Calling Cards and Acquaintances?

I either may have too many contacts, or it may be more broken than just Mr Eaten being too popular. :-(

I go to the option to choose someone to invite, and get the guttering star.
edited by babelfishwars on 12/2/2013

Nope. Alexander has one too. Maybe only one person can send him it? Did Alexander just WIN the quest of the name or something?[li]

Well, you can’t send me a calling card because you’ve already accepted mine, Blackleaf. And I do intend to use the card, as soon as I can do so with a modicum of safety.

…As it happens, I am neither dead nor insane at the present moment, via the age old trick of hiding in my wardrobe with a bottle of laudanum until the problem goes away.

Alexander, Can you help us achieve equal levels of damnation to you? Also Mr.Eaten hasnt responded to my sparring request yet. The bastard.

You could probably try using it from your inventory right now, unless its locked with Wounds/Nightmares 12 or something.

I could use it, yes. But I’m afraid the rules governing these things are a little unreliable, and I think I might be sent back to the Story page, which could kill me dead and crazy.

Using a bottle of Laudanum technically sends you to the Story page as well, though! It should operate under the same principle.

Probably better to resolve the wounds problem first.

Alexander, does going to the Messages tab inconvenience you? I just sent you a couple of Nursing invites.

True. But I’m inclined to be overly cautious. I have no idea what’s waiting for me on that card, so I want to be prepared. It shouldn’t take to long to get my menaces down to acceptable levels, anyway.

Im sending over the 100 fate i owe you for St.Destin’s candle. Go on you magnificent bastard! If you see the Eaten himself tell him he needs to stop cowering in his well and accept my sparring request!

Just tested with my alt who isnt even seeking. You cant send a card to him.

I’m not sure if that belongs in here, but apparently Time the Healer now delivers christmas cards.

St Destin’s candle now says “there will be seven ways to obtain this, each is worse than the last” four times not counting the requirement mouseover text.
It was three yesterday, matching the number of acquisition methods we know of; destiny, being sent it and eating your entry. Now there’s this calling card, and a fourth line.
Probably related! But on the other hand, the cap on Acquaintances is 77. Perhaps Alexander just got a speedy track to an item obtainable by betraying a slew of friends?

You can accept invites without going mad, right? Sent another, it will take a bit to go under the thresholf of 8.

I have only one complaint. All this social acting with confessions, dinners, calling cards, cats and other subjects has left me with a contacts list so unwieldily large that it sometimes takes up to half a minute to load. And by then I forget what I was about to do.
I forget often and easily.

Alexander you mad, damned, lord of seekers - but kudos for taking the plunge on it. As soon as I saw this option I was weighing it up - but came over here first to see if I was beaten to the punch.

Accepting cards, primarily for K&C partners - I’m currently Moon league, advanced Seekers, and max-level (POSI and many storylets done etc) players.

(Well played spacemarine9 on our last duel… I need to save up a few actions, before seeing if you’re keen for round 2)

Well that is unexpected - apparently you can receive a Calling Card while out of London.

I’ll accept cards from anyone, as well.

Do not underestimate the power of the postal service.

Hmm, I rather like that.

And thank you very much, streetfelineblue, for nursing me back to health like this.

Do not underestimate the power of the postal service.

Hmm, I rather like that.

And thank you very much, streetfelineblue, for nursing me back to health like this.[/quote]
Goodluck you magnificent bastard![li]