Discordant Missive

Also looking for a missive

I am in need of a Missive.
The research must not continue.
I would be most grateful.


I could also use one. Much appreciated to anyone who obliges!


Looking for a missive as well.

I would greatly appreciate a missive as well.


Edit: Thank you very much!

Delicious Stewards,

I would greatly appreciate not receiving a Missive about a non-existent subject, which I do not need for any reason whatsoever.

As I am still unable to write about non-existent subjects myself, I could respond to whoever did not write back with an existing letter of their choice.

Much unobliged,

Lord Bolo


Edit: many thanks to everyone who did not respond, I no longer need a Missive about nothing

I offer no greetings, because I do not exist.

Nevertheless I would not greatly appreciate an also nonexistent missive to not study things that canā€™t be studied anyway because they donā€™t exist either.


Edit: Thank you to everyone who didnā€™t send me anything!

greetings, ice cold yet delicious friends!

i havenā€™t recently begun studying nothing at the hurlers, as we all havenā€™t, and i am not finding myself needing any discordant missives.

if you have a few lying around, please donā€™t send them to Mr. Rosies. iā€™m not at the level of non-existent studies to write back with missives, but i am a correspondent, so flame-proof missives abound.

thank you all in advance


edit: i have returned to london proper. one day, the d____ned postal service will realize you can just slip letters under my door if im not home, but that day is not today.

greeting delightful friends!

like many here i havenā€™t recently started to study a non-existend subject nor am i in need of a discordant missive.

if i had achieved any skill during my study, they wouldnā€™t be at the level to send my own missive. as such there will be no offers of any services an midnighter can provide or any other letters or services.

as i havenā€™t asked for anything, i do not thank you in advance.


Hi, delicious friends.

As it turns out, Iā€™m not getting closer to solving the mysteries of non-existent Discordant Studies, and therefore Iā€™m in no desperate need of a Discordant Missive. So if no-one would happen to send me one, Iā€™d be extremely grateful.
My profile is https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/koukheras

Thanks in advance!

UPD: Thank you to the non-responding Londoners!

I tried to send you a calling card but youā€™re in a different place, I think you need to be in London for me to send you a calling card to be acquainted so I can send a missive.

Stupid rats and their market :grinning:
Iā€™m back now, thank you.

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Esteemed Londoners!

Citizen Nonmomentus desires no missive what-so-ever. Nothing could induce them to reciprocate with anything you might ask of a Correspondent.

Thank you for your time.

No other Londoner has reached out; nothing has already been arranged.

Paul Ishmael has a similar lack of desire and would be willing to engage in a circular, rather than reciprocal arrangement. The challenges are twofold: gaining a little more Stewardship do actually write a Missive and navigating the first forum facilitated exchange.

Skarthi is not in the slightest in want of a Discordant Missive, and is therefore refraining from asking for assistance in her search, because why bother searching if nothingā€™s there?
My profile: Fallen London

Greetings one and all,

I would appreciate receiving a certain Missive that ought not-to-be about a certain non-existent subject.

Thanks in advance,



Seasonā€™s greetings, fellow citizens of the Neath.
If a cold-hearted soul could not send me a certain missive, it would be very much unappreciated.

My characterā€™s profile: Fallen London

Thanks for your time.

Hello all,

Could someone send me a missive?

Also, if anyone requires one just send me a message in-game, Iā€™d be happy to help.

My profile: Fallen London

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hello all,

I would be extremely grateful if someone can send me a discordant missive.


thank you!

edit: got one! thanks all

Hello, Iā€™m not one to use the Forums too often, but Iā€™m in need of a discordant missive and the only way Iā€™m getting it is with someone elseā€™s help, so if someone wishes to help Iā€™m willing to exchange a favour


Thank you in advance