Hey folks, I can offer Sinning Jenny or The Illuminated Gentleman in exchange for the Soft Hearted Widow. Send your requests the The Straveling Soldier. edited by ShroudedInLight on 11/3/2016
The hot topic today is, of course, the Kashmiri Princess. Her confession can be traded in Veilgarden for Sinning Jenny, Soft-Hearted Widow, or the ever elusive Captivating Princess! edited by starwindlancer on 11/3/2016
Hate to say it, but the Kashmiri princess has nothing on Lettice. I’ve currently got 6 outstanding trade requests for her confession that I can’t accept because I have no spares. The only other trade request I have is for a single Feducci.
I think the problem with Lettice is that she is used to upgrade 3 Companions so more people want her but anybody who gets her is likely to need her. So I hope that the in-London trade tomorrow will give us an opportunity to get Lettice.
Well I have managed to obtain all the confessions I needed, but in my excitement I neglected to actually read the upgrade text for the Tigress and the Esoteric Accomplice- does anyone happen to have echoed those events to their journals?
I have the Illuminated Gentlemen’s Confession to trade in exchange.
Edit: I don’t see a strikethrough option, so I will just underline what I have gotten.
I am now looking for:
2 Lettice’s Confession
I am still willing to trade the Illuminated Gentlemen’s Confession in exchange. edited by Skyzzor on 11/3/2016
Thank you.
Sent an offer of Jenny’s confession for the Gentleman’s to alt. Hope the confession isn’t reserved for someone. If so, sorry for troubling you.
Upd: thank you! edited by futouristka on 11/3/2016
The thing is, the illuminated gentleman is used to upgrade four characters, and he seems to be the clear loser in this popularity event. I think part of it is that Lettice wasn’t available for the first week, part of it is relative availability through single-player means (Captivating and Feducci were available the last two days), and partly Lettice is used in some of the most popular upgrades: the tigress, the campanologist, and the esoteric accomplice.