Calling Cards and Acquaintances?

Apropos of nothing, I have extended my card to Mr Eaten. We shall see if anything horrible results from this.

Oh, and experimentation shows that you gain Making Waves from sending, accepting, and having your cards accepted. Snubbing someone raises your Making Waves, reduces theirs, and makes them lose 5 Confident Smiles. Snubbing someone does nothing to stop you from becoming their acquaintance later, however. None of these gains seem to be very high, probably just one change point each, but someone’d have to look into that more closely.
edited by Alexander Feld on 12/2/2013

Oh god. What have you done. If Alexis doesn’t either give you a candle or delete 10 of your stats i will be severely dissapointed.[li]

Oh god. What have you done. If Alexis doesn’t either give you a candle or delete 10 of your stats i will be severely dissapointed.[li][/quote]
Oh, it’ll be fine. In fact, I’m sure that all manner of thing shall be well.

[/li]Edit: I… oh my. And also oh dear. I was not expecting a response. Certainly not this.

He also just declined my generous invitation to share a bottle of absinthe with him, which had been there for years. It seems he doesn’t check his messages very often.
edited by Alexander Feld on 12/2/2013

Oh god. What have you done. If Alexis doesn’t either give you a candle or delete 10 of your stats i will be severely dissapointed.[li][/quote]
Oh, it’ll be fine. In fact, I’m sure that all manner of thing shall be well.

[/li]Edit: I… oh my. And also oh dear. I was not expecting a response. Certainly not this.

He also just declined my generous invitation to share a bottle of absinthe with him, which had been there for years. It seems he doesn’t check his messages very often.
edited by Alexander Feld on 12/2/2013[/quote]

Mutual friend?!

Well, good luck with THAT! Maybe you will the last person he’ll eat :)

I’m starting to keep an eye on the Influence quality. It seems to have no CPs, we’ll see what we can do of it ^^

Dont say i didnt warn you.[li]
You should display that thing on your mantlepiece. What does the card look like and what is the description?

Oh…oh my.

Card now on mantlepiece. Will report further as soon as I stop twitching.

[li]Holy crap. Is it possible to go to the location?

How much did it lower your stats by? We need to get Spacemarine9 one of these. When you arnt dead/insane/dead and insane could you try to go to wolfstack docks to test it?


I think I hear the sounds of the Northridden stumbling over themselves to get a card. Maybe it’ll be unique though.
edited by Alonois on 12/2/2013

I cant even invite him. He’s going to get swarmed with invites now. But he wont show up in my contact list. Hmmm. Should we try to invite Mr.Eaten for an interview to a newspaper?

Well, they don’t accept dinner invitations which is very rude because I took my time crafting that message. But I have a solution to redress my grievances. Once I get out of the Nadir.
edited by Alonois on 12/2/2013

Welp. I sent him a sparring request saying " This. This can only badly. But, FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME WELL MAN! "
If i dont end up with 99 wounds i will be dissapointed.

I should add that the card is usable, but I haven’t looked at it yet for reasons that should be obvious.

And my stats were roughly halved. I didn’t record what they were before, but it seems like it might use the same calculations as for giving away St. Destin’s Candle.

Mr Eaten didn’t accept my Iron Knife Token either. How am I supposed to stab him now?

[quote=Alexander Feld]I should add that the card is usable, but I haven’t looked at it yet for reasons that should be obvious.

And my stats were roughly halved. I didn’t record what they were before, but it seems like it might use the same calculations as for giving away St. Destin’s Candle.[/quote]
I think we filled up his acquintance list. I cant send him any calling card requests. Strange. I cant do it with you either Alexander.[li]

You better use that item though. PLEASE. I whould gift you nex to get out of insanity but… You are sorta alredy in insanity.

Re: Mr Eaten’s Calling Card: Whoa.

Blackleaf, do you have St. Destin’s Candle? I’ve got it and can’t send him one either. It’s probably another option for getting a Candle.