Election 1896: Cast Your Votes!

I don’t think it will, no.

Mechanically, his card might, possibly, have some relation to MW.
Lore-wise, though, do you know what devils think of the stained souls?

Did changing support of candidates (for cost of 10 rep) also lower career level in some way?

I am in my second Flash Lay right now and it feels significantly easier than the first. It also has different cards - i remember both sets from the usual Flash Lay. I haven’t needed to change outfit once, either, while I was constantly changing and using second chances in the first though I am overcapped in everything.

This micro-story is the most upsetting thing I’ve experienced in Fallen London to date.

The difficulty of Flash Lay depends on Venture Challenge level. And it’s completely random, I think, since my first run had me changing attires to achieve 100%-Straightforward, my second run gave me 78-86% at maxima, and my third and fourth run was 100% without the need to change.

Is there any benefit to advancing on your career apart from making your vote count for more? Seems rather a waste of favors and actions if not. I’m leaning pretty strongly towards just cashing in my rep for items.

[quote=Tsar Koschei]Is there any benefit to advancing on your career apart from making your vote count for more? Seems rather a waste of favors and actions if not. I’m leaning pretty strongly towards just cashing in my rep for items.[/quote] In past years each candidate rewarded their followers based upon their contributions, worth about 5 Echoes per &quotlevel&quot. I doubt the scaling payout structure will change this year, although the exact rate might be different. I’d call early Career Levels a safe bet, but higher levels at 3 or 4 Reputation a piece might be questionable (or at least &quotnot optimal&quot) from a pure-Echo point of view.

Got it, cheers. Reckon I’ll go for a few more raises, then. Don’t expect it’ll make much difference in terms of the result since it doesn’t exactly seem like I’m backing the winning horse in this race, but as long as I get something out of it I might as well.

Anyone know where I can go to find people willing to boost others reputations?

[quote=Ivica]Did changing support of candidates (for cost of 10 rep) also lower career level in some way?[/quote] I’ve changed candidates twice with no alteration to my career level in either case, which was probably one more change than was necessary (you are allowed to re-choose your candidate to make a misclick only half as financially devastating). Although perhaps I got lucky twice.

In the Election Career Icon for Campaigner there’s a ballot box picture and &quotElection Career (1)&quot

I’m wondering if everyone’s has that?
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/28/2018

I do. I think (1) is the Campaigner choice? A Fixer or an Agitator might have something different.

Very different sort of election this year. Now, the first year, I could have got on board with any of the candidates’ proposed reforms. In the end, Sir Fred supported Jenny’s social reforms; Esther, the Contrarian’s political reforms; and Juniper, the Bishop’s moral reforms. Hubris abstained, not being interested in common politics.

The second year presented rather more distinct visions of London’s governance. Sir Fred supported the Campaigner’s platform of regulation and welfare; Esther signed on for Feducci’s attacks on establishment politics; and Juniper put faith in the Detective’s pledge to restore order and decency. Hubris sat that one out too.

This year… each candidate seems to be pursuing their own personal agendas, at London’s expense. Sir Fred’s cautiously supporting the Contrarian, for his proposed reforms and his saucy puns. Esther’s gone over to Slowcake, hoping Hell can export their revolution. Juniper’s not participating this year, but Hubris has thrown his hat in with the Princess as representing an expansion of aristocratic privileges.

So does anyone know when the votes will be tallied? I’m sitting on the card to cash in the Notability I worked up for the election to overcap a stat, but the last thing I want to do is to prematurely lower the influence of my vote before it’s tallied.

Monday was officially the halfway point, so the Election ends at the end of the week/sometime next Monday - to be safe I would avoid overcapping until Monday evening (UK time). I’m in the same boat, and keep spooking myself by almost discarding An Unsigned Message.

Monday was officially the halfway point, so the Election ends at the end of the week/sometime next Monday - to be safe I would avoid overcapping until Monday evening (UK time). I’m in the same boat, and keep spooking myself by almost discarding An Unsigned Message.[/quote]

[color=#cc0099]Votes will be tallied and a winner announced Monday 2nd July, so definitely get your votes in before 8:00am BST on Monday to be safe[/color]