Enthusiastic Urchin: A Box of Possibilities

If the tabletop game ends up being made, one option for those of us with nobody nearby to play with is to use the game Tabletop Simulator. It has a whole load of premade card and board games but also allows players to make custom games, including things all the way up to DnD.

Was initially hard to decide, but after I thought about it, the very clear winner was Sunless Sky.

A lorebook sounds fascinating, but I fear would be largely limited to stuff we already know, with a few extra fun tidbits. And even if this weren’t the case, I would still be more excited about Sunless Sky.

In terms of tabletop RPG stuff I’ve loved in the long-term, that’s mostly limited to Eberron, which was a significant reinterpretation of vanilla D&D. (Perhaps the equivalent would be a Sixth City setting?! Or some other re-imagining… but this seems a very odd idea to suggest.

So, yes. Sunless Sky sounds extraordinary, and I was surprised to see something as expansive and exciting as that on offer.

For the record I don’t mind if we’re playing another ship (and not a star) in Sunless Sky, so long as it’s a /very cool/ ship. Nothing ordinary or static, pls!

My guess is it would be something like the Merchant Venturer’s vessel, if not that itself.

Yeah, this is why on all my alts I’ve indicated that I won’t answer any such research questions, so as not to skew the results (and also, so my alts don’t get any free Fate/coffee rewards).

I went with Sunless Sky (This tickles me, as the game was said to take place among warring stars). I greatly enjoy games set in space so the idea immediately placed the hook. Then the involvement of the Judgements, FL narrative lore and the fact that I enjoy Sunless Sea as much as I do sealed the deal. I found all the options interesting though.
edited by Israfel on 6/7/2016

I voted Sunless Sky because I really really want to know more about the Judgements. Then I kind of regretted it because I think the product I would be most interested in is the tabletop game, so I voted for that with my alt.

All these possibilities look great! It’s stars > rats > lorebook > cards for me, with a very tight squeeze between the stars and the rats. here’s hoping the plot of &quotrats trying to expand out of the city&quot expands into space and we can see more of the rattus faber despite the immense location shift!

Interesting to note, that last time it took a mere month for FB to tally up the feedback and commit to their new project. Although, I wonder whether it was a truly open choice or whether it was more the case that they had already decided on Sunless Sea and then used the poll more as a sanity-check/method of validation…

I put rats because that game sounds AMAZING, but what I really wanted to vote for was that idea Alexis bandied about a while ago, of controlling/directing a rookery of thieves in Fallen London and sending them out on heists and things. I’ve been salivating over the prospect ever since it was mentioned, and it’s sad that it’s apparently fallen by the wayside, as it was a brilliant idea.

It actually sounds very similar to the rats idea mentioned- maybe it just became that, because the ideas sounded better there?

It actually sounds very similar to the rats idea mentioned- maybe it just became that, because the ideas sounded better there?[/quote]

That sounds absolutely amazing. Do you have a link to Alexis’ post about that?

Well, from the AMA on Reddit two months or so ago:

&quotMaybe this is too soon to ask, but does Failbetter have plans to continue making games in the Fallen London/Sunless Sea universe beyond Zubmariner or is the creative team geared to change direction?&quot

&quot[Paul, Art Director] It’s safe to say you’ll be able to visit the Fallen London universe in future games. Put it this way: I’ve been drawing a lot of rats lately.&quot

(spacemarine9: &quotgood&quot)
edited by Optimatum on 6/7/2016

It actually sounds very similar to the rats idea mentioned- maybe it just became that, because the ideas sounded better there?[/quote]

That sounds absolutely amazing. Do you have a link to Alexis’ post about that?[/quote]
I meant the one in the survey. It sounds like a resource management RPG. rats are notorious theives- they probably have to be- it’s like a theif management game but with randomized base raids mixed in, i’d think! I might have misinterpreted the discription- probably did, in fact.

I really enjoy Sunless Sea, so I went with Sunless Sky. I just love the thought of exploring the High Wilderness. Plus, the Underzee and the High Wilderness are already thematically linked thanks to the Merchant Venturer.

Indeed. Imagine meeting him again, somewhere out there!

&quotLong time no see! How do you do, pal?&quot
&quotOh, you know how it goes. Same sh–, different planet…&quot

The text in one of the endings of Sunless Sea [dare I say the true ending?] may shed some more light on the project:

Green and gold and glory. This is the last horizon (…) But there is always another horizon. There is always a Sunless Sky.

I voted for the rats, because I feel I would play it myself.

The stars excited me because of the lore possibilities.

Having skimmed through the last 3 pages of this thread, I’m beginning to think I should have voted for the tabletop game.

How do you &quotget&quot this option? I’d love to give my answer, if it’s possible.

EDIT: scratch that, jus drew the card. I’m gonna go with the tabletop, i WANT IT.
edited by real_waffle on 6/8/2016

I voted for the Sunless Sky game option (“My current state is 42” heh heh, nice reference).

However, the rat game also sounded mighty interesting, and about that lorebook… will it feature pictures of the masters of the bazaar without their cloaks, or will that be the one million pounds strech goal?

I really wanted to vote for all four as all the ideas seem like a lot of fun and I’ll definitely kickstart whichever one will be chosen.

I voted for the RPG book as I’ve been thinking about running a Fallen London RPG for a very long time now. As it happens, my 11+ year D&D campaign is slowly nearing its end so the timing is quite nice. (Though I doubt my players would pick Fallen London as the first option from the ten or so ideas I have for the next campaign.)

I do agree with other people in this thread that the RPG might be the least commercially successful (sadly).

If you do go for an RPG book I would suggest not investing much time in creating an actual RPG system to go with it but to make it a pure lore book. There are more than enough RPG systems out there and whatever you create will make some people happy and others less so. It should not be that hard to do conversions as most of Fallen London is pretty straightforward (by RPG terms).

Related to that; I would also like to suggest that everyone who kickstarts/buys a paper copy of the book also receives a pdf version (because that is text searchable and can be patched/updated if any errors, etc. turn up). Add to that a dedicated forum/website where people can post conversions (I’ll gladly do some) and other ideas and you’ve got a pretty perfect system as far as I am concerned.