Estival: The Sixth Coil

The Tiger Keeper rises to his hind legs. “London!” He is bellowing now, gold eyes alight with zeal. "The Sixth Coil is opening at last!”

Summer of 1899 has come around again, and with it, Estival: a time of celebration, intrigue, and, historically, disaster. This year, something stirs beneath the Labyrinth of Tigers, and London is awash with striped and toothy visitors.

Closed to all visitors since the Fall, the Sixth Coil of the Labyrinth is opening at last – and the Court of the Wakeful Eye is holding a grand tournament to celebrate the occasion. The Coilheart Games will soon commence!

Delegations will soon arrive from all across the Neath: the tomb-colonies, the Khanate, the Wakeful Eye itself. Lend your support to your favoured competitors in events that span disciplines physical and mental. Throw your own hat into the ring, and compete for a share of the riches of the Sixth Coil. Investigate the visiting delegations, and the mysteries stirring deep in the Labyrinth. And when the Games are over, the Sixth Coil will open at long, long last.

What is Estival?

The Sixth Coil is Fallen London’s summer Estival for 2024, beginning on the 1st of August. It’s a free, limited-time mass-participation event, open to players of all levels.

Our annual summer festival is different to all others in Fallen London; it changes every year, both mechanically and in theme. In previous years we’ve excavated holes all over London (unlocking new activities), raised a Museum which became a permanent location in the city, and warred with Starved men from the Roof.

We expect Estival to last around two weeks, with new activities and mysteries opening up as time passes. It’ll remain open for a few days after its conclusion for you to catch up and pick up any last rewards.

In previous years, your participation has affected the pacing of the event. This year, however, your efforts will determine not when events progress, but how: the winners of each of the Games’ four disciplines will be determined by your actions. Offer your allies chess tips from the Boatman. Test their scientific hypotheses in your lab. Defeat their nightmares, so they might fight unimpeded. And – perhaps most dangerously of all – influence the fickle attentions of the Captivating Princess. It is all to play for.

As with previous summer events, we will eventually bring the memory of this one to the Waswood, to allow you to revisit the story and obtain some (but not all) of the event’s items, should you miss it.

New Items and Equipment

Items from previous summers will be available again, alongside six new items of equipment to collect. These can be purchased with Estival Tokens, the currency of our summer events. You’ll receive 30 Estival Tokens for free this year, and more can be purchased for Fate. As always, you will be able to use any Estival Tokens left over from previous years.

In addition, owners of the Winking Gemstone Ring and the Strangling WIllow Ring – both items that were recently moved to the Adornment slot – will be able to swap them for new Gloves that offer the same bonuses, if they wish.

Finally, there’ll be several unique qualities and items of equipment that can be earned by participating in this year’s Estival storyline.

We hope you enjoy the Coilheart Games, and the opening of the Sixth Coil! As always, this is an experiment in finding new ways to surprise and delight you. We hope that among the action, events, intrigues and competition, there will be something for everybody to enjoy.


The Sixth Coil finally opening is genuinely big news! I’m hyped for that!

Also don’t think we didn’t get what you did there on this year of the recurring debacle Olympics.


London full of Tigers. My first Estival, and I’m happy already. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s the Olympics! Let’s get Southwark on the mat where he belongs!


This feels like a win based on my experiences last year (even if I didn’t miss anything because the timing was very generous it felt like it was heavily pressured).

Intrigued if / how the treasure hunt’ll be back. Also intrigued how they’ll handle people who haven’t got the current 5 coils of the Labyrinth unlocked… presumably there’ll be a “public entrance”.


I have always wondered if the Cats (Duchess pets) and the Tigers are on friendly terms.

Ah, excellent! Always wanted to sword-fight a tiger.

Oh, finally! A use for that dammed quality (which I have raised to the max, mind you).

Same rules as the ha’pennies, than. Good.

Oh, I remember some of you complaining about something to do with those… would this help you?

General thoughts: oh hurray, a tournament arc! Old fashioned, certainly, and more than a bit overdone, but, well, there’s a reason why it’s done so much. I’m going to througly enjoy this estival, I think.

Oh, finally! A use for that dammed quality (which I have raised to the max, mind you).

Have you really gotten it to 40? If you have (which I find somewhat doubtful given how recently you started playing), you should know about the one relevant use for it.


This is addressed… somewhere, I forget where and it’s a bit obscure. There’s a divide between them. They’re not enemies, but I think there was a falling-out a few cities ago.


You are right to be doubtful, but i die alot

Well, it happens that I don’t. What is it, praytell?




Well, that’s JUST GREAT.

I don’t mean to be so awfully petulant; I’m sure many people will enjoy this, and that y’all from the FBG team worked quite hard on designing the new Estival. Just that the Labyrinth of Tigers just so happens to be locked out for both of my characters due to their refusal to bring about death in the Neath. Such a pity that I work like this, locking fun out of myself.

…suppose I’ll be waiting for the next one, eh? (cough cough)

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Well, I wouldn’t assume this estival would be unavailable to you because of your not having access to the labyrinth: as has been said here before, they’ll most likely add a way for players who don’t have the coils unlocked to access this estival, and I’m sure the same would apply to those that don’t have it unlocked.


Really? Where? I’d doubt that I could influence the games from outside the Labyrinth, no? Well, I suppose my alt technically has “access” to it…by which I mean not having completed enough Names Scrawled in Blood to get to the coils themselves.


Oh! not really sure why I should’ve already known about this since i’m pretty far from the level 3 pos grind(I only became a level 2 pos very recently), but thank you for your answer nonetheless.

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Newspapers, betting agencies, speaking to the contestants outside the matches(surely they’re not going to keep solely to the labyrinth when there’s the greatness of London just outside?), those are ways I could think of.

Also, have you done evolution already? I was under the impression you had to go to the labyrinth for that.

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Yes, you do need the Labyrinth for it. Which is probably why I’m brooding inside about being able to access neither Irem nor the T2 Destinies.

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… and that.


This sounds great, and I like the idea of influencing the candidates rather than the timing, both because it seems less stressfful, and because the GCO had a cool cooperative feel in pulling for the different locations that the other Estivals haven’t (though they’ve had their own cooperative feelings), and I imagine having it make a difference to the results will create an enhanced version of the vibe, while also adding a competitiveness. Hopefully it doesn’t get too competitive and get itself canceled like Elections, though.

And given how long we’ve waited for the 6th coil, it’s a smart way to make it feel exciting from the start without having to rely on city-destroying stakes.

Plus, I’m happy we’ll get the option to change our Adornment former gloves.


Well than, that’s a bummer. I’m hoping they do give a way to access the labyrinth for this estival to people like you, tho.

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