting an email that Time, the darling, has called again.

So my request is, please, don’t make this forum your only place for announcements. It’s slightly annoying that even though I play throughout most of the day, every day of the week, I would have had to directly visit the forums instead of receiving an in-game announcement or a direct message. Feels like it’s my duty to seek out information in case something changes, instead of being informed of relevant updates.

Yes, a lot of storylets will do that.

I just signed up for the new Exceptional Friendship! Yay!

  • The ‘manage your subscription’ link doesn’t seem to work. It leads to my Storynexus account settings, with no options regarding EF.
  • I didn’t get the usual bonus 20 actions, which seems a shame.
  • The only payment option was dollars and no conversion rate available during payment. I’m presuming that, given I’m in London and so are FB, FB will have arranged things so that I’m not going to be charged a foreign transaction fee by my bank.
  • The debit card sign-up only asked my card details, and not any name/address details, so it did seem a bit dodgy - I’m not actually sure what I authorised. (Have you saved my payment details to charge the fee each month? Is it a direct debit? A continuous payment authority?)

Weird. Usually FBG does do announcement on Twitter and Facebook, but now that you mentioned it I found that the whole EF change is not announced anywhere except on the forum (not even in game).

You guys might want to do that now. I would say a grace period for newly notified people to spend their Nex for EF would be great but you guys are probably too busy for now.

Thanks, Flyte. I’ve emailed, as I can’t see the link, so it does seem bugged from my end.

I would gently suggest that it would have been good to know this before I signed up, rather than after, particularly as it sounds like this mistake will cost me money (a small amount, admittedly, I expect!). But I do appreciate all you guys do, of course!

I’d like to add my voice to the group of people being upset about the lack of notification.

It should not be that Failbetter announces such changes only on the Forum instead of other channels such as Facebook, Twitter, or the Game proper?

I count myself fortunate to not have spent money to buy the now less-worth Nex, but I have no doubt that there are people who brought Nex recently; or even had a high amount of Nex in stores who missed the top-up period.

Will there be a grace period for such people, and will Failbetter addresses the issue?