Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

It was part of the Tomb Colonist contestants’ set of clues in the Body Tournament.

Going to get the clue, the clue itself, and reporting it to Huffam.


Thank you! Poor Whispering Duellist, i love her.


I think they wouldn’t want to make rewards scaling that much with clues because players get a LOT of FOMO about this stuff. Like, there’s people that are frustrated they couldn’t get some clues even though there was literally no reward for getting past 21 clues, and no mechanical reward past 7 clues besides a vanity quality. If there were mechanical rewards for getting more, I think it would be way worse, people would be regretting their choice of ambition and really frustrated at not getting the Arbor card or so on.


Actually, you don’t need to get into Concord Square for that clue; you just have to start a heist in the “Plan a Heist” location next to the Flit.

Which final reward did you all get? :thinking:

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The book volumes and the commermorative archway (main and alt respectively). Really, I wish I could have got both the scale and the book with my main, since I see the story and the coil as connected thoughts. But, in the end, I cared more about Huffman’s success than the Coil’s (though maybe one day).


My player character got the archway.

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Reminder to play Hearts’ game in the current season for all those who’d been fully absorbed by Estival these past few weeks.


Which final reward did you all get?

The book of course!

I got to work with Mr. Charles Huffam Dickens! And he wrote about me! Of course I got the trilogy!

Aristocratic egomania for the win!


I really liked Huffman in this – his character felt very well filled out.


The way I interpreted things, the seventh coil is the snake and the sixth coil is the containment structure for the snake–so the sixth was sealed to keep the seventh safely inside. Thus narratively it makes sense that it’s not a permanent feature


How I read it was that the Sixth Coil is the reality-bending labyrinth that contains the Seventh Coil’s cell; that cell is what was sealed permanently, as you’re described as leaving the prison, sealing the golden door with sigils, and then ascending through the Sixth Coil.

I’d probably want to seal up the Sixth Coil doors, too, though, just to be safe.

Huh, the Wiki says “At 12:59 UTC, George confirmed that the Sixth Coil would return as a permanent activity once Estival was over.” (Discord "Sixth Coil will be back some time after Estival fully concludes.)


My thought is if there’s always something permanent added to FL, the Labyrinth is the obvious choice since they spent so much time and effort on it. What else could it be?


I thought they were making hybrid tiger-snake babies inside there, and raising an army to conquer all of London.


Didn’t someone say during one of the epilogues that they weren’t sure your jury rigged solution would hold? So opening back up the labyrinth so people can periodically check on it / fix up the seals seems like a sensible narrative way to reopen it. Although without the Coilheart Renown rewards I’m not sure how well the burden rewards and memories of light hold up as sufficient EPA to get anyone to do it more than a couple of times!


Ah, okay, thanks. I started playing when he was still at FBG (Sunless Sea was my introduction), but it was quite a while before I started looking at the forums. As best as I can recall anyhow. It was a disturbingly long time ago.
Have you played his new games? Amazing.

Edit: wait a minute, I DO REMEMBER! It’s just been a looong time.
Which was almost as important for me to point out as that tiger urine smells like buttered popcorn.

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The Coilheart Games draw to a close! Those who have not yet begun the event, but still wish to, have until this Thursday, August 22nd. The event will fully close on Monday, September 2nd, so make sure to conclude by then. Estival Tokens can be retained to spend in future Summer Events, but any unspent Coilheart Renown will be cleared when we close the event.


Excellent name, if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately I still haven’t been able to finish this estival…or, actually, I have been able, but for reasons I will not disclose here I haven’t been playing or engaging with the game and the forums lately. It sounds fantastic, though, and I’m glad you’ll enjoyed it.