Election 1896 has begun!

[quote=Reused NPC]
So what WAS the question Huffam wanted to ask? Surely the Jovial Contrarian can draw a good bath if he decided to start his campaign after dozing overnight in one, but certainly Huffam must have been going for something a little more… substantial, I suppose?[/quote]
My first guess was &quotabsolution,&quot but &quotlibation&quot could also be a possibility.


But the Contrarian - much like the Princess - did, thanks to the previous election he appeared in. And his facial features have changed a lot - notably his slim nose and hairline.[/quote]
Here’s the original:

The top three are the Contrarian, but I thought the last one was the Melancholy Curate, not the Contrarian.

One thing I definitely miss is being able to use Talk of the Town and my Newspaper to get election resources. Those things and social actions made the election feel a lot more encompassing.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]
The top three are the Contrarian, but I thought the last one was the Melancholy Curate, not the Contrarian.[/quote]

It’s both, in fact - both that and the leftmost of the newer portaits are generic ones used for a number of different characters.

Can anyone who’s done the Fate options on the candidate cards let me know approximately how much MW they provide? If it’s more than 80-ish I’ll want to grind by hand and call on Slowcake first, not to overshoot.

EDIT: Well, if anyone’s wondering, I got a measly 33CP. No idea if it’s random or fixed, of course. Also a single Intelligence and some nice character info (although not particularly relevant to politics), so I don’t regret it but it’s not worth it if you’ve already read the echo somewhere (except for the RP aspect).
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 6/27/2018

Indeed I was very disappointed to see that I cannot use the newspaper for the election.

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?!

[quote=Anne Auclair]
Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]
Inspired self-destruction is a Fallen London staple. And the Captivating Princess has a better hairstyle than Mr Eaten.[li]

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]Honestly, it’d probably make for the most interesting story.

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]Honestly, it’d probably make for the most interesting story.[/quote]

Ah, but of what genre? Romance? Horror? Fantasy?

Why in god’s name would anyone want to be trapped on a deserted island with the PRINCESS?![/quote]

Best chance Drake will ever get for his assassination plan.

Probably for the same appeal of the Liberation of Night Appetite destiny. It’s not for everyone…

&quotYou have nothing to fear but each other&quot indeed.

Mostly horror, with a very slight touch of romance.

God, I forgot how horrific that destiny is. The eating people alive is dropped in there so casually.

I guess I’m a shy Princess supporter as I generally answer Slowcake whenever the poll question would bring me into too close a physical proximity with Her Royal Highness.

It’s OK. &quotThey were basically dead&quot

There’s a thought. I wonder who’d be mayor now if Fallen London had preferential voting?

There’s a thought. I wonder who’d be mayor now if Fallen London had preferential voting?[/quote]
This is a poll you don’t want your candidate to win in a first past the post system.

Hell, even in a typical preferential system, a noted flaw is that a candidate who’s everyone’s second choice will always lose.

I’m not familiar with many voting systems, how does a &quottypical&quot preferential one work? My intuition would be to use a score-based one, such that if someone is everyone’s second choice but no single first-choice candidate is popular enough to rack up more points, the second-choice one will win.