Interesting. I wonder if the alternate (rare?) success described on the wiki provides Favours: The Docks (it used to give some Connected: The Docks).
I still wish they would’ve just renamed connected to favors and added renown as a new thing.
That would have missed both objectives. Making you gain 1 point renown with every favor earned or potentially earned would have been easier from a gameplay standpoint, but it certainly looks like favors are making connection cards far more lucrative.
docks vs. urchins, for instance, now offers enough favors to buy 12 expeditions supplies for 1.5 echoes and 3 actions, making it the fastest in actions per supply of any method of funding expeditions, which will in turn increase the number of explorers of expeditions- as it’s suddenly got a high epa card-based action.
I do wish there were lower variance, and upcrafting requiring renown and being unprofitable to make up for connection loss would be a nice alteration, but i’m content with things as they are.
Still, if most connection cards will work like the docks do now, everything else is a small price to pay.
… though i suspect the devils asking for souls will be based on renown hell, not favors hell, and as such will be a lot harder to avoid.
I think I remember FBG saying they were going to base the formula on the range of players’ Connected scores for each as they changed it. That is from a while back though.
[quote=lady ciel ]The Acacia and the Butterfly now needs Connected: the Widow 30 and Favours the Docks 5 - 7.
It says
Settle in the Widows Favour Lose all Docks favours, but get some increase in Connected: The Widow.
Make an agreement favouring the dock-gangs Great loss of Connected: The Widow,but get some Favours: The Docks.
Work long into the night forging a compromise solution Considerable loss of both Connected: The Widow and Favours: The Docks
I took the third option as my Favours Docks were at 7 and Widow at 114. I lost 1 Favour Docks and connected widow dropped to 112. The reward seems to be the same as before, giving 250 Jade; 1 Strong Backed Labour and a Bundle of Oddities[/quote]
I am bitterly sad, because calling the Neddy Men on these two groups was one of the most satisfying repeatable choices in this game - to me at least.
ETA: Also saddened by the loss of Making Waves on Buying a Few Rounds at the Rusty Tramp (I think that’s what it is called - buying drinks for zailors on the Connected: Docks card).
edited by dragonridingsorceress on 3/17/2016