Best place to draw cards?

Some cards can only be drawn in certain places. Are some area specific cards considered better than others? Is there anywhere in London where I should try to draw most of my cards?

That depends on your definition of “better”, as sometimes you’re after a very specific card.

If you’re looking for the most profitable, you should probably draw in your lodgings. If you’re after scraps, draw in the Flit.

Agreed. There are some other location-specific cards, but you’re generally best off pulling cards in the flit or your lodgings.

If there’s a specific card you’re after that’s not location specific, the Forgotten Quarter is a good place to flip cards. For general profitability, dov is correct.

I would go for Flit for the Revolutionary part from the Flit Favor card. Even if it has the same frequency as The Neath’s Mysteries, it offers more echoes from a card and the A commotion above! card has a rare frequency.
You do need to grind the revolutionary connections, but I’d suggest to use Flit for this card until they change it to the new Renown system. Let’s say you draw 11 Flit Favors vs 11 Neaths plus one commotion (it’s an extra so it’s not 10+1) assuming RNG is not that random. In Flit you would gain 316.8 echoes (it’s more if you decide to cash in the Society connections) for 99 AP while in your lodgings you would get 46.9 E for 11 AP. This difference can easily negate the fact that in Flit you can draw 4 more specific cards.
edited by Skinnyman on 5/5/2016

To be fair, it’s only three cards total if your Shadowy is above 106.
Also worth mentioning that Call in Favours in the Flit, with the Urchins, offers a chance at getting your soul back if you’ve lost it.

[quote=Skinnyman]I would go for Flit for the Revolutionary part from the Flit Favor card. Even if it has the same frequency as The Neath’s Mysteries, it offers more echoes from a card and the A commotion above! card has a rare frequency.
You do need to grind the revolutionary connections, but I’d suggest to use Flit for this card until they change it to the new Renown system. Let’s say you draw 11 Flit Favors vs 11 Neaths plus one commotion (it’s an extra so it’s not 10+1) assuming RNG is not that random. In Flit you would gain 316.8 echoes (it’s more if you decide to cash in the Society connections) for 99 AP while in your lodgings you would get 46.9 E for 11 AP. This difference can easily negate the fact that in Flit you can draw 4 more specific cards.
edited by Skinnyman on 5/5/2016[/quote]
That’s not quite accurate. On average you’d draw one commotion for every ten times you draw The Neath’s Mysteries, not every eleven. If using forgotten quarter lectures, you’d need to do that 80 times to get the 1200 CP of C: Revolutionaries for ten Calling in Favours, meaning you also need to deal with 80 CP of suspicion. That’s 20 actions to pass it off through social actions at -4 CPPA, making it 288 echoes for 110 actions. Ten of The Neath’s Mysteries plus one commotion is meanwhile 42.91 echoes for 11 actions. That’s higher profit from the lodgings cards without needing to deal with other useless location cards.

Indeed, Optimatum; was a bit tired when I posted that and forgot about suspicion.
It was clear that cards in lodgings offer a way better EPA (4.29), but don’t offer that many E while Flit offers a lower EPA (still, 2.61 it’s 2.61), but more E.
I’m grinding cards in Flit before they change that lovely card, but that depends on one’s preferences.

I like drawing cards at Wolfstack Docks. Wolfstack in the Fog has an option that gives 2.5 echoes and a bundle of oddities. There is also the ultra rare Bonfire of the Decencies which, if you are very lucky, might get you a high value bundle of oddities so a possible Blemmigan Secretary or your soul if you have lost it. Though I must admit the chance of that is very low.

Necroing this thread because I think this has a lot of change in 8 years.

Where are we drawing cards now?

Does it change if you’re looking for specific cards that aren’t location locked either in London or the Upper River?

and what about upper river cards? Are they more or less profitable (assuming you are not seeking specific cards available only in one location) than the London cards?

If you have hellworm (even without saddle) Upper River is better than London. And you want locations with less additional cards (Balmoral or Moulin). If you don’t have worm London should be better, especially if you have fate-locked cards like Your Aunt’s coffee.

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Anywhere you have good lighting, colored* pencils and some blank paper would suffice.

*or in nations with lesser spelling, cloured.
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Why no disconts for colleages?

I don’t make the rules, I just imagine what they might be and then arbitrarily enforce them.

Thus remaining consistent with the manner in which the language has developed since, at least, 1066.