[quote=phryne][quote=Estelle Knoht]Flute Street doesn’t talk about Lorn-Flukes, only Flukes.[/quote]True. Though I think they’re almost the same, just somewhat smaller?
edited by phryne on 10/27/2016[/quote]

I have played the Flute Street stories before, and I don’t think Lorn-Flukes are involved. I encountered fleeting mentions of Lorn-Flukes in the Nadir and in Seeking, I think, and maybe Destiny stories (the choices I made gave me more about the Fingerkings and Parabola). But the tidbits did not give me enough information to piece a coherent concept! I tend to forget, too. So much lore. I should start screencapping and organising notes about this world… So, word of advice to new, committed players: don’t rush. Fallen London gets so much more interesting if you’re patient.


The box below contains clues of what each Destiny is about - no big content spoilers!
Any chance anyone knows where I could get the full storylet/journal entries for each destiny? I meant to copy or screenshot mine but I guess I forgot.

Great guide! Pity that I picked my destiny recklessly at my first Hallowmas, and waiting now to become a leader of helpless survivors in a world of nightly horrors. A terrible destiny, yet suits best my character, seeking revenge to ease his guilt.
edited by curtistruffle on 2/5/2018

The Destiny Seasons are upon us again! Bumping this for all players who joined since last christmas.

Ha! Wish I’d known about this, though I ended up with Backstage anyway because I’m a sucker for gold boxes. Very happy with the outcome.

For some reason, I did not get to play through my storylet - just ended with The Revelation. If anyone has a link to the echo, I would much appreciate it.
Now I want to follow A Chilly Future instead… but will I still get to see the storylet?

IIRC when you reset for Fate it redirects you to the exact same storylets, which wipe all your previous Destiny stuff and let you pick a new one from scratch. So you should be good unless you encounter the exact same problem again.
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 8/23/2018

Just a reminder that, once Lacre melts at January’s end, you won’t be able to select or change a Destiny for another six months!

I finally managed to get Backstage! Thanks for the guide! It was incredibly handy.

You know, up with you! :D

I’m kinda glad the destinies were written clearly enough that I got my perfect Destiny - transcending my mortal form to eventually join the Judgements themselves - on my first go! Am very happy with that result, even if dangerous isn’t really my most used stat. All are helpful tho!
edited by Calliope Rannis on 8/22/2019
edited by Calliope Rannis on 8/22/2019

Unfortunately, not.

Would it be possible to someone to share an echo of the The Flute Street / The Sky Destiny? I got the equivalent for my main character - the fate locked destiny is the same, the only difference is the echo.

The Destiny Seasons are upon us once again! If you’re completely confused or undecided, have a look at this guide - and know you’ll get another chance at Hallowmas and Christmas! :)

You don’t have to confess to the Glasswhisper after looking at this thread. Curiosity is not always an error ;)

The first of the Destiny Seasons is upon us! If you’re completely confused or undecided, have a look at this guide - and know you’ll get another chance at Hallowmas and Christmas! :)

Ooh, thanks. BTW when you return to London your ship comes with you. I was expecting to have to take a ferry to go pick it up. Alethea has the perfect destiny now, and despite reading the spoilers it’s what I would have picked for her anyway. (Abyssal, monster slaying). I have yet to send Miranda over.

I’ve updated the formatting of the OP, so the Guide is now readable again :slight_smile: