Archeologist and the new Forgotten Quarter content

The Luminosity section is indeed interesting. Clicking them seems to be the only way to sell them or trade them in.[li]

I believe the Correspondence Stones have been moved to a success in an Expedition only open to those who don’t have it. It’s the Temple of Seven I think.

Anyone have any ideas what the fate rewards are?
I’ve done it four times so far, and I’ve managed to receive two Tears of the Bazaar (Worth 360 Echoes, whoo!) and two of the lesser rewards. The lesser ones being “A wooden mask?” and “The seal of the hooded hawk”.

Still, it’d be fun knowing what the other rewards are. (And I do hope I’m not giving too much info on the fate locked rewards. It seems that generally you can speak of the items, but not the actual text.)

360 echoes? Huh, that doesn’t fit into the normal tier system. What are they classified as? I originally assumed they were a high-level Nostalgia item, but it doesn’t look like it.

(Assuming that divulging more information about the item doesn’t constitute broaching fate-locked details.)

They’re probably high-level Nostalgia items that just haven’t been properly categorized yet, like the Elemental Secret.

Tears of the Bazaar sell for 312.5 echoes and, at the moment, they are in the Curiosities section.[li]

[/li][li]Jupp, sorry. My mistake. Not sure where I got 360 from.


I received a paltry bottle of Airag one time, a Silent Soul (E12.5) another time. You can imagine my disappointment, even more so that I did lose a third expedition… The fourth time shall be the charm?

Is there any way to get Archaeologist 5 at the moment? I’ve only tried the non-fate locked expeditions but neither of them raise it if it is at 4 (3 or 4 in the case of the Thieves Cache)[li]
edited by Mark Barltrop on 7/4/2013

Doesn’t look like it. The Fate option doesn’t increase it further either. (Done it 6 times now, but no more. Also: That Eyeless Skull is a PITA. Avoid it until you Really need it for something xD.)

I’ve Gone To Lengths to discard at least three hands of Skull-cards already, and I’ve only got two of the blessed things - presumably I’ll have to find a further four once the Secret of Secrets is located. But, hey, it keeps me busy, and off the lentils and wine-gums.

The archaeologist cap appears to have been raised! The bolts continue to slide back.

Good to hear I have my route and Skull ready.[li]

Good to hear I have my route and Skull ready.

Really? How in the blazes did you get that route?

I’ll just say that there is an opportunity card that starts a story in your lodgings.

Oh blast. I know that of which you speak, and I just can not choose! Four choices, but one outcome that’s different yet similar.

If there are any, what might be the stat requirements on said new card?

Just did a Thieves’ Cache run and my Archaeology appears to be going up despite being at 4. I wonder if the longer expeditions give a greater rise to Archaeologist?

The Cave isn’t impossible any more! I just need to get that damn card to get the Route and some extra supplies and I’m ready for Hella Expeditioning
edited by Spacemarine9 on 7/4/2013

Damn! Just as I got rid of all my skulls!