Christmas Card Requests 2014

I would be delighted to receive any card, but the suspicious sort would be especially welcome. I will reciprocate any card sent with joy and I will check here to see if there are special requests before I do so.

I would be most welcome to receive any Christmas Card though I admit that I find it hard to believe I could be anymore persuasive.

I would appreciate any card (especially the Suspicious Sort) and will do my best to reciprocate.

I would be delighted to receive any card and more than happy to send one back as long as I have a supply
edited by angelcat on 12/2/2014

I’ll take any cards and do my best to reciprocate your needs!


The masters have graciously given us Christmas cards, so I would be delighted to make your acquaintance in this yuletide season. I have 6 cards to spare, and will gladly use them to return a Winter’s Greeting.

I would be interested in any dangerous Christmas cards and would willing reciprocate, as long as I have cards (I have 8 at the moment).

Would accept all cards! (I prefer those for watchful and dangerous though) I would reciprocate once I receive the cards :)

Ps: If I have the time, I would write a little flavour text to the cards as well

My main character Rupho Schartenhauer has use only for the Dangerous card (Paint-Besplattered Mog) while my 1st alt Deepdelver could do both with the Mog and the Fogscape (Watchful). Of course they’ll reply!

My 2nd alt Cortez the Killer will gladly receive all kinds of cards. (And he has promised not to kill anyone over Christmas - at least not in a particularly nasty way.)

And thank you, Mr Underhill, for compiling this list!
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 12/2/2014

Replying any card I receive

Please don’t send me the Vegetable/Persuasive card as that would be a waste! Anything else is welcome and I’ll certainly try and reply to everybody! :)

Mr. Mercutio is full up on acquaintances right now (too many calling cards!), and is maxed out on stats as it is. But Galatea LaChance is more than happy to exchange cards this season! You may find her address here:

I promise, there’s no harm in getting to know her a little better. Pay no attention to the Starveling Stole she wears about. And never mind the rumours you might hear. She’s a lady of impeccable virtue and you’d be wise to call upon her.

I’ll take any cards!

I aint right festive and dont even bother to sing… but i suppose a card might cheer me up. briefly

Cards would be most welcome: I especially appreciate opportunities to emulate the Suspicious Sort, and I’m unfortunately not in a position to enjoy foggy landscapes anymore. I’ll gladly send out as many as I can, of course! FL name is Calembredaine too.

I would appreciate any and all the Christmas cards, and I will be happy to reciprocate as long as I can!

I will happily accept all cards and will reciprocate as long as I can.

I would appreciate any kind of card, and will gladly reciprocate as often as possible.

And I myself would prefer the watchful card, as I have a cap to hit and a mere… 18 levels to go. Though I wouldn’t mind any other card. And if any are send to me, I shall return the favor.

I would be delighted in receiving any card during this fine season and of course return the favor if possible.