Celebrating good fortune.

I entered the Mind, returned with a Thunderbolt, and in the first hand I drew after exiting found the Third who walks beside you and shortly after the WtTS autofire card. So I am once again on the path to the Mind.

I know it will take a long time to get there but after previous visits I have waited weeks to get the Third who walks card to show up so I am feeling very fortunate.

After hundreds (?) of packages - a Blemmigan!

Excuse me?! What was your success rate and how many cards can your lodging hold?
I really want to get an approximation of the chance to get that card 3 times and success on all 3.[/quote]I’m in a five-card lodging with 257 Persuasive - giving me a 15% chance. I progressed from surprised to shocked when second chances got me the first two Searing Enigmas. I was completely blown away when I got the third Enigma on my first click.

Not much for the rest of you, but I’m very proud I got my Correspondence Stones and the first point in Scholar of the Correspondence. An essential part of the character concept.

It may not be Hesperidean Cider, but it is a huge step when you get there. Congratulations!

Thanks, grinding for that many supplies was a real pain. And then crossing my fingers my rival didn’t get there before me. Was a pretty close race.

I finally have my zub. Never want to go to Wilmot’s End again. Ever.

First is more of a missclick, but I just discarded A little omen card thinking it’s Cards with the Civil Service; who knows if I discarded it while I was checking the game on mobile.
We follow up with the fact that after 115 plant battles I was again at a contest of Strength. But! I won 4 in a row, lost one, but won again two in a row! These all mean that I finally got a Cryptobotanical Rosette! Probably this was the most exhausting grind as I was tempted to abandon it temporarily. To 7 now!
EDIT: Just drew A disgraceful spectacle two times in two days; one yesterday and just got it again now! :D
edited by Skinnyman on 1/30/2017

A small miscalculation while obtaining the remaining overgoats needed for the heptagoat (waiting on the cards now, so still no heptagoat) left me with enough spare echoes to round out my collection of items to include one of everything purchasable from the Bazaar.

As of today my alt has achieved Scarlet Sainthood

Finally, finally: an Overgoat. Took forever because I didn’t want to liquidate my inventory. Now I want to draw the card!


It would cost me EVERYTHING, but I can now afford Cider. However, if I drop my Ubergoat from the equation, this happens.

And if I drop the various articles of clothing I actually wear this happens.

I’m not sure if I’ll actually end us sparing any of this stuff, but I’d like to at least save the goat (grinding another would take twice as long as saving the one I already have). The important thing is that the question is no longer &quotwill I ever gather enough resources to afford Cider&quot but &quotwhat will I spare?&quot

After so much sweat, blood, tears, tears of blood, sweat of tears, etcetera, I got a Yacht! ON MY FIRST TRY

Oh, RNG, I know our relationship has never been the best, but tonight, I toast to your name.

Okay, I know I said that I didn’t want the Yacht, and that I was happy with my Rusty Tramp Steamer … but I didn’t know that it came with a bloody Tiger!

I don’t know, that somehow makes it for me. I live in a port city and I see yachts all the time, but a yacht with a tiger on it is just the right amount of Rock Star.

[quote=Slyblue]After so much sweat, blood, tears, tears of blood, sweat of tears, etcetera, I got a Yacht! ON MY FIRST TRY

Oh, RNG, I know our relationship has never been the best, but tonight, I toast to your name.[/quote]


It may not be a Feast Companion, but I’ve just unboxed a most rare and unusual Secretary.

I have an Omen card!

It’s so extremely useless for someone going North in two weeks!

4 months and 123 fights to get my first Cryptobotanical Rosette, nothing new here!

Here’s 16 days and 38 fights later:

Gotta love RNG! :D

[quote=Skinnyman]4 months and 123 fights to get my first Cryptobotanical Rosette, nothing new here!

Here’s 16 days and 38 fights later:

Gotta love RNG! :D[/quote]

cathyr19355 is still looking for a Contest of Blood, when/if you get back to that level of the Tournament.

Millicent’s Parlour is offering a Your Own Name Tattoo, which would be perfect for my Seeker alt…except that they don’t have the route to the Nadir needed to qualify for the tattoo. They’ve advanced to the point where they have everything they need to begin searching for the Nadir except for an Eyeless Skull, and everyone knows those take forever to find. Nevertheless, I began searching for it…and ten tries later, guess what turns up?