Need a Captivating Princess’ confession. Willing to trade for Feducci’s, Jenny’s, Kashmiri Princess’, or Widow’s.
Edit: Made a deal with RubySkeleton. Thank you!
edited by SomewhatElse on 10/31/2016
I also need a Captivating Princess’s Confession. I have a spare Lettice for it, if anyone would be so kind.
I have sent a request to you
edited by somebody on 10/31/2016
I have gentleman and Jenny, wish to exchange either of them for widow.
I have a Kashmiri Princess and need an Illuminated Gentleman.
[quote=darV]In Spite you can trade your Illuminated Gentleman for one of the few other confessions, including Lettice’s!
I’m not seeing Lettice as one of the trading options? D:
For some reason, the Lettice option only appears if you currently have the Gentleman’s confession - it’s invisible if it can’t be fulfilled.
I have:
2 Kashmiri Princesses
1 Lettice
1 Sinning Jenny
1 Soft-hearted Window
I’m after:
Illuminated Gentleman
Captivating Princess (to satisfy my curiosity, I’ll most likely just trade her away after reading her confession:D)
Social actions are also welcome of course!
I have a widow and a kashmiri conffesion that I would like to trade for either a Illuminated,Lettice or Captivating confession; unfortunately I do not have any better confessions to trade available at this time.
My main, Takuza, (link below) will trade any of his confessions, including lettice but excluding the illuminated gentleman for a Feducci confession.
edited by Grenem on 10/31/2016
DragonRidingSorceress has happily upgraded everyone she wished to, and no longer has confessions to trade.
Seeker of Names will not be bothering with upgrades, so is happy to trade anything they have that will be of use to others.
Send a request to Seeker of Names if you would like any of the following:
Sinning Jenny
Kashmiri Princess
Illuminated Gentleman
Soft-hearted Widow
I won’t be able to accept them for a few hours, because it is almost 2am here, and I really must sleep, but you’ll get your desired trades on a first-come-first-served basis.
I have a princess if you’re willing to trade the feducci.
[quote=Cyanea]I have gentleman and Jenny, wish to exchange either of them for widow.[/quote]
If you still have the Illuminated Gentleman, send me a request. I have several Soft-Hearted Widow confessions available.
[quote=darV]In Spite you can trade your Illuminated Gentleman for one of the few other confessions, including Lettice’s!
Edit. I now have a lone Sinning Jenny’s confession which I’m willing to trade for anyone else’s.
edited by darV on 10/31/2016[/quote]
You can also trade the Kashmiri Princess’ in Veilgarden - the options I can see are for Sinning Jenny and the Soft-Hearted Widow.
I have 2 Kashmiri Princess’, 1 Captivating Princess’, 1 Soft-Hearted Widow’s, and 1 Illuminated Gentleman’s available.
I’ll trade any of them for Feducci’s confession- I’m going for the Tigress upgrade.
Edit: Got one! Thank you very much!
edited by Firebird766 on 10/31/2016
I have 2 Sinning Jenny’s, 1 Captivating Princess’s, and 1 Illuminated Gentleman’s.
I am also looking for Feducci’s
EDIT: I have gotten what I needed
edited by rubyskeleton on 10/31/2016
I have 3 Sinning Jenny’s, 2 Kashmirir Princess’, and 2 Illuminated Gentleman’s. I am looking for Feducci’s, Lettice’s, and the Captivating Princess’.
Hi, I need The Kashmiri Princess and I am trading Sinning Jenny amd The Widow’s Confessions.
edited by Tenebris on 10/31/2016
edited by Tenebris on 10/31/2016
I have Sinning Jenny’s and Kashmiri Princess’ Confessions, willing to trade either for the Captivating Princess’ one.
Trading captivating princess for feducci. Also can trade most of the old confessions if you’d prefer. Free catbox with purchase, because why not?
edited by DoYouMined on 10/31/2016