De-Papering the Mind: Watchful Healing for Seekers

Is there anyone who wants to do nothing for a couple days, besides play endless amounts of chess?

What’s sillier than spending half of your watchful on a level of Seeking? Spending 3/4 of your Watchful on 2 levels of Seeking.

i cant spel anymore pleez send chess.
This is me ^^^
edited by Guy Dudeman on 7/6/2016

Help. Oh god help, I did it 4 times.

Whenever you get back to London, feel free to send me all the chess games.

No, YOU tanked your Watchful from 215 to 108 with a bleary-eyed misclick.

(Current effective Watchful 177 and rising. Accepting all chess requests with gratitude. Cheers.)
edited by imeja on 7/11/2016

As someone who is looking to become an Extraordinary Mind, I would love to do NOTHING but play chess until the end of days.

All of your graves are going to have “THE CHESS WAS TOO MUCH FOR THEM” written on them XD

Currently not Seeking, but working towards an Extraordinary Mind. I will happily accept hundreds of chess per day. (Well, not hundreds, but on a working day I’ll often spend over 100 actions a day. During the weekends I sleep longer, and don’t check back the game as often.)

[spoiler][quote=Guy Dudeman]What’s sillier than spending half of your watchful on a level of Seeking? Spending 3/4 of your Watchful on 2 levels of Seeking.[/quote]

What’s sillier than spending 3/4 of your watchful one one level of seeking? Doing that intentionally, getting it all back through chess, then some time later blackening your mind again by mistake. &quotDrown your secrets is an option with a challenge, and I’m pretty sure I have enough secrets for that one, so I should click on the option with a challenge.&quot —my brain

I did not have enough secrets.

At least I succeeded.

I’ve already done 50-200, I can do 100-200. Add me to the list of extra-foolish fools, and drown me in chess.[/spoiler]

edit: done (again)! Thanks for the help!
edited by Cimanyd on 10/4/2016

I may be spamming you with requests after the festival, then. A Halloween Destin’s being confirmed as possible means that I have a lot of chess to play.

(58 Watchful. I took chances. They burned me.)

I would like it if those who need Chess would soak Uilx-Magnus in it when they’re in London. Its occurred to me I need to get more SMEN before the Hallowmas comes around if I want Saint Destin’s Candle.
edited by Morucant on 8/18/2016

After the festival, my alt will be looking for chess partners again. She is back at 165 Watchful, but hopes to re-max it out before going further. (To say nothing of needing to stock up on Appalling Secrets again also).

EDIT (9/27/2016): I think I edited my original message but I’ll repeat it here; my alt, Catherine Raymond, has re-maxed her Watchful so she no longer needs chess games. If she changes her mind about not using any SMEN increase method that cuts her Watchful, she’ll be back in the market for chess. Watch this space.
edited by cathyr19355 on 9/28/2016

Sorry, my goal was to get the Mr. Eaten tattoo, but it seems obscurity locked me out of it, so I may not be here after the festival. (Still here until at least the season tie in is released and I get an eyeless skull, but thats it)
Deleting that post for inaccuracy, but if you do send me any invitations I would be happy to accept.
edited by suinicide on 8/18/2016

John Moose wishes all the chess he can get. In the meantime, I’ll start sending invitations to all you good people tomorrow.

edit: Sufficient amounts of chess have been received, thanks for the help!
edited by John Moose on 8/24/2016

I also am willing to play an eternal set of chess matches, particularly on
edited by Kyron The Wise on 9/25/2016

I’m perfectly willing to play chess as well.

UPD: Got Watchful 200, thank you all for help, delicious friends! Not interested in chess anymore, but wish you all good luck!

Count me in. I am not Seeking anymore, but I know how it feels. Also I am grinding towards becoming an Extraordinary Mind, so all chess requests will be accepted.

I may occasionally send you a Calling Card afterwards — hope it is alright.
edited by ropewalker on 10/2/2016
edited by ropewalker on 10/14/2016

This seems to be a much better method of recovering my Watchful than what I’ve been doing. I am willing to play chess until my eyes fall out!

I will be entertaining all scholars of the chess-ly arts for the next few weeks between taking care of a few minor naggling to-dos.

Edit: So, so very close. Still entertaining all those who wish to labor and revel in the scintillating science of the Principality. Come, be one with the pieces.
edited by Stygota on 10/17/2016

Having fearfully shunned the Seeking road myself, I am still interested in hearing the tales you seekers have to tell over a game of chess! (Meaning, I wish to finally get my Watchful up to 200 and still have 20 levels to go …)

EDIT: Enough chess for now, thank you!
edited by Arandia on 11/15/2016