Best use of cryptic clues?

I’ve built up a wealth of cryptic clues (near 10,000) and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. My unmodified skills are all around 100. The most profitable action I can find is &quotA bag of low quality diamonds&quot which would earn me ~2 EPA for about 50 actions. Any other recommendations?
edited by Puutuulion on 12/18/2015

That’s what I’d personally do with them - simple and profitable.

Upcrafting can get you with a foot into every conversion tree, but the EpA is kinda poor. You would get roughly 400 tales/journals, though.

How do you trade Clues for diamonds?

– Mal

[quote=malthaussen]How do you trade Clues for diamonds?

– Mal[/quote]

If you are POSI you can visit Empire Adornments in the Bazaar Sidestreets and trade for a bag of low quality diamonds. There is a rare success as well which makes it worth doing.

[quote=malthaussen]How do you trade Clues for diamonds?

At the Bazaar Side street:
Empire Adornments.
Choose &quotBag a low quality diamonds&quot and 1 in every 20 conversions or so you’ll get a magnificent diamond.
Better EPA than just selling the Cryptic Clues (unless you really need to upgrade them instead)

The value of Cryptic Clues is pretty much directly proportional to your speed of acquisition.

If you’re at the University and can grind them at about 1.75 EPA then they become one of the fastest ways to grind almost any high tier item (that you can get through conversion anyway). The speed of acquiring them usually outway the time lost to conversion. The ability to convert them to both Journals of Infamy and Tales of Terror makes for fewer actions in the T3 carousel and beyond that conversions are pretty profitable on their own. It also improves the A Bag of Low Quality Diamonds option to about 1.89 EPA total.

On the other hand simply getting them through 1 EPA options makes them almost useless for anything but the occasional bribe/content-gate and of course the cost of A Bag of Low Quality Diamonds (giving a 2.2 EPA when ignoring the cost of acquisition).

edited for spelling after writing it on too little sleep
edited by MrBurnside on 12/19/2015
edited by MrBurnside on 12/19/2015

[quote=Puutuulion]I’ve built up a wealth of cryptic clues (near 10,000) and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. My unmodified skills are all around 100. The most profitable action I can find is &quotA bag of low quality diamonds&quot which would earn me ~2 EPA for about 50 actions. Any other recommendations?
edited by Puutuulion on 12/18/2015[/quote]
Couldn’t you sell those 10,000 Cryptic Clues at the Bazaar for 200 Echoes, which would be about twice as much as 2 x 50 = 100 Echoes?

[quote=Gillsing][quote=Puutuulion]I’ve built up a wealth of cryptic clues (near 10,000) and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. My unmodified skills are all around 100. The most profitable action I can find is &quotA bag of low quality diamonds&quot which would earn me ~2 EPA for about 50 actions. Any other recommendations?
edited by Puutuulion on 12/18/2015[/quote]
Couldn’t you sell those 10,000 Cryptic Clues at the Bazaar for 200 Echoes, which would be about twice as much as 2 x 50 = 100 Echoes?[/quote]

Quoted EPA is net. Actual action rewards 6.019 EPA at a cost of 4 EPA’s worth of Cryptic Clues, for a net of 2.019 EPA.

In other words, I could sell 10,000 cryptic clues for 200 echoes, or I could use 50 actions to convert them into 300.95 echoes worth of diamonds.

Couldn’t you sell those 10,000 Cryptic Clues at the Bazaar for 200 Echoes, which would be about twice as much as 2 x 50 = 100 Echoes?[/quote]

Puutuulion means ~2 EPA net. Gross EPA is 6.019 (assuming a rare success rate of 0.05).

Edit: Puutuulion beat me to it![li]
edited by Lady Sapho Byron on 12/20/2015

If you’re expecting a vast quantity of Feast of the Exceptional Rose gifts (and intend on reciprocating everything), you may want to hang onto them on account of Glasses of Teeth costing 500 Cryptic Clues each (and being cashable for 1 Masquing).

Does anyone have some solid testing to determine what the chance of critical success on the bag of low quality diamonds is? Because whether or not that option is worth it really depends on whether the odds are as high as or lower than 5%.

I’ve been using that option on a more or less daily basis to convert all my extra cryptic clues for some time now, and I’m pretty positive it’s 5% from looking at the data I’ve got.

If it helps:

As part of gradually cashing-in my items towards the Cider, I’ve converted in the past few weeks 226,000 Cryptic Clues into diamonds.

Of those 1130 attempts, I’ve encountered the Rare Success 61 times, which is 5.4%. (translates to ~2.068 net EPA, ~6.068 gross EPA)

Thankyou for this thread! I’d been selling them directly (on occasion) back when my regular grind ran out and I didn’t have enough actions to get more Echoes for the item I wanted at the time.
I think I’ll start using this method to convert them instead. :-D

Adding to the chime of thank yous! I normally sell off any CCs over 10k.

A secondary question - are flawed diamonds best sold directly to the bazaar or is there yet another conversion to up the echo value further?

I think they’re best sold to the Bazaar directly.

I was responding to navchaa’s question about what to do with Flawed Diamonds, not the OP’s question about Cryptic Clues. I already responded to the OP’s question.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 12/21/2015

Yes, the math is good for anyone curious. :) It’s okay - I don’t always quote who I’m replying to, and as such it can occasionally be ambiguous.

Sorry missed the question earlier or I would have posted this then. For all luck/rare successes inquiries, go here and use their document. I believe all checks are at a 400 attempt iteration minimum, (not just successes) if not more.

Oh, and the answer is 6.43% which one could surmise that the attempted setup of the in-game rare success was 6.5%, but could be a low as 6%. Still, much higher than even 5% in the Rare Success world of things. [/quote]
The doc lists a Rare Success chance of 6.43%, but for only 171 attempts.
As I’ve noticed earlier in this thread, I have records of 1130 attempts I’ve done in the past few weeks, with a success rate of 5.4%.

Maybe I was just really unlucky. Maybe those recording in the Google Doc were very lucky. Who knows?
But even combining my numbers with those in the doc only gives an average of 5.53% for all 1130+171 attempts.

There’s definitely not enough data to determine whether the real probability is 6.4%. I think it’s highly probable that it is at least 5%. But can’t tell yet for sure if it’s more.