Election 1897 Candidates

[quote=Greg M]They can’t run as the same candidate, but they could certainly form a party together, with one as a candidate and the other as chief advisor. Or they could create a new position of &quotVice-Mayor.&quot

That said, I have questions! For a lot of us, one or both of them are DEAD, which would introduce all sorts of temporal paradox multi-verse conundrums. But since I love those things, I’m totally on board. ;)

What, you have been playing Fallen London for as long as you have and you still retain those silly prejudices against the dead? Arguably we are all dead here, just in different degrees. :)
edited by cathyr19355 on 10/9/2018

:) Much as I dream of the Cheery Man popping up once more, he did take Castiganter venom, so… :-(

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Greg M]They can’t run as the same candidate, but they could certainly form a party together, with one as a candidate and the other as chief advisor. Or they could create a new position of &quotVice-Mayor.&quot

That said, I have questions! For a lot of us, one or both of them are DEAD, which would introduce all sorts of temporal paradox multi-verse conundrums. But since I love those things, I’m totally on board. ;)

What, you have been playing Fallen London for as long as you have and you still retain those silly prejudices against the dead? Arguably we are all dead here, just in different degrees. :)
edited by cathyr19355 on 10/9/2018[/quote]