Election 1897: 15th July!

[color=#0066ff]We’re returning to the polls from the 15th of July this year. Candidates will be announced on twitter in the run-up. May the best choice prevail, for London![/color]
edited by h4nchan on 6/28/2019

Thanks for the heads-up! There’s a slight mistake in the thread’s title though… surely, it should be 1897 ;)

[color=#0066ff]Ha! I checked it twice and everything. :D[/color]

It’s a bit of a stretch but … July 4 Mrs Plenty’s candidacy is announced … she puts on fireworks shows at her Carnival … July 4 is all about fireworks in the US … even if this is a coincidence, it’s a fun one.

…heh. That is a fun connection.

Hurrah! I am pleased that Mrs. Plenty will be a candidate. She will be most excellent.

Today, a second candidate has announced; Virginia! As a devil and archaeologist both, she makes an excellent contrast with Miriam Plenty.

The third candidate is to be announced on Monday. I wonder if we will have three female candidates this year?

Oh wow. Virginia! That’s bound to be interesting…

Both characters have tons of secrets in their past, so investigating them will be fun.

I hope that there will be text snippets reflecting past encounters with Mrs Plenty (SMEN…) and Virginia (Correspondence Stones, Heart’s Desire)!

Btw, both portraits are gorgeous! :)
edited by phryne on 7/5/2019

Or just having discussed with her a certain portrait in the Archipelago…

Yesterday I saw Mrs Plenty and I tought: “We already have a winner”. Now I’m seeing Virginia while thinking “Ouch! Such an hard choice!”

&quotA Moment’s Peace&quot and &quotGood for the Soul&quot

Both slogans are blatant lies :P

Between the Devil and a former seeker… well… at least Ms Plenty isn’t seeking anymore, correct?

She could not be. She has too much wealth to be currently Seeking.
edited by cathyr19355 on 7/6/2019

She could not be. She has too much wealth to be currently Seeking.
edited by cathyr19355 on 7/6/2019[/quote]

I think she says in one storylet that she never officially quit Seeking, which is why she is a guide to other Seekers, but I don’t know anymore which one it was.

Anyway Virginia already got the location of the Nadir from me by accident, she’s not getting my vote on top of that.

Hoping for HAL, but would be interested to see who it is regardless.

Caroline is unlikley to back Virginia, but actually sees her as less of a threat than Slowcake given Slowcake is a direct tool and Virginia is treacherous enough the other Devils are unlikley to trust her. Mrs. Plenty is is pretty neutral on.
edited by Lady Karnstein on 7/6/2019

She could not be. She has too much wealth to be currently Seeking.
edited by cathyr19355 on 7/6/2019[/quote]

I think she says in one storylet that she never officially quit Seeking, which is why she is a guide to other Seekers, but I don’t know anymore which one it was.

Anyway Virginia already got the location of the Nadir from me by accident, she’s not getting my vote on top of that.[/quote]

That’s not my reading but, even if you’re right, Mrs. P is going at it so slowly now as not to make significant progress. And If she does, I bet she’d turn back with the Seven-Fold Knock.

Madame Soshana is the new candidate then! Lore-wise, this could open up all kinds of options.
I admit I am kind of glad I don’t have to think of real-world politics this time. Of these candidates, only Virginia is remotely popular in the way Jenny or Feducci was, which makes for a more interesting race. And given that Soshana works with Ms Plenty there are probably more shenanigans ahead. Onwards to the polls.

Madame Shoshana vs Mrs Plenty, ha! Let’s see how that affects the atmosphere at the Carnival :P

I like her Election portrait a lot more than the old in-game pic! :)

I think she’s the dark horse in this election. We have some knowledge about the other two candidates’ pasts and affiliations. Shoshana has remained a mystery so far. I’m quite curious what her ‘vision for London’ will look like exactly!
edited by phryne on 7/8/2019

Probably something like this:

&quotDo not paint your bedroom mustard. Or your parlour. You may paint your scullery mustard, though, should you please.&quot

This is the most criminal lineup yet :P

Interesting choices. I’m not particularly excited by or opposed to any of these options. Leaning towards Virginia for now (in keeping with my support for last year’s infernal candidate), though that may change once the campaigns get properly underway. In principle I like Shoshana fine, but I’m not sure she’d be a good fit for mayor. Same with Miriam, she’s great and all but with her no-nonsense manner the prospect of her in government seems a bit tiresome. Virginia seems the most compelling prospect overall.

Incidentally, I must say the all-female lineup is rather a surprise.