
Generally, I feel there are a lot more INTP’s that the promised 3%, but it may be that the medium is to blame, as I’ve only looked around this topic and that one Extra Credits episode on the matter.

Lord Hoot is, apparently, ENTP. The test I took fails to account that one can be sociable with only a mirror for company.



ENTP as well. Thank you for piquing my curiosity, was unaware how informative these tests were!

This version we are taking is a shortened version. The actual test is pretty sizable and costs quite a bit of money to gain access to.

(Even so; very little research supports the idea that people tend towards different types, the overall trend is toward the middle (50-50 of each score. The Meyers-Briggs personality types are arbitrary lines that represent general tenancies of the test-taker, not an ironclad statement of who you are. (after all, the world would be pretty boring if everyone could be simplified to only 16 explicit personality types))

INTP too. Is this a fancy way of saying Gemini?

INTJ. It’s a very crude system, of course, but it’s still fun and interesting so long as you don’t actually start making decisions based on it.

The test appeals mostly to a very narrow subset of people. :P[li]

I did it and got ENFJ.

INTJ, though I seem to be on the borderline for the two middle attributes. In the past, those have varied depending on my mood when taking these quizzes. The I and J are pretty steady, though.

I find these tests much more useful in defining not real people, but characters. That way you can find some unexpected but very fitting traits for them and add some more depth.

ISTP, very high in Se.

I’m an INTJ.[li]

(I actually have a very hard time RPing a character that isn’t a bit of a know-it-all prick.)
edited by EnigmaticVixen on 6/23/2016


INTP, pretty much from every test I’ve taken.
It is said to be one of the rarest types in the world and yet… well I guess this game attracts brooding nerds :D

Apparently so; I am another INTP, though it’s been ages since I took those tests. They are not to be taken too seriously, but I feel comfortable about my classification.

E/I (originally E, took it again a month later and got I) NFP. I like doing tests like these just to see where I would be and if the result makes sense.

Should be noted that different Briggs-Meyers tests may vary. I personally use this site, as I find it to be both fairly accurate and thorough. Which quizzes did everyone else take?
edited by EnigmaticVixen on 6/29/2016

[quote=Lady V. ]Should be noted that different Briggs-Meyers tests may vary. I personally use this site, as I find it to be both fairly accurate and thorough. Which quizzes did everyone else take?
edited by EnigmaticVixen on 6/29/2016[/quote]
Personally, that its my favorite as well, as it does a lot of good and its explanations of the archetypes are specific enough to be useful while not being so specific as that only one type of person can accept it. Honestly I’m tempted to shell out for the full answer.

I’m E/INTJ (the E and I change from time to time). I use the same test as you, Lady V.