Estival: The Sixth Coil

Well, that’s good to know, too. Thank you for pointing it out.


Estivals have not been gated by progress in the game (past introductory content) in their entirety. Parts of qualities have been gated by (sometimes fate locked) progress, but never the basic participation. I doubt they will gate it this year.

As a side note: Tritherton Baquliffe has his name scrawled in blood all the way without being a bringer of death. If that is a path you are comfortable with, you might go to the deeper coils still.


You, uh, don’t actually have to kill anyone in MYN. There’s a diplomatic solution to the Drownie problem, and you can do non-lethal duels to rise through Feducci’s little club. Also, you can capture the animals for the Labyrinth of Tigers alive.


All this is potentially doable from outside the Labyrinth itself, and nonlethal as well. Maybe you will find some way to participate, @somenotoriousnobleman , or at least so I hope.

Also would you care to share more about your motivation to avoid causing permanent death? I can imagine some very contrasting reasons for it. From Liberationist desire to make sure everyone gets to see Midnight to inverse-Buddhism thinking that the cycle of death-resurrection is in fact the best thing ever.


Oh, yeah, totally forgot about this. There is at least one combination of duels that lets you progress without gaining even one change point of Bringer of Death. Not all duels end in perma-death for your opponent.


7-8 months ago, in December, we got this about the 6th coil:


The Sixth Coil is just a case of, if we decide we have an interesting story to tell there we’ll open it and you’ll hear about it then. But we don’t have plans. We don’t create in-game teasers for things we don’t have very concrete plans for any more. (Which is maybe a case for changing the in-game text there to reflect that)

Yeah. I’ve adjusted the tooltip there so it no longer implies that it will be available one day.

No, but it’s not something I expect us to touch on in the foreseeable future unless it happens tangentially.

The LoT is basically in the same bucket as any of a dozen different places in the game that could have new stories added to them, and some of them probably will, but you can’t expect any one to get some expansion in a given time frame.

But that sixth coil option being there created a weird expectation that it was either more likely than other things to be expanded on, or that there were aborted plans that never came to fruition, etc. But really it’s just like, say, the University.

The University did get a very substantial expansion but that happened because it made sense in the context of advancing a major story.

And now we’re getting an Estival related to it!!! :slight_smile: There will be no more rushing and we’ll be able to exchange Fate bonus items for something new and have fun with the cats, bandages and khan guys!

Sounds great already!


Just came across a new recurring dream: The Forests of the Night. I wonder if it is related to this coming Estival. It’s a silver card.


No wonder I haven’t seen it even with Woeseal! It requires level 3 Nightmares.

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Definitely related. It’s a very tiger-y dream.

Does anyone know which piece of classic poetry it’s a quote from?

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Appropriately, “The Tyger”, by William Blake:


This is very exciting! I await the Coilheart Games with great anticipation.


Looks like they made a full circle and we are back to voting and competition. I hope there would not be yet another existential threat to London, kinda bored of them happening every summer…


I’ll be happy if the only “existential threat” this causes is London being overrun with drunk Tigers for a week afterwards.


Yeah we were getting apocalypse fatigue too. Now it’s just your average tiger-led competitive games. Much less dangerous.


Personally, I’d like to see a media war. Newspaper honchos taking sides while attempt to swirl public opinion, and results in something permanent or significant. Those who are yet to own a newspaper can join the event as photographers or reporters.


I somehow doubt this statement!


Regarding the new dream, I assume that past the initial card, Nightmares aren’t needed anymore?

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Much less dangerous, not less deadly I guess.

Didn’t we have something along those lines with the various elections? It got uncomfortable fairly quickly and participation dropped off as a result. Not sure if that was why they were dropped, but it’s conceivable.

You’re not the only one who has avoided that particular aspect. As others have said, it is not necessary to acquire the Bringer of Death quality. Or even to die – there is one ES that is set on the River, and some people opted not to play it because dying was the first step.

Let me just add that FB is really good at taking note of such things and will most probably avoid it becoming an issue at Estival.

As a related case in point, I remember that some players were uncomfortable with the storyline at the Palace that involved having affairs with two NPCs there. FB altered the drift of the story to enable people to play it while sticking to their principles (harrumph).
So don’t give up hope! :sunglasses: