Election 1896 has begun!

[quote=Greg M]Another person who had no problem with the portraits (and yeah, the FL folk work their butts off.)
From a story standpoint, I’m delighted by the Captivating Princess and Slowcake being on the ballot (do we have confirmation that Slowcake actually exists? Because if he doesn’t, that’d be even more awesome.)

That said, for those who are dissatisfied with all three candidates, GregM will cheerfully accept write-in votes for Mayor. There is no in-game mechanism to do this, and I would not expect the Masters to permit any write-ins in-story, but it’ll be a moral victory… you can walk into the voting booth thinking, &quotdarn, if I had the ability, I’d write in ‘GregM.’ He is not a vampire-like creature, not Satan, and doesn’t change his mind for random purposes.

GregM '96: Not literally Satan or a soul-eater.[/quote]

You have my vote, just for that slogan. Finally, a candidate you can fully trust!

Does…does this mean the Jovial Contrarian has vowed to become a tyrant we can trust?

Will there be ponies?

[quote=wrondo]Although I would otherwise never vote for a candidate who advocates for law and order, his epiphany seems sincere, and I would posit that his willingness to run against his own prior platform shows a certain flexibility of mind, that I appreciate.
edited by wrondo on 6/18/2018[/quote]

Ha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha.

Candidates aside, I am giving fixer one last try. Here’s hoping it’s finally on par with the other two.

I will say though, I am not a fan of advancement being opportunity card based. It makes prep and advancement very random. I mean, do I just hope for one card and be out of luck if I don’t get it?
edited by ZackOak on 6/18/2018
edited by ZackOak on 6/18/2018

If nothing spectacular turns up on week 2, I am definitely voting for Greg… the slogan is magic.

I fully intend to vote for the Princess, because it’s what I’d do in character (she did get me back into the Empress’ court and I repay my debts), but for what it’s worth, I’d vote for the Contrarian IRL.

Cellar of Wine – 5 reputation
Silent Soul – 5 reputation
Vital Intelligence – 5 reputation
Short Story – 2 reputation (Thrilling, Exceptional, or Compelling)
Making Waves (2 levels) – 1 reputation

Blackmail Material – 5 reputation
Criminal favour – 1 reputation
Docks favour – 1 reputation
Rubbery men favour – 1 reputation
Urchin favour – 1 reputation

Magnificent Diamond – 5 reputation
Bohemian favour – 1 reputation
Church favour – 1 reputation
Constables favour – 1 reputation
Great Game favour – 1 reputation
Society favour – 1 reputation

Favour in High Places – 5 reputation
Great Game favour – 1 reputation
Hell favour – 1 reputation
Revolutionary favour – 1 reputation
Tomb-Colonies favour – 1 reputation
Urchin favour – 1 reputation

Note - all favours says they grant 1 reputation, but I have gotten 2 each time I have tried.
edited by Akernis on 6/19/2018

In my opinion, there are both good and bad things to say about the artwork, although I am not an expert on art by any means. I feel as though I would like to give my views on it, as I have time on my hands. Not to irritate those who have moved on to the lore and reasoning for their votes. I notice a person who said that these new portraits, especially the Captivating Princess seem to be jagged, and little effort has been put into the hair, but the thing is that this is a small studio, after the layoffs, I think there are about 9 people in FB, not counting commissions like a writer who has started working on the more horrific elements of SS, and there are only 3 working on art specifically. (Correct me if I’m wrong) They made it to look good on a smaller scale, if they had made it with exquisite detail at that size, it would take a lot more time, and then some of that effort would be wasted because most of the time it would be to small to notice all that work. So they made it look great at a small scale, and good but kind of odd on a large scale to save time and effort on other projects. As for the appearances of the Contrarian and the Princess, I can see why some would be upset about how he looks different then before, although I don’t think he looks any less or more handsome then before, although I find it strange that people like a placeholder more then the actual proper portrait.
Some have become that the Princess looks younger now, but I think that she looks about the same age, the modern portrait has her with big, shining eyes, that are blue instead of brown, but there is some explanation for both the eyes and the age, but it’s also spoileriffic. Although I thought her old picture was also very young looking, around 25 at most, and I very much understand why the art department was not happy about it as Chris Gardiner said, her tiara was so simple, it was more like a modern headband, and her hair almost looked like a headwrap rather than hair. So I consider it a welcome improvement.

Wow, this as turned into an whole b----y oration hasn’t it.

I have no idea what the problem with the art is, frankly I love it.

Hah! Now I feel like I should be ashamed for not noticing the similarities. She is notoriously beautiful and alluring, perpetually young, would die from sunlight, and drinks red liquid. Yep, the Captivating Princess is definitely a vampire.
Sheesh, as if I needed another reason to like her XD.

[quote=Zack Oak]Candidates aside, I am giving fixer one last try. Here’s hoping it’s finally on par with the other two.

I will say though, I am not a fan of advancement being opportunity card based. It makes prep and advancement very random. I mean, do I just hope for one card and be out of luck if I don’t get it?[/quote]I do miss the social action aspect of advancing one’s electoral career, especially since last Hallowmas also considerably toned down the social actions. I was looking forward to having fun as an Agitator! Trading in Favours and Blackmail Material isn’t nearly as much fun as setting crowds armed with rotten fruit and insults on other players, or soliciting for donations, or helping fix Menaces. Hopefully we’ll be able to make use of career-based social actions next week after choosing a candidate to support.

Also, it looks like all of the faction-based opportunity cards are now appearing at Frequent frequency, instead of the usual Standard. I assume this is to allow players to get extra Favours to trade in for Reputation. For those looking to build up Renown with one or more factions, this is a great time to do so.

[quote=Siankan][quote=Kaijyuu]So our choices are a sockpuppet of hell, a literal monster, and the Contrarian.

Well, guess I’ll be Contrary this time.[/quote]
Basically. I never thought I’d be backing the Jovial Contrarian, but here we are.[/quote]

If I’ve learned anything from the Contrarian’s secrets from last season, it’s that someone probably really, really wanted him to win this year and saw a golden opportunity.

Anyway, I’ll be voting for the literal monster out of sheer fascination at how she could possibly make London any worse.




How get a free gift? I need some election items, but haven’t fate.

The free gift is next week.

Campaigners can convert Great Game favours to reputation as well.

Cellar of Wine – 5 reputation
Silent Soul – 5 reputation
Vital Intelligence – 5 reputation
Short Story – 2 reputation (Thrilling, Exceptional, or Compelling)
Making Waves (2 levels) – 1 reputation

Blackmail Material – 5 reputation
Criminal favour – 1 reputation
Docks favour – 1 reputation
Rubbery men favour – 1 reputation
Urchin favour – 1 reputation

Magnificent Diamond – 5 reputation
Bohemian favour – 1 reputation
Church favour – 1 reputation
Constables favour – 1 reputation
Society favour – 1 reputation

Favour in High Places – 5 reputation
Great Game favour – 1 reputation
Hell favour – 1 reputation
Revolutionary favour – 1 reputation
Tomb-Colonies favour – 1 reputation
Urchin favour – 1 reputation

Note - all favours says they grant 1 reputation, but I have gotten 2 each time I have tried.
edited by Akernis on 6/19/2018[/quote]

Thanks, Akernis! Much obliged for the detailed explanations.

Your old patron would vote for you. Just sayin’.

No, Slowcake does not actually exist.

Just to inject something gooey and bubbly into the debate, I was wondering if we’d consider the adverse effects of being ensouled? What effect the actual removal of the soul has on the subject in question seems entirely variable, and even Devils’ descriptions of the matter seem to lean more toward what they feel their conversational partner wants to hear than what they actually believe. And indeed, the effects as observed in subjects seem to be primarily psychosomatic, depending mostly on what the subject in question feels they ought to experience given the circumstances, with the narrator providing you a variety of choices as to how you deal with your own soul’s absence, without any concrete description of any particular way you might be feeling or acting as a result.

After all,

One’s soul isn’t really one’s soul. It’s an alien spore, feeding off of your importance and transfiguring into a law-speaking, eye-burning beast of light and glory. It’s manufactured in a ‘forge’ and inserted into you. If you die with it, you’re condemned to what seems like a tedious and mind-numbing eternity at best, and an un-living nightmare at worst.

The act of &quottaking souls&quot isn’t in itself negative, nor does it, as I’ve heard it said, necessarily produce a &quotnegative effect.&quot It’s a complex grey area, with people falling on different sides depending on their philosophical and spiritual views, not a simple matter of divinity against devilishness. After all, the whole Devil bit is more of an ironic joke than an earnest representation of their nature.

The Jovial Contrarian is capable of killing a man through the power of being incredibly irritating. I believe he is to be feared and respected.
I also laughed out loud at his return and his new platform. I saw it coming and it was still hilarious.

I can’t participate this year or ever again because I went a bit too far North, but I really want those bees. You can equip bees as a weapon! That’s amazing!