Crooked Crosses, Correspondants and Authors needed

Faustus is a newly-minted Correspondent, if anyone finds their orphanage’s charges are in need of instruction in some more… illuminating alphabets.

I am a committed campaigner for literacy among the youth, especially concerning the alphabet of Xanadu.

Your faithful correspondent,

I am a Correspondent and would be delighted to aid in the education of your youngsters.

cathyr19355 is also a Correspondent and willing to appear to educate orphans and other youngsters.

I’m a Crooked-Cross, happy to entertain with all sorts of salacious information~
Status: Correspondent
Status: Midnighter

Kalis is the author among us three, and he’d be more than happy to attend.

Correspondent Professor here. Happy to help :smiley:

Another active correspondent, delighted to give guest lectures any time.

The Deacon would love to spread his knowledge of the language of the stars.

Author here, should you need to call on me.

Crooked Cross, happy to give talks at your salon. Plenty of past history to talk about since I’ve changed profession countless times…

I’m very active and will accept any salon invitations quickly. Max waiting time is typically 8h if you catch me just as I go to bed.
edited by navchaa on 9/29/2017

Hi. Correspondant here, and help to give talks to anyone that is interested.[li]

If you are still looking for Authors, I can help you still. Just search up Slowcake’s for &quotDen Blackwell&quot and I’ll aid you in a jiffy.

Hello! Sekar has just recently become a Correspondent, and would be delighted to entertain invitations!

Hello good sir, I am an established author more than willing to visit your salon!

I’ve recently become an Author, and I’m available to participate in any Salons! I hope you’re a fan of Nocturnals.

Crooked Cross here.

Correspondent here and more than happy to teach.

I’m an author happy to be of service to anyone interested (though I’ll readily admit my works may be considered radical and libertinous by some)