Dislike All 3 Candidates? Want a write-in option?

We have a non-existent front for Hell, a woman who is probably not fully human and something like a vampire, and an uber-suspicious man who has 100% reversed his positions*. THEREFORE:

I, GregM, will accept the office of mayor of Fallen London if I win a plurality of write-in votes.
No, there is no in-game mechanism to do this, alas.
No, I do not think (nor would I expect) Fallen London to implement this; it could create chaos for them next year if multiple players wanted to run.
No, I don’t think the Masters would allow it, either.

But who knows–we might get a &quot400 weasels&quot-like card out of it, at least.

Platform? Don’t be evil. Don’t be a front for Hell. Don’t wantonly flip positions. If you want to know my specific position on issues, I will answer questions in this thread!

GregM: the ONLY sane choice.

  • Yes, I’m aware the Jovial Contrarian does not currently SEEM as bad as the other two…I’m banking he has MASSIVE skeletons in his argumentative closet.

I have inherent distrust of anyone who puts “Don’t be evil” as their motto.

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]I have inherent distrust of anyone who puts &quotDon’t be evil&quot as their motto.[/quote]Nah, what could possibly go wrong with trusting Google?

Google removed that :D
The only thing more suspicious than that company motto, is a company removing that motto.

Very funny idea. I was not even aware the Princess was not human, lol. I am inclined to support the Contrarian

This will probably never be implemented, unfortunately. But what you say makes a lot of sense, even from an in-character perspective
edited by Netos Korlan on 6/21/2018

Well, that depends on how one defines human. She is certainly a born member of Homo sapiens, but she is equally certainly not like the rest of us. That’s all one can really say without spoiler tags.

An announcement with absurd blitheness! Such an effort must be met with vigorous querying.

SHOULD urchin gangs be charged with repair of damaged shingles?

IS it legal and laudable to tax north-facing windows?

SHALL Greyfields Vintners be allowed to ‘steal the stolen’, consuming public river water in its fungal farms?

I vote for an Urchin Mayor! Would be rather interesting.

Further questions for the honorable Mr. M:[li]

Just how impending is war with the Khanate?

How do you feel about the presence of Devils in your own home, given your aggressive anti-Hell posturing?

Are you aware of the uproar about your plan to build an elaborate system of nets to catch falling urchins for sale to the Orphanage?

A general question on you opinions and platform, if you wouldn’t mind, Mr M. Also, how do you respond to the following:

What do you believe to be the just citizenship for individuals outside of human origin (rubberies, clay men, ect.), and what does that mean for individuals with less than “traditional” parentage?

How do you feel about the eradication of deadly threats in London? Should rats and snu[REDACTED] be charged en masse or on a case-by-case basis?

Any response to the Contrarian’s approval on your “valiant underdog” approach to the democratic process, followed by the damning of your good name?

Just what ARE you planning on wearing to your upcoming wedding?

You know what, the fellow’s got my vote.

While all three of the candidates are, questionable, I personally would vote for 2 urchins, standing ontop of one another, wearing a rather large trench coat.

A write-in vote. Ugh. How very…American. This is London, sir! We’ll have none of that brash nonsense here!

For those who dislike all three candidates, do note that Fuducci has explicitly not left the Mayor residence, nor made any comment.

I believe that he’s not really recognizing the election and intends to ignore it.

(Should be extra interesting if the Princess wins)

[quote=dov]For those who dislike all three candidates, do note that Fuducci has explicitly not left the Mayor residence, nor made any comment.

I believe that he’s not really recognizing the election and intends to ignore it.[/quote]
That would be in-character for Feducci. Getting him out of Blythenhale is probably going to be a real pain.
edited by Anne Auclair on 6/22/2018

I, myself, intend to write in the Starveling Mayor (the Starveling Mayor, reaves up the pantry of every tax payer!)

What excellent questions from everyone! The Third Policeman himself? This is indeed an honor. Give my regards to Mr. O’Brien.

Urchins: I would prefer to put them to work repairing the shingles themselves; it’s in their best interest, as they’re on the roofs most of the time.

North-facing windows: Legal, yes. Laudable? Unknown. But I am aware of the problems with the direction not labeled south, east, or west, and the tax is simply a hazard of living here.

Greyfields: At this point, Greyfields is grandfathered in. Given the relative quality of the water, and the improvement the wine makes on it, it can be argued Greyfields is doing us a public service.

Thank you for your questions–thoughtful and challenging!

[quote=TheThirdPolice]An announcement with absurd blitheness! Such an effort must be met with vigorous querying.

SHOULD urchin gangs be charged with repair of damaged shingles?

IS it legal and laudable to tax north-facing windows?

SHALL Greyfields Vintners be allowed to ‘steal the stolen’, consuming public river water in its fungal farms?[/quote]

Just how impending is war with the Khanate?
It’s not. No one wants war. I daresay that includes the Masters. I’d much rather trade with the Khanate, and, as a precautionary measure, increase our alliance with the Court of the Wakeful Eye (&quotWe have tigers. Do you have tigers?&quot).

How do you feel about the presence of Devils in your own home, given your aggressive anti-Hell posturing?
I should clarify–I would have no problem with voting for a devil running under her or his own name. I find the Brass Ambassador one meets at parties to be quite delightful. My objection is to Mr. Slowcake’s non-existence, and the fact that we do not know which particular devils, plural, are operating him.

Uproar re: urchin nets:
I am aware! But I stand by my position that Fallen London is better off with live, largely uninjured urchins as opposed to dead or squished ones.

Thank you for your most thoughtful questions!

[quote=Gul al-Ahlaam]Further questions for the honorable Mr. M:[li]

Are you aware of the uproar about your plan to build an elaborate system of nets to catch falling urchins for sale to the Orphanage?[/quote]


Full disclosure: Sir Joseph has contributed several rats and first-city coins to my impending wedding with the lovely Nyxy.

What do you believe to be the just citizenship for individuals outside of human origin (rubberies, clay men, ect.), and what does that mean for individuals with less than &quottraditional&quot parentage?

This is controversial: I believe the Rubbery Men to be fully sentient creatures deserving of equal rights. At present, the Clay Men are as well. Both deserve full voting rights. It is possible someone could attempt to build an army of Clay Men and exploit this, so we should have some sort of precautionary measures against that, but, if elected, I shall endeavor to grant both full citizenship.

How do you feel about the eradication of deadly threats in London? Should rats and snu[REDACTED] be charged en masse or on a case-by-case basis?
As we have recently seen, rats may become quite useful, even working as exterminators. I believe negotiations with the rats could yield dramatically better results than our current policy of trying to slaughter them.
The, er, second group: It is illegal to steal, or attempt to steal, someone’s face. It is not illegal to eat candles. Eating candles is fine. Stealing faces is not, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law.

Any response to the Contrarian’s approval on your &quotvaliant underdog&quot approach to the democratic process, followed by the damning of your good name?
I am just glad the Contrarian knows I exist!

Just what ARE you planning on wearing to your upcoming wedding?
I am fortunate that my wedding will not take place until after the election, but something elegant and tasteful. I’m conservative when it comes to clothing. I will not be wearing my barrel.

[quote=Sir Joseph Marlen]A general question on you opinions and platform, if you wouldn’t mind, Mr M. Also, how do you respond to the following:


What is this goo-gul of which you speak?

(Alternately, Fallen London could greatly gain financially by investing in underground cables. And machines like those created by Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace.)