Enthusiastic Urchin: A Box of Possibilities

I think Sunless Sky would be the best project for the following reasons ^_^

  1. Just as Sunless Sea naturally grew out of Fallen London’s Wolfstack Docks and the Broad Underzee, so Sunless Sky naturally follows Sunless Sea and Fallen London. Fallen London and Sunless Sea are both brimming with little glimpses of, meetings with, and references to the powers of the High Wilderness. While the chain imprisons and oppresses all, it also seamlessly links everything together through its myriad effects. I came to Fallen London through Sunless Sea and I can say that I was startled and then thrilled to realize there was more to the FL world than an underground city and zee. There were worlds elsewhere, places behind mirrors, seas more sunless, and the kingdom of the stars, so close yet so far. All very cool, it made everything feel so much bigger and deeper, and I think Sunless Sky would continue that.

  2. Fallen London and Sunless Sea have endings, or things very much like endings, which directly involve the High Wilderness: Yearning Burning, the Merchant Venturer, an Eastward Journey, A Chilly Future. So Sunless Sky would be the spiritual continuation of these storylines.

  3. Sunless Sea and Zubmariner have given Failbetter lots of experience with this sort of exploration and adventure game. They know what features of Sunless Sea work wonderfully and which are necessary evils which might be improved upon or switched out for something new. They also have a large number of Sunless Sea players they can poll if necessary.

  4. This game would literally be reaching for the stars. Who doesn’t want that? ^_^
    edited by Anne Auclair on 6/12/2016