Election 1896: Cast Your Votes!

[color=#cc0099]Today marks the halfway point of this year’s Mayoral Election!

Mr Huffam has been polling the public on their thoughts about our dear candidates and the first results are in! Find how the other polls turned out in the dailies.

Now that you’ve had some time to learn about each candidate’s platform, we invite you to cast your vote! Each candidate will reward their supporters with a gift for their efforts.

Your combined Election Career level and Notability will be counted towards your chosen candidate, and a winner will be announced next Monday, 2nd July!

If you uncover any new information about your candidate that may sway you to another, it’s possible to change your vote (for the cost of 10 Reputation), but be sure to decide before the votes are tallied on the 2nd of July.[/color]

Many thanks for the ease of this option! :)

Say now - does anyone recall past years’ campaign colours? I note that, this year, the Contrarian is using white, and Mr Slowcake’s banners are yellow. Has the Princess adopted a particular colour?

Anybody know what the prezzies are yet? That’s what will probably sway me, I can’t choose between the otherwise. :)

For whomever might be interested, the free election gift weapons (can be seen at Mr Mirrors’ Marquee) all seem to have +8 attribute and +1 B/D/R from each respective desription.
edited by Aardvark on 6/25/2018

Just checked …

[ul][li]Jenny: Scarlet[/li][li]Bishop: White[/li][li]Contrarian: Black[/li][li]Temperance Campaigner: Emerald
[/li][li]Detective: Blue[/li][li]Feducci: Crimson[/li][/ul]
edited by rahv7 on 6/25/2018
edited by rahv7 on 6/25/2018

FYI, an Election Flash Lay just became available on the main Election story card. That wasn’t there last week, right?

Somehow I’m not surprised.

Wish me luck. I’m going to be burning through the rest of my Fate to get my last point of Notability.

It was not. You can get a little bit more info on one of the campaigns every time you complete it along with 3 Reputation and a Vital Intelligence.

I love how frequently, after more than three years, this game still teaches me new words. Because of Mr Slowcake’s delightful gift I now know what a caduceus is, an expression I had never encountered before. Thanks once again!

:edit: 1000th post! :)
edited by phryne on 6/25/2018

We don’t get a second free gift for switching, right?


btw, I don’t think anyone commented on this, but Sinning Jenny is still incredibly unhappy over what happened with Feducci.

The Brass Embassy is politically neutral. (A statement that causes Sinning Jenny to burst into bitter laughter.)

Wow, the Bandaged Bandit really did a number on her.

[quote=Anne Auclair]btw, I don’t think anyone commented on this, but Sinning Jenny is still incredibly unhappy over what happened with Feducci.

The Brass Embassy is politically neutral. (A statement that causes Sinning Jenny to burst into bitter laughter.)

Wow, the Bandaged Bandit really did a number on her.[/quote]

Real patriots dislike obvious foreign assets establishing political footholds. It’s part of the reason I oppose Slowcake.

At least the other two are about as true as Londoners can get … for better or for much much worse.

The Contrarian shares my low opinion of Sinning Jenny’s tenure btw :P

[quote=Anne Auclair]btw, I don’t think anyone commented on this, but Sinning Jenny is still incredibly unhappy over what happened with Feducci.

The Brass Embassy is politically neutral. (A statement that causes Sinning Jenny to burst into bitter laughter.)

Wow, the Bandaged Bandit really did a number on her.[/quote]
How did you get that journal entry? I haven’t seen anything like that so far.

[quote=Akernis][quote=Anne Auclair]btw, I don’t think anyone commented on this, but Sinning Jenny is still incredibly unhappy over what happened with Feducci.

The Brass Embassy is politically neutral. (A statement that causes Sinning Jenny to burst into bitter laughter.)

Wow, the Bandaged Bandit really did a number on her.[/quote]
How did you get that journal entry? I haven’t seen anything like that so far.[/quote]
it’s the Campaigner text from &quotasking&quot the Devils for support (1 Infernal favor for 2 Support).

[quote=Anne Auclair]
it’s the Campaigner text from &quotasking&quot the Devils for support (1 Infernal favor for 2 Support).[/quote]
Ah, that’s why I have missed it as I’m a fixer. Thanks.

As a society lady,I of course support the Princess. As an enjoyer of debate, I find the Contrarian intriguing. But first and foremost, I am a Seeker of the Name, and as a Seeker, the burning question is “Will voting for Slowcake make it easier to get his Amanuensis to give me St. Destin’s candle?”. This is what I want to know.