Christmas Card Trading Society

Last Sacksmas, the denizens of our city clubbed together to trade cards with each other in groups of seven. Each member of the group traded six of his seven weekly cards to the others in the group, reserving one to trade to acquaintances elsewhere. It was a very successful initiative, created by the stimulus of NiteBrite (with an assist from your humble obedient). What with one thing and another, I forgot to set this up this year, and lo, December is already upon us. It may have been for the best, though, since we couldn’t know if FBG were going to change the Festival rules or not.

So, here are the rules: Submit in this thread your in-game name, a link to your character, and the time of your Time the Healer (which is when the cards will typically be delivered). Also list what cards you want: there are four varieties, and each adds Change Points to one of the stats. You will be sorted into groups of seven with the same TtH. Then, when you receive your cards, send out one each to the other members of the group. They, of course, will also be sending theirs out, which means you will get at least six cards per week, which will provide a substantial boost to your stats and Second Chances. You keep one free per week to send to the acquaintance of your choosing.

Also specify if you are willing to lead a group. This is not an onerous task, and consists mainly of acquainting all the members of the group with each other, and reminding them to send out their cards when they get them. Some of us have no need of the increases given by the cards because our stats are already maxed. This makes one an ideal leader, as it will be unnecessary to send him any cards, thus freeing up two in the weekly offering.

Link to NiteBrite’s original thread last year, for those interested:

Note when sending cards that The Airs of London dictates what card you will send. By using actions to set this properly, the correct card can be sent to each recipient. The values are as follows:

[ul][li]1-25 Dangerous: The Painted Mog card
[/li][li]25-50 Watchful: The Fogscape with Tentacles card[/li][li]51-75 Persuasive: The Beguiling Predatory Vegetable card[/li][li]76-100 Shadowy: The Suspicious Sort card [/li][/ul]

Also note that sending a card will give you a few CP in the appropriate stat and some Making Waves.

Thus: Malthaussen (link in sig), TtH Tuesday, ~1500 Zulu. No cards needed, willing to lead.

I will be checking frequently to sort everyone and fix leaders. Expect it to take a couple of days to shake out. Running summary:

Monday: Leader Alodia Eschec Group set, infra.

Esteban Delgado
Ragnar Degenhand

*** Second group, Leader Yang573, set infra ***

Cacame Awemedinade
Science Fairy
Starry-Eyed Drownie

*** Third group, Leader Suhe Gul, Set infra ***

Raleigh T Sakers
Leszek Nx

Tuesday: Leader Malthaussen Group set, infra.

Edith Alpha Doyle
Artemis Evans

Wednesday: Leader DesertJake Group set, infra

Meradine Heidenreich
Vavakx Nonexus
Jack of Chimes

*** Second group, Leader Jack Ellis, Set infra ***

Mr Deltoid

Thursday: Leader Michile Group set, infra

Jack of Smiles
Silvan Derre

Friday: Leader Rubyskeleton, Set infra

Dima Lazarev
Bootsy Fallens
Cairene Tyrell
Joseph Cox

No Saturday or Sunday groups, see the Consolidated Groups.

Don’t forget to check the advent calendar 1 December for 7 additional cards.
TtH will begin supplying cards on 5 December. Note that you do need to send all your week’s cards before the next TtH rolls around, or you’ll lose them.

As of 5 December, it has been confirmed that TtH is making cards available. Thus those groups which have not enough members to be formed will be consolidated into mixed groups. Members of these groups will send their cards as they become available.

First Consolidated Group. Leader Myrto, Set infra

Sidonie Cigale
Someone In a Tree
Will Flame

*Second Consolidated Group: no leader yet, Set infra

Maxwell Hay
Dangerous Rick
Hiro Dragonslayer

*Third Consolidated Group: no leader yet, Set infra

Tozh Taurog
Rachelle Arcadia
Monsieur Dummour
Cogni Corvale
Mr Esq

*Fourth Consolidated Group, Leader Darwin Lyson set infra

Ugly Myfanwy
Delirious Friend
Lillian Collins

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 12/14/2016

Sign me up, big boy.

Michile, Watchful and Dangerous, TtH Thursday, around noon GMT. Willing to lead.

An excellent initiative.
Esteban Delgado, any but Watchful, TtH Monday noonish GMT. I have no interest in leading.

My favorite meeting method. Prefer Watchful, Dangerous,Shadowy in that order. TtH Monday Noonish GMT Hurray!

I would like to join, please!

Desiréeée Time the Healer comes around on Wednesdays. No cards needed.

A most jolly idea old chap.
Edward Blackgate, Persuasive, Watchful and Shadowy, in that order. TtH Monday dawn GMT.

Yes, please! Shadowy or Dangerous preferred. TtH is Wednesday 13.00 GMT
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 12/1/2016

I would like to join, once I leave the Tomb-Colonies. Persuasive, then shadowy preferred.
My time is Midday Eastern time on Friday.
edited by rubyskeleton on 12/1/2016

One would be obliged to be considered. Dangerous, if you please. Time’s up on Wednesdays at 8 pm UK time

Always happy to be covered in cards. Either Dangerous, Watchful or Persuasive. Time the Harbinger shows up on Wednesday at 4 PM GMT.

I’ll be using my alts: Charlotte and the Caretaker, Flag-Bearer, Blabbing, to send you Christmas Cards.
edited by Vavakx Nonexus on 12/1/2016

I would like to sign up. PSGarak, Mondays @6:30pm GTM. Dangerous preferred.

Count me in!

I would like to receive Dangerous, Shadowy, and Persuasive cards in this order. Link to my profile is in my signature.

My TtH is Friday noon-ish GMT.

Such a lovely idea! This is my first Sacksmas, and I’d love to take part.

My username is Ketchua, TtH comes Tuesday (a couple of minutes after midnight, according to the email), and I’m up for anything (Shadowy is my main stat, as far as I’m concerned).

I’m up for this! Time for TtH is Monday after noon GMT. Watchful or Shadowy would be great.
Thanks for setting this up!

Alodia Eschec, TtH Monday around noon (GMT). Would prefer Shadowy, and am willing to lead!
edited by splendentcarmine on 12/1/2016

Tuesday. Preference for Watchful, Dangerous, Persuasive, Shadowy in that order. Thanks for setting this up!

Marvellous idea! TtH comes every Thursday morning for me. I would love to raise my Watchful and Dangerous. If anyone from the group wishes to exchange any other social action as well, don’t hesitate.

The following people have corrupt/non-functioning links: Edward Blackgate, Meradine Heidenreich, Roger Deganhand, and Alodia Eschec. Unfortunately, it appears there are still a few bugs in the system.

– Mal

Jack of Smiles, TtH Thursday.
Shalinoth, TtH Tuesday.
Jack of Chimes, TtH Wednesday.

All my characters stat capped, so don’t worry about reciprocating with cards. If you want, send something social back, or silver. If you’re feeling generous, send Shalinoth a boxed gift (he’s still looking for his Soul since before Hallowmas!)

Signature links should work.

Fixed. Works for me, anyway…
Sorry about that!