One of the more regular features of London life is being able to open the Unexpurgated London Gazette and irregularly find your Chiropteromantic horoscope in Madame Shoshana’s Most Accurate Predictions. Since Madame Shoshana is herself a candidate, it seems fitting to analyze candidate support and zodiacal signs and see if any patterns or tendencies emerge.
Please state your Chiropteromantic sign and which candidates you’re thinking about supporting, have decided to support, or have determined you will not be supporting.
. edited by Anne Auclair on 7/12/2019
The Spider. Anti-Virginia (feelings toward Hell aside, why are we electing a foreign agent as mayor, again?). Leaning Plenty, but holding out until we know more about the candidates’ positions.
My character never ended up receiving a designation on the chiropteromantic zodiac, since I’ve spent essentially no time drawing cards at the Carnival. Their support likely won’t crystallize until a couple days into the Election, since we know so little about platforms. For instance, if Virginia’s "calisthenics for the soul" can create real positive change or if Plenty proves herself to be something other than a status quo candidate, then my character might support them.
UPDATE: Now that the Election has begun, my character will likely be supporting Virginia, whose platform of public works, self-improvement, and academic pursuit is most appealing. edited by Azothi on 7/16/2019
My character’s sign is the Lovers, and she will be supporting Mrs. Plenty, a woman of discretion and intelligence (if not taste). edited by cathyr19355 on 7/13/2019
My sign is the Lovers. As I recall, that’s the sign of decision making and, well, I haven’t made mine yet. Probably leaning Mrs. Plenty’s way, but I’ll see what the candidates say.
Much like Azothi, I never did end up getting a reading from Shoshana. Don’t really go in for that sort of thing. I’m not resolved for or against any candidate yet, but I’ll be surprised if I end up voting for someone other than Virginia.
This Bat is supportive of Hell, and Virginia by proxy. This MIGHT change depending on what we learn during the election and I’m leaning towards Mrs. Plenty if I do decide to switch candidates.
If I recall correctly, my sign is the Cat, and I see myself voting for Soshana, unless of course something else comes up. Hell and Seeking don’t sound like wise choices.