Election 1896 has begun!

At least in the system I’m familiar with, if no-one gets enough first preference votes to win, the candidate with the least votes is eliminated, and all the votes for them are redistributed to their next preference. And so on, until someone has more than half the votes

The problem is, if everyone gave a given candidate their second preference, that candidate would have the least first preference votes and would be eliminated, ahead even of (for instance) a candidate who got a single first preference vote and was dead on everyone else’s list.

So that’s why the most recent poll was asked? As it stands now I am Slowcake first and the Princess 2nd. The pollster’s incredulous response was amusing.

I doubt it will have any practical effect but it’s interesting to know! Also, the pollster appears to have a crush on the Contrarian?

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.

…aaaaand I just understood that Captivating has a double meaning in her case. Go me!

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.

…aaaaand I just understood that Captivating has a double meaning in her case. Go me![/quote]
Wasn’t it stated in another thread that most Londoners are hedonists?

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.

…aaaaand I just understood that Captivating has a double meaning in her case. Go me![/quote]

indeed, the Princess would make the best company in almost any scenario, especially if you’re Captivating as well!

…ohhhhhhhhhhh. The Gaoler’s… yeah.

There’s a thought. I wonder who’d be mayor now if Fallen London had preferential voting?[/quote]It’s difficult to say, I think. Jenny still would’ve won because she had an outright majority, foregoing the need to engage in vote transfers. On the other hand, all Feducci had to do to win under a single transferable vote system, at least, is secure the support of approximately a fourth of the Dauntless supporters. Judging by the intense polarization on the forums, I’d suspect that the Implacable Detective may have been able to secure a coalition victory, in essence, but the odds are still fairly steep.

Of course, it’s no use to speculate because it’s not in the Masters’ interest to produce mayors governing with the mandate from the masses. Ideally, the election should be as close as possible to ensure mayors govern with only plurality rule, dividing the city and reducing their capability to create real change, which is better suited for our current first past the post system.

On whether Londoners are hedonists: the players are definitely assumed to not be the saintliest types (the game would be unplayable given the many storylets that have you breaking the law) but we assume there are non-player Londoners in the city as well…
Plus there is hedonism, and there is hedonism. Honey is hedonism. Red honey, which the Princes uses, is monstrous. You are not merely losing yourself in it: you are destroying lives for your pleasure. So it is not a question of pursuing your own happiness anymore. Would most Londoners be monstrous enough to condone that?

&quotCome the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, the Fruits of the Zee, Hallowmas, or even the bl__dy election, he’s never going to take his Christmas jumper off.&quot

It’s true! He’s still wearing it!

You say that as if it’s out of the ordinary.

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.[/quote]

I suppose that’s why her and the Contrarian are neck and neck. Now there’s an island vacation I wouldn’t mind. ;)

You say that as if it’s out of the ordinary.

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.[/quote]

I suppose that’s why her and the Contrarian are neck and neck. Now there’s an island vacation I wouldn’t mind. ;)[/quote]
I for one picked the Contrarian because if I get tired of the conversation I could always come up with a pretense to take a leisurely walk to the other side of the island, while his wheeled chair would most likely be stuck where it is.

[quote=Sir Frederick]At least in the system I’m familiar with, …

The problem is, …[/quote]

Any ranked voting system will have a problem like that (or worse).

(IOW, if you want to get rid of those problems, you need, for example, to have everyone to assign points to each candidate, not just rank)

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

The sex, Lady Auclair. It is always the sex.

…aaaaand I just understood that Captivating has a double meaning in her case. Go me![/quote]

She is said to be very beautiful. I say &quotbeauty is as beauty does,&quot but then my character and I are female.

Are we avoiding echoing Fate content intentionally or have I just missed it in the candidate threads? I have all three if needed

I think the standard way of handling this is for someone to ask for it and then someone sends them the link in a private message?

I’m not exactly an expert in politics, But I am an ace detective (In-Universe), and I have read up on all these candidates (without spoiling to much for myself, somehow). And they are all terrible people.

Jovial Contrarian - Has some… Interesting ties to the revolutionaries. May be one of Months, Is currently running against his last ideals. Currently claims to stand for law and order.

Slowcakes - Is in charge of measuring a persons respectability. Somehow. Is never seen in public. Some claim he isn’t even a real person. May be a conspiracy by Devils. Currently claims that respectability should determine your place on the political ladder. (which it does already, even if indirectly)

The Captivating Princess - Is the only child the of the Traitor Empress to be seen in public. She may be some kind of monster anyway. Has a… Stange effect with bees. Currently claims to stand for… herself. Mostly.

Seriously, the only reason to participate in the election this year is if you get something out of it. Which is kinda the point of this thing when you think about it.

PS Vote for Slowcakes.

[quote=MrEvil135]And they are all terrible people.

Jovial Contrarian - Has some… Interesting ties to the revolutionaries. May be one of Months, Is currently running against his last ideals. Currently claims to stand for law and order.[/quote]
Worth noting that he’s not actually a supporter of the Liberation, per se. If you just like the Masters, then that won’t matter to you, but if you simply don’t want to plunge the world into darkness and chaos, then that should remove most of the sting from him being a revolutionary.

[quote=MrEvil135]Jovial Contrarian - Has some… Interesting ties to the revolutionaries. May be one of Months, Is currently running against his last ideals. Currently claims to stand for law and order.[/quote]The Jovial Contrarian isn’t running against his ideals; he’s advancing the revolution by advocating a restoration of rule of law and separating the constabulary from the Ministry of Public Decency. In doing so, he not only gathers intelligence for revolutionaries to use, particularly regarding secret departments within the constabulary, but he weakens the ability for the Masters to enforce their rule on the city, especially with regards to supposedly indecent or seditious texts. This is precisely the platform he ran on in 1894: a London of free thought. He’s simply being more subtle about it this time around.

[quote=MrEvil135]Slowcakes - Is in charge of measuring a persons respectability. Somehow. Is never seen in public. Some claim he isn’t even a real person. May be a conspiracy by Devils. Currently claims that respectability should determine your place on the political ladder. (which it does already, even if indirectly)[/quote]Not merely respectability. Mr. Slowcake also cares about how dreaded and bizarre you are. Besides, Mr. Slowcake might be cold, but a society organized by these standards of exceptionalness rather than class is more meritocratic and socially mobile than traditional British society. Even foreigners, newcomers, the poor, and the downtrodden can rise to renown through Slowcake’s Exceptionals.

And, after all, supporting Mr. Slowcake means supporting the much-appreciated research by Hell into the effects of politics on the soul, which is a genuinely admirable cause.

[quote=MrEvil135]The Captivating Princess - Is the only child the of the Traitor Empress to be seen in public. She may be some kind of monster anyway. Has a… Stange effect with bees. Currently claims to stand for… herself. Mostly.[/quote]She offers an artistic renaissance for London. Sure, it might be because she doesn’t like the way London looks, but she has an eye for talent and controversy, and she’s immune enough from the law and the people to break societal boundaries and rid London of the anodyne menace.

I mean to say: the choices aren’t as bad as they seem on the surface. They are questionable individuals in service of arguably good causes, but it isn’t a dualistic moral question. You will see characters all over the spectrum from good to evil and from chaotic to lawful supporting each of the candidates because they transcend these classifications to instead ask what vision of London.

Failbetter chose well when naming each candidate. The Captivating Princess - Pride of London. A more beautiful London, reminding people of better days when the ships of Britain ruled the seas and the city was something other than industrial squalor. Mr. Slowcake - Editor of London. A London divided not by class or birth but by notability, a power in the hands of the editors of Slowcake’s Exceptionals. And finally, the Jovial Contrarian - Restorer of London. His vision is the beginning of a London where the Masters and the Bazaar hold no power, like a prelapsarian London, where the rights of the citizenry are protected and liberties hold the powers that be at bay.

I mean to say: the choices aren’t as bad as they seem on the surface. They are questionable individuals in service of arguably good causes, but it isn’t a dualistic moral question. You will see characters all over the spectrum from good to evil and from chaotic to lawful supporting each of the candidates because they transcend these classifications to instead ask what vision of London.


I don’t disagree. In fact I completely agree with your statement. My main point is more like given the option to invite one of these… individuals to a party, or complete stranger. I would go with the complete strangers. I don’t exactly trust any of them to have my best interests in mind. Or anyone’s besides themselves really. But I’m just a guy who was kicked out of both the palace and University. What do I know? My answer. Not much actually, I try my hardest not to spoil these things for myself, and researching these… individuals took me into some very spoiler y territory.