Calling Cards and Acquaintances?

It would appear there are a couple new action under Society and Scandal. You can send calling cards to other players to become their Acquaintance, which comes with an associated Influence stat. The full effects of this remain to be seen, but sending and accepting the card gives a bit of Making Waves.

Also, the Private Supper option seems to have capped the Confident Smile gain at 12. I don’t know about the social actions for other stats.

Edit: Somewhere along this thread, I decided to send Mr Eaten my calling card, and got one in return. The full ramifications of this still haven’t played out yet, but I’m reporting on it in this thread as I go.
edited by Alexander Feld on 12/2/2013

[quote=Alexander Feld]It would appear there are a couple new action under Society and Scandal. You can send calling cards to other players to become their Acquaintance, which comes with an associated Influence stat. The full effects of this remain to be seen, but sending and accepting the card gives a bit of Making Waves.

Also, the Private Supper option seems to have capped the Confident Smile gain at 12. I don’t know about the social actions for other stats.[/quote]

What - does it mean it doesn’t give any Confident Smile if you already have 12? That’s preposterous! That is, I actually don’t mind the Smiles too much, but if Loitering follows the same scheme sooner or later I’ll be all out of Hastily Scrawled Warning Notes T.T

That part with nerfing confident smiles gain is quite sensible, considering that I have 587, which is ridiculous (and I can make a safe bet that in comparison to some other people it’s not actually that much). The problem is that I’ve checked it with my alt, and other options are also nerfed…

Ouch I hope that other sources aren’t capped.
You need to use 5 for the stat raising action and there are other chancy challenges.

[quote=lady ciel ]Ouch I hope that other sources aren’t capped.
You need to use 5 for the stat raising action and there are other chancy challenges.[/quote]

I would not keep high hopes for that. I’m afraid that’s basically it, and I still miss a relativley reliable source for Notes, apart from gifting myself with the Square of Lofty Words card and the occasional trip to theTom-Colonies with the Tiny Square of paper. I hope other ways to grind Second Chances will pop out, I don’t intend to change my Past Benefactor, I liked the Persuasive one’s story too much -.-

On a different note, did anybody already try the Acquaintance action? Is that something related to the old Clique system, possibly an evolution, or is that something completely different?
edited by streetfelineblue on 12/2/2013

[color=#009900]It is, indeed, capped! The second chance items had been an inflationary situation for years, and we wanted a way to deflate it without being to aggressive about breaking into people’s existing stockpiles. It happened now as part of a set of changes to social actions that you’ll be seeing over the next few months: so hold the grumbles for now, because you may find either that the grumbles are reduced or that you’ll want to grumble a lot harder in a month or three. :-)[/color][li]

[/li][li]I have every intentions of this. Regardless. Because grumble. :-)


Can’t I just grumble constantly, like low-level background radiation? (…grumpiation?)

OK, NOW I’m worried XD

Tell us about this new Acquaintance feature instead! What does it make exactly? [/li]

If anyone wants to send me calling cards then go ahead! Ill accept as many as i can.

I have about a billion (no exaggeration) on my contacts list. Because.
So I’m sincerely hoping that once someone has accepted they’ll no longer appear on it. Or I’ll totally just invite SpaceMarine9 twelve times, forgetting each time.

Would be even nicer if people who’ve been invited but not accepted or rejected yet wouldn’t appear, but doubt that’ll happen.

Profession payment just arrived. Gimme 20 minutes to collect my reward and ill accept you 8 people who want to know me.

Meh - I’m not in London, and only set sail yesterday so I won’t be back for a while. But I suppose that gives me a chance to follow the forum, see if there are any bugs and I can explore the changes when I get back.

[quote=babelfishwars]I have about a billion (no exaggeration) on my contacts list. Because.
So I’m sincerely hoping that once someone has accepted they’ll no longer appear on it. Or I’ll totally just invite SpaceMarine9 twelve times, forgetting each time.

Would be even nicer if people who’ve been invited but not accepted or rejected yet wouldn’t appear, but doubt that’ll happen.[/quote]
They do seem to disappear from the list of potential recipients once they’ve accepted.

Give me all your calling cards. I must accrue connections, a web of acquaintances.
So I know who to wire rats or stabbings to later, obviously.

I would have made this thread in the Singing Mandrake, if I’d known how quickly it’d turn into a free-for-all card-flinging festival. I pity the post office.

…Although, really, with 61826 Stolen Correspondence lying around, I should probably be classified as a post office myself.

ME! Me me me me. (Me.)

Aye, but not till they do. For the confessions I was inviting familiar names in the hopes they were familiar because they were on here rather than familiar because I’d invited them twice already and they hadn’t accepted.

[quote=lady ciel ]Ouch I hope that other sources aren’t capped.
You need to use 5 for the stat raising action and there are other chancy challenges.[/quote]
I’ve been making use of the stat raising action to help recent… setbacks to my qualities so I noticed the new cap. But is it really an issue? You can gain up to 11 winning a social action conflict and up to 22 if you lose.[li]

So if you hit the cap, then just use the second chances you have before going back out to earn more.
Even if you’re using them to raise stats it seems like it doesn’t really make any difference - it just means you have to wait until you’ve built up some more before using the stat raising action again.

Of course, it does mean that while I’m busy firing off social actions to grind Making Waves I’m not also gaining Second Chances but that seems to be exactly the point of the change - to prevent people stockpiling a ridiculous amount of them. But 10 to 20 should be enough for most people.

And perhaps the cap is only on the social actions - other ways to gain them may yet remain uncapped.

Well, I really wasn’t doing anything with my Second Chances, so…

(I appreciate the ability to use them up to boost my stats! :) Though I’m currently busy grinding Notability…many, many suppers…)