Looking for Fedducci and Lettice’s confessions. I have a Sinning Jenny, a Captivating Princess, and an Illuminated Gentleman. Profile link in signature.
I have a Soft-Hearted Widow, an Illuminated Gentleman, and a Kashmiri Princess that I am looking to trade for a Captivating Princess.
Like basically everyone else, seeking Fedduuci. Have Kashmiri Princess or Soft Hearted to offer.
edited by Kyron The Wise on 10/31/2016
[quote=Demiguise]I have: 1 Sinning Jenny, 4 Soft-Hearted Widows, 1 Kashmiri Princess
Looking for: 2 Feduccis, 2 Captivating Princesses
I know those are in higher demand, but thought I’d throw it out there.[/quote]
ETA: 1 Sinning Jenny, 1 Soft-Hearted Widow, 1 Kashmiri Princess, 2 Lettice
edited by Demiguise on 10/31/2016
OK, now I have a spare Kashmiri Princess and Lettice to trade for Feducci’s confession. Anyone?
I have a Kashmiri, a widow, and an Illuminate. I’m looking for any of the three new ones
edited by surreyjack on 10/31/2016
What I have- Kasmiri Princess, Sinning Jenny and Lettice.
What I need- Just one Fedduci and then I can die happily (again).
My alias is also, Alick Rawmill
Many thanks
Looking to trade a Sinning Jenny or Kashmiri for a Captivating or Feducci, if I can’t have that, …unfortunately then all I can do is trade a Lettice for a Feducci.
Looking for Feducci too, I have the Captivating Princess, Widow, Sinning Jenny
I’m looking for the Captivating Princess. I have two Sinning Jennies and the Kashmiri Princess. I also have Lettice, if you’re willing to trade the Illuminated Gentleman at the same time.
I have:
1x Kashmiri Princess
2x Sinning Jenny
Looking for:
1x Feducci
→ I’m also looking for a Shadowy patron.
My in-game name is Mesolimbo
Thank you!
edited by Mesolimbo on 10/31/2016
edited by Mesolimbo on 10/31/2016
Have Kashmiri Princess, Illuminated Gentleman, and Sinning Jenny
Looking for Captivating Princess!
Looking for Feducci as well. I have Sinning Jenny, Soft-Hearted Widow, and Lettice.
EDIT: Thank you, Lucius Lavinius!
edited by Alexanix on 11/2/2016
Anyone got a Fedducci confession? I only have 3 soft-hearted widows to offer x.x
If you’re still looking for Lettice, I can trade you one for the Captivating princess.[li]
Looking for a Captivating Princess and a Feducci. I have a Sinning Jenny and a Lettice at my disposal for trade.
edited by ShoujinZeraf on 10/31/2016
I’m looking for Lettice. I can trade Sinning Jenny, Kashmiri Princess, and Soft-Hearted Widow.
Looking for Lettice, Feducci, and maybe Captivating Princess. Have plenty of Illuminated Gentlemen, Soft-hearted Widow, and Sinning Jenny to trade.
Like almost everyone else, I need the Captivating Princess’s confession to upgrade a companion, I can only offer the Illuminated Gentleman’s, the Mercy’s, Jenny’s, or the Kashmiri Princess’s, in addition to my undying gratitude.
EDIT: I have offered Koenig my Gentleman’s confession, so I will likely have a Widow’s instead of his to trade.
edited by Guy Dudeman on 10/31/2016
edited by Guy Dudeman on 10/31/2016
Would someone please trade an illuminated gentleman for one of my Widow or Kashmiri confessions? I need but one of each yet have two instead, and of the illuminated gentleman I need three at least but only have two of a piece.