Confession Trading

EDIT: Please do not send me random other trades, I’m still trying to finish one last upgrade.

EDIT AGAIN: Trading complete!
edited by theraphos on 11/3/2016

Looking for: Lettice x1, Feducci x1,

Offering: Jenny x3, Illuminated Gentleman x2, Soft-Hearted Widow x1

I’m desperately looking to trade anything for Feducci and the Kashmiri Princess. I have 3x Lettice, 2x Illuminated Gentleman, 1 Captivating Princess, 1 Sinning Jenny, and Soft-Hearted Widow. If you are willing to trade the Kashmiri Princess or Feducci, PLEASE trade with me!

Request sent, I couldn’t spare a Feducci but am happy to send you a Kashmiri Princess.

I have a spare Feducci, request is inbound.

Hi there, friends ! Left a few days, back again in the Neath.

I find myself in dire need of a Fetucci and a Lettice, and can offer any and all other confessions in exchange to interested parties (including up to three Captivating Princesses).
Dreadful Hallowmas to you all !

Where did they hide all of the lettice confessions. I cannot find them and my rubbery bellringer and tiger would love to hear all about it.
so I need two leticce confessions and I have 1x feducci, one from certain princess and one from a certain gentlemen in excess to offer.
since I have only one of each to offer, you could pm me here before sending the request.
and I wish a lovely halloween to everyone, or a spooky one.
edit: need one leticce confession. can offer 2 from princess and one from gentelman.
edited by suhe gul on 11/3/2016
edited by suhe gul on 11/4/2016

I’ve sent trade requests with Feducci and the Kashmiri Princess, both for Lettice. I only need one though, so if you’d like you can just pick one of my trades and ignore the other.

I’ve sent trade requests with Feducci and the Kashmiri Princess, both for Lettice. I only need one though, so if you’d like you can just pick one of my trades and ignore the other.[/quote]

Wow! Thanks for all the trade offers, guys. I filled the needs I had, so I will do my best to fill the remaining trade offers in my messages before the event ends

Oops. Looks like I accidentally traded my Lettices all away… And immediately got feducci and the princess afterwards. Anyone want to trade one of those or the gentleman for lettice?

Edit: Wait, no. I have 3 lettices remaining
Doubledot: er… Okay, I actually don’t seem to have the Lettices. Mobile app is just slow on the uptake.
edited by Dr. Gwendoline Kensworth on 11/3/2016
edited by Dr. Gwendoline Kensworth on 11/3/2016

Hi would anyone be open to trading a gentleman for a lettice, sinning jenny or a feducci? Thanks :)

I am hoping to find a Lettice confession…
I have:
2 illuminated gentleman (gentlemen? gentlemans?)
1 Kashmiri Princess
1 Feducci
and 1 Sinning Jenny

[quote=Alyndah]Hi would anyone be open to trading a gentleman for a lettice, sinning jenny or a feducci? Thanks :)[/quote]

I would gladly trade a gentleman for a Lettice.

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]My comrades, I call upon you in this Hallowmas season.[/color]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I have need of[/color]

  • A Confession of the Captivating Princess[/li][li]A Confession of Lettice

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Thank you, delicious friends.[/color]
edited by Intransigent on 11/3/2016

I have 2 Feducci and I need Lettice. I spent almost all of the resources that I have had saved up in order to buy a tiger, so I would REALLY like it if someone decided to trade with me.

I have been provided a Feducci. I know only lack a Lethice. Well, two if possible, but baby steps.
I can offer anyone but the Gentleman and Feducci. I do, in particular, have three Princesses.
Fear for your Friendships ! Hallowmas is Here !

Trade completed. Thank you, yavieriel.

As it goes, it seems I won’t get Feducci for my tiger, so now I’m looking for Captivating Princess. I can trade Kashmiri Princess or Sinning Jenny.
Ah — disregard that, I forgot it can be traded in Veligarden.
edited by Fullmoon on 11/4/2016

I would really like a Lettice.
Can trade: Sinning Jenny (Seeker of Names), Soft-hearted Widow (DragonRidingSorceress)

For those requiring the Captivating princess-In Veilgarden, &quotA friend of the Kashmiri Princess approaches&quot card appears if you have the KP’s confession. You can trade that for Sinning Jenny, Soft-hearted Widow, or Captivating Princess.

I think I understand how Hallowmas works now. There are &quotTiers&quot of confessions, some common, some rare-common ones can be gotten from opportunity cards for nothing (Gentleman/Widow/Jenny/Kashmiri) while others (Lettice/Captivating/Feducci/??) must be traded for.

Hope that helps those who can’t find another player to trade with!
edited by Al Marteigh on 11/4/2016