Election 1897: Mrs Plenty

&quotWhat we need is someone sensible in charge. Firm character. Won’t hold with any funny business.&quot She smiles broadly. &quotWhat it needs is me.&quot

For discussion of all things specific to Mrs. Plenty.

So far, I have no idea what Mrs P is up to, aside from that her staff expect her business to benefit from her political ambitions. Which is not entirely encouraging.

True. I wonder, with Seeking being so important in the lore, what are the possibilities that it plays absolutely no role in her campaign?

Let’s speculate, shall we?

1. The whole thing is an advertising stunt to draw more attention to the carnival. Could explain the carnies’ expectations, which don’t seem to be dependent on Mrs. Plenty’s success (or they think it’s a foregone conclusion).
2. Mrs. Plenty & Co. simply expect her mayoralty to draw in lots of attention and revenue.
3. The expansion of the carnival is part of the campaign, not its results.
4. The carnies expect to benefit from good old fashioned graft and abuse of mayoral privileges.
5. Mrs. Plenty is in cahoots with any number of London’s factions, up to and including the Masters. She’s always had connections to the back side of the podium, as it were, and with the deeper mysteries of London. I’m not just referring to Seeking, either; remember the Hall of Mirrors.

#1 and #4 are reasons to oppose her campaign. #2 and #3 are entirely benign. #5 is by far the most interesting possibility, and can sway us for or against depending on the players involved.

Of course, I also must point out that this is all based on backstage carny speculation. There’s no guarantee the information is accurate.

I’d be happier if I knew what is on Mrs. Plenty’s card, but so far that’s not happened.

Quite good, I think. Unlike a certain Parliamentarian, Mrs. Plenty is not a one-dimensional character. There are many aspects to her and her story, and Seeking is the least relevant of them to the Mayor’s office. That said, I wouldn’t put it past Failbetter to include it–or Virginia to dredge it up in week two in an attempt to discredit her.
edited by Siankan on 7/17/2019

I wonder, if Mrs Plenty wins, will this actually upgrade the Carnival location in some way?

On another note, her stated changes in the &quotbut what are you plans for London?&quot question on her card include

  1. Getting ‘honest constables’ appointed by her to walk the streets

  2. A public holiday for Mutton Island

  3. Bribing ‘every ambassador I could think of’ to just leave London alone for a bit.

Now, this could be anything from totally innocuous to straight up goshdarn sinister. I mean, I really don’t get good vibes from her attempting to isolate london entirely from outside view (more than it already is anyway), and if I may let my Sunless Seas knowledge bleed over to FL, I don’t exactly assosciate ‘public holiday’ and ‘mutton island’ very well either. And the whole adding her own cops to the fray hardly disarms the suspiciousness either…
edited by Calliope Rannis on 7/17/2019
edited by Calliope Rannis on 7/17/2019

Mrs. Plenty has connections to Mutton Island. (What kind? You can find out yourself next visit.) But indeed, a great deal rests on what one means by &quotpublic holiday.&quot (Mutton Island already has the Fruits of the Zee Festival, as we know.)

Anyone had test, if there is anything new on Mutton island?

HAL and his wife? I had no idea about that, I think. This is why I love the elections.

The details of this are from his Confession, from the Hallowmas before last.

Spoilers, of course: Fallen London

Related: I am so deeply thankful that the redesign gave journals a little calendar that lets you search by date.

[quote=PSGarak]Related: I am so deeply thankful that the redesign gave journals a little calendar that lets you search by date.[/quote]I agree wholeheartedly. This is easily one of the best things that has come out of the redesign. It makes referencing information, especially from past festivals and Exceptional Stories, a breeze.

(On the HAL point, it’s also referenced on Plenty’s opportunity card if you choose to discommode her in what is somehow only the second-rudest thing a PC does to a candidate this election.)

Poor HAL… but the fact that he did the decent thing rather elevates him in my eyes.
Not the cheating. The other thing.

Is it really the decent thing to cause someone to betray their betrayer first? That seems to be the implication there, at least.

These quotes go rather well together :P

I did vote for the Contrarian, and, in my opinion, his conduct in office has borne out my favorable judgment of him.

As for Mrs. Plenty, whatever else she is or might do, she has not hidden her agenda, so far as we know. That makes her proposed selection of Constables less worrisome than it otherwise might be.

I dunno, that public holiday on Mutton Island may not be nearly as innocuous as it seems…
edited by Calliope Rannis on 7/19/2019

I dunno, that public holiday on Mutton Island may not be nearly as innocuous as it seems…
edited by Calliope Rannis on 7/19/2019[/quote]

Agreed that the Mutton Island Festival has sinister overtones. But Mrs. Plenty left there, quite deliberately, so I wouldn’t blame her for the activities on the island at this point And just about everything in Fallen London has sinister overtones, anyway.

I mean yeah I normally wouldn’t blame her for what the island does, unless she gives them something (like, say, a public holiday) that could enable their activities further. And her being from there makes it pretty hard for me to believe an ignorance defense on her part.

[quote=Calliope ]I mean yeah I normally wouldn’t blame her for what the island does, unless she gives them something (like, say, a public holiday) that could enable their activities further. And her being from there makes it pretty hard for me to believe an ignorance defense on her part.[/quote]Oh, I think, she’s just playing us. But we will see that next week. She presented herself as the most innocuous of the candidates so far, so I expect her to be extremely sly about her true goals. Whatever they may be.

I dunno, that public holiday on Mutton Island may not be nearly as innocuous as it seems…[/quote]
The items in the curio shop will be hideously overpriced.