Character trope quiz

Sir Fred is apparently The Mentor. I can live with that.

Parelle is the Mentor, which suits.

Sybil, unsurprisingly enough, is the Femme Fatale.

Professor Strix is the Rival, apparently, but it must have been almost a tie with something else, because half of the characteristics of the rival are in flagrant opposition to things I know I marked. Not a bad result, though, considering… No, let me not say it yet. :)

Edit: Wait wait, now I saw that there is a breakdown of your answers. Let me see…

4 Rival
4 Mentor
4 Villain
3 Tragic Hero
2 Anti-Hero
2 Jester
1 Side-kick
1 Damsel (in distress)
1 Protagonist

Wait wait wait WAIT, spending an afternoon reading a book is a VILLAIN trait? Not wanting other people’s money is a villain trait? What is that all about?

Other than that, the breakdown seem much more in line with her. She is a bit of all those things, particularly the most picked. I SUPPOSE villain applies, if being a cranky mad scientist who prefers reading over partying makes you a villain. shrugs
edited by Professor Strix on 6/22/2016

Amyntas got the damsel, which makes sense. He’s a helpless little muffin who keeps largely to himself. He’s not very sociable, though; he prefers to keep to himself, acting cordially towards others when it is necessary. Still, it fits better than any other possibility on the list.

Aylen Saqui got The Rival, which sounds about right for her character- she could just do with someone to be a rival to, I guess.

Beau is the Rival. He doesn’t even get to be the hero of is own story!

The Tragic Hero. Fitting, sadly enough.

I took the quiz for Rosaline and I got Anti-Hero, which I found fitting. The description fit her and her character progression pretty well. Although it looks like she was actually tied for Femme Fatale. Which also fit her character progression pretty well. I also liked how many tropes she spanned.

The breakdown:
4 points of Anti-Hero
4 points Femme Fatale
3 points of Damsel
3 points of Tragic Hero
2 points of Villain
1 point Protagonist
1 point of Sidekick
1 point Rival
1 point Jester
1 point Mentor

Lady V. got the &quotAnti-Hero.&quot
I…guess it kind of suits her. I was expecting Femme Fatale, but looks can be decieveing
edited by EnigmaticVixen on 6/23/2016

I got The Mentor. It makes sense, since I like helping people and explaining things.

I got Damsel in Distress for Kipling. Seems about fair but I can’t imagine damsels have an easy time in Fallen London.

Just need to find the right hero to ride to your rescue and then RP that.

The Femme Fatale. The quiz is accurate!

I got The Protagonist for my main character. Anyone interested in looking up my individual answers for her can go here: - A viral quiz platform for people that love quizzes. Make an take quizzes online.

Since nobody posted the text for The Protagonist, I’ll do so:

[color=rgb(13, 62, 94)]The Protagonist [/color]The character responsible for handling the main problem and the one most in need of change, emotionally. You are ambitious and are considered to be highly courageous. You have a good set of morals and love to do the right thing. Overall, you’re just incredibly well-rounded. You are typically seen as extroverted and involved in many different things. You make friends easily and people are attracted to your outstanding personality. You don’t mind being the center of attention every once in a while!

I will leave it to the judgment of everyone who’s interacted with cathyr19355 (and who’s read the Character Tropes thread) whether that’s accurate or not.
edited by cathyr19355 on 7/6/2016

The Villain:
&quotThe bad guys. The mad scientists, the cruel executives, the evil witches and wizards, the corrupt politicians, the mortal aspects of pure evil, and, more often than not, the people (or otherwise) that instigate the conflict and the story. You are a very determined individual with a very strict set of rules. Your mind is mostly thinking about how you can reach your goals and conquer your ambitions. You are often described as cunning and intelligent by the few who stick by your side. You like sticking to the shadows and observing, rather than interacting and taking action.&quot
Was there any doubt? What else do you call a man who only sees in others the pleasures they can bring him or how they block his way to more power? Not that Jonathan Dunn doesn’t have friends of course, it’s nice to have people you can be more than yourself around.

Heh. The Protagonist, really? I’m being too straight-laced.

Gideon is the Villain. Don’t know how to feel about that one.

Remarkably Lord Gazter apparently is the Femme Fatale. I am undecided as to if this is idea is incredibly ridiculous or whether there is something to it.

Well, the archetype exists independently of gender. If the seducing works, don’t complain!
edited by Estelle Knoht on 7/4/2017