Christmas Card Trading Society


Zecjala at your service, Tth is around Thursday afternoon for me, I am fine with any kind of card, though in the immediate a wounds reduction would be most welcome, no particular interest in leading, link is in sig and I hope for a hearty month for us all.

I would absolutely love to join!
My main:
My alt:
TtH comes on Wednesday for the both of them
Shadowy for my main, watchful for my alt.
edited by Desertjake on 12/1/2016

Username Jel, TtH comes Tuesday, and I don’t mind which stat (though Watchful or Shadowy would be nice).

First group for Wednesdays:

Leader: Desert Jake: Shadowy Link:
Jermion: Dangerous Link:
Meradine Heidenreich: Shadowy, Dangerous
Desiree: No Cards Needed Link:ée
Vavakx Nonexus: Dangerous>Watchful>Persuasive Link:
Jack of Chimes: No cards needed. Link:
Durachit: Watchful Link:

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 12/2/2016

I’ll do it with Edith and Jack.

Edith: Tth Tuesdays, no particular cards needed, just building stats. Profile:

Jack: TtH Wednesdays, no special cards needed. Profile:

Not really interested in leading, sorry.

Name’s darV. That simple. Time the Healer usually comes to me on Wednesdays, a few hours past noon. I would greatly appreciate Shadowy cards, should any come my way.
edited by darV on 12/1/2016

Spoonbeam, Time the Healer comes on Wednesdays at around 2:00 PM EST. Slightly-prefer Persuasive cards, but it’s not really important! Unfortunately can’t lead a group. :(
edited by Spoonbeam on 12/1/2016

My first time organising these. So where possible, I’ll send a Dangerous card to Jermaine & Vavakx, a Shadowy card to Meradine & Desert Jake, then a Watchful card to Durachit?

I juggle Airs a lot lately due to Docks Favours grinding so exact cards should be easy enough.

[quote=malthaussen]First group for Wednesdays: no one has volunteered to lead, but it isn’t critical to have a leader.

Jermaine Vendredi: Dangerous Link:
Meradine Heidenreich: Shadowy, Dangerous
Desiree: No Cards Needed Link:ée
Vavakx Nonexus: Dangerous>Watchful>Persuasive Link:
Jack of Chimes: No cards needed. Link:
Desert Jake: Shadowy Link:
Durachit: Watchful Link:

– Mal[/quote]

Draethor, TtH comes Monday around noon GMT. I prefer Watchful or Shadowy, but I’ll take anything. Link is in my sig

Hobnail, TtH Tuesday, any and all and everything.

What cheer.

Time the Healer comes Monday evening.

I will accept watchful and dangerous.
edited by Cacame9946 on 12/1/2016

[quote=malthaussen]The following people have corrupt/non-functioning links: Edward Blackgate, Meradine Heidenreich, Roger Deganhand, and Alodia Eschec. Unfortunately, it appears there are still a few bugs in the system.

– Mal[/quote]
Fixed it, sorry!

[quote=Cacame9946]What exactly does this do? I gather differnent cards affect the various stats, but how exactly?

Incidentally, when I go to &quotsend a card&quot it says it will reduce the recipient’s suspicion, so I’m guessing it’s shadowy-related

and my persuasive and shadowy are stat-capped.
Time the Healer comes Monday evening, and I will accept anything
edited by Cacame9946 on 12/1/2016[/quote]

The card you send depends on the airs quality. Increases relevant stat, gives 3 second chances, and removes some menaces.

[quote=suinicide][quote=Cacame9946]What exactly does this do? I gather differnent cards affect the various stats, but how exactly?

Incidentally, when I go to &quotsend a card&quot it says it will reduce the recipient’s suspicion, so I’m guessing it’s shadowy-related

and my persuasive and shadowy are stat-capped.
Time the Healer comes Monday evening, and I will accept anything
edited by Cacame9946 on 12/1/2016[/quote]

The card you send depends on the airs quality. Increases relevant stat, gives 3 second chances, and removes some menaces.[/quote]

Ah, thanks. I should have read the opening post through. Monday, dangerous and watchful.

Cthonius, available till the Season of Wrecks trade in (their last goal before North) comes about: TtH on Friday noon EST, doesn’t really need anything but happy to send my cards while I have them.

Oneiropompous: TtH is…Sunday, about 4pm EST. Will accept, and certainly needs, anything and everything.

If I’m limited to just one character for simplicity I’d prefer the latter, my post-seeking alt Oneiropomous, to help build them up.

I should like to join.
Anarchetype’s my name, TTH comes on Wednesdays at 11 am Pacific time. Shadowy preferred. link to my profile is in my signature.

What an absolutely delightful idea. I’d like to join as well.
Akernis, (link in sig) - TtH comes sometime Monday evening at GMT. I would be delighted by Shadowy cards. I would not mind leading, but I probably shouldn’t be the first choice as I am pretty new to social actions.
edited by Akernis on 12/1/2016

I would be happy to join as well. TtH comes on Tuesdays and I would prefer dangerous or shadowy cards if possible. The link to my account is in signature.[li]
edited by Sajach on 12/1/2016[/li][li]
edited by Sajach on 12/1/2016

Time comes for me on Sunday afternoon EST

Persuasive or Watchful please.