Election 1895 Begins!

What is the purpose of Influence over Election?

[quote=Autonomous]So, we have to choose between a totalitarian(-) animal-rights(-)(animal-lovers tend to be human-opressors-they cut human rights for the animal rights) tea-drinker, a detective dark-horse(?), or a liberterian(+) egalitarian(+) tomb-colonist(+)(the first time a &quotnot-so-human&quot person gets a chance for a high post in London- not counting the Masters. Maybe they’ll stop genociding the rubbery men and making the Clay Men toil under his rule ) Feducci.

I vote Feducci. I choose freedom and ease.
edited by Autonomous on 6/26/2017
edited by Autonomous on 6/26/2017[/quote]
I think you’re mistaken. There are no tomb-colonists running for Mayor this year.[li]

I know it is early, but I just want to thank Failbetter Games for creating the greatest event ever. The improvements seem spectacular, the writing is hilarious, and I’m having a ton of fun already.

[quote= Saklad][quote=Autonomous]So, we have to choose between a totalitarian(-) animal-rights(-)(animal-lovers tend to be human-opressors-they cut human rights for the animal rights) tea-drinker, a detective dark-horse(?), or a liberterian(+) egalitarian(+) tomb-colonist(+)(the first time a &quotnot-so-human&quot person gets a chance for a high post in London- not counting the Masters. Maybe they’ll stop genociding the rubbery men and making the Clay Men toil under his rule ) Feducci.

I vote Feducci. I choose freedom and ease.
edited by Autonomous on 6/26/2017
edited by Autonomous on 6/26/2017[/quote]
I think you’re mistaken. There are no tomb-colonists running for Mayor this year.[li][/quote][/li][li]
[/li][li]Feducci is a tomb-colonist. Of sorts.

We get one uptight society lady, one Constabulary boot licker, and an undead killer.

I say, let’s get killing.

[quote=Spitfire Youngster]We get one uptight society lady, one Constabulary boot licker, and an undead killer.

I say, let’s get killing.[/quote]

The undead killer is also a spy, makes deals with devils, and is pretty much a cheat at his own death-duel game.

Three new items this year,

you get the first for free and further for 30 fate.
Epicurean War-Helm: Hat, Feducci only, +8 Dangerous, +1 Dreaded;
Corinthian Belfry Hat: Hat, Detective only, +8 Shadowy, +1 Bizarre;
Indignant Bearskin: Hat, DTC only, +8 Persuasive, +1 Respectable.

Last year:

edited by Fadewalker on 6/26/2017

What an interesting lineup!

I quite like the character of Feducci, but after seeing what goes on within the velocipede squad, I think I’ll be helping the detective.

[quote=Fadewalker]Three new items this year,

you get the first for free and further for 30 fate.
Epicurean War-Helm: Hat, Feducci only, +8 Dangerous, +1 Dreaded;
Corinthian Belfry Hat: Hat, Detective only, +8 Shadowy, +1 Bizarre;
Indignant Bearskin: Hat, DTC only, +8 Persuasive, +1 Respectable.

Last year:

edited by Fadewalker on 6/26/2017[/quote]
Wasn’t 100% sure of backing Feducci, but…! :D

Ooh, Feducci is planning to relax licencing laws according to the tepid churchman (LOL, love that name). Does that mean we won’t have to have no lock-ins down at the Medusa’s Head no more? Luvverly! Sounds like Feducci’s me boy!

(Odd that I had to pretend to join the &quottea&quot-totalers to find that out. If I were Feducci, I’d have that writ on banners forty foot high.)

[color=#cc0099]A player’s vote is counted by combining their Election career level, Notability, and Influencing the Election quality, so the more you have, the more votes go toward your chosen candidate[/color]

[quote=Fadewalker]Three new items this year,

you get the first for free and further for 30 fate.
Epicurean War-Helm: Hat, Feducci only, +8 Dangerous, +1 Dreaded;
Corinthian Belfry Hat: Hat, Detective only, +8 Shadowy, +1 Bizarre;
Indignant Bearskin: Hat, DTC only, +8 Persuasive, +1 Respectable.

Last year:


Feducci’s item is best in slot for Dangerous, excluding profession items and Moods.
The Detective’s item is best in slot for Shadowy, excluding Moods

In short: Vote Detective! :-)

edited by dov on 6/26/2017

I am trying to join the ball. I keep getting an error message. Has something borked?

Is anyone else struggling with the game itself? I have had to refresh crashed pages multiple times just to back my candidate. I finally got a broken page telling me I backed my candidate. When I reloaded to the main page and attempted to begin my electoral duties as a fixer and it told me once more I had not backed a candidate yet. I can get cards and actions not election related to work properly but nothing related to the election itself.

Don’t forget, you can always grab the gift you want and switch side/career immediately to no detrimental effects! So don’t let the choice of gifts affect who you work for or what you work as.

Looks like the servers have been overwhelmed. If so, that’s bad preparation, Failbetter.

One wonders if all these Mayoral Ball actions-for-free is to blame?

[color=FF9900]Hi Heavensdark,

We’ve not seen any spikes in errors on our end - Could you please send in a ticket to support@failbettergames.co.uk? Title it ‘FAO: Sam’ and I’ll get you fixed.


edited by Sam on 6/26/2017

I too have encountered substantial technical issues. The first few times I tried the initial &quotattend the ball&quot action, the loading icon lingered for several seconds and led to the error message. Clicking the &quotstory&quot tab put me back at the place where Icould choose to attend the ball, but between the header text and the options I was also told that my attending-the-ball qualities were now at 1. I tried attending again, and that process repeated, several times. Eventually I got to the ball. I tried mingling; each attempt led to the error page, and reloading the story tab put me back at the main story branch with my current Airs of the Ball description between the header text and options. After a few tries I clicked &quotthe Candidates are Announced&quot, got the error message, and was pushed to the main branch, now with options to speak with the Contrarian or the Bishop, and no option to hear the announcement of the candidates. After that point I encountered no further errors. The story text for the announcement of the candidates never appeared on my screen. Does anyone have an echo of it, so I can read the darn thing?

I expect better than this in Fallen London. Was there any pre-launch testing at all?

It’s less bugs and more &quotserver is exploding&quot as per election tradition where social actions traffic are spiking through the roof.

A New OrderThe candidates descend in step with each other. Sinning Jenny has had the gaslights dimmed along the landings, so that they begin in darkness, and emerge in light. Hushed whispers herald their arrival.
The bandaged duelist Feducci stands straight-backed to the right of the Implacable Detective, who glares suspiciously at the assembled company, while to her left, the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner smiles broadly, pointedly ignoring the vast quantities of liquor on display. Sinning Jenny takes each candidate’s hand in turn. &quotChoose wisely. One of these shall be your Mayor for a year.&quot She smiles gaily. &quotAnd carry my torch for us all.&quot

edited by Estelle Knoht on 6/26/2017