Anyone found a use for 4 secret railway items yet?

By ‘4 secret railway items’ I’m referring to the four extremely rare items that were once part of some temporary content wayyyyyy back in the day, which you can find 2 in Magistracy, 1 in Jericho, 1 (the hardest) in Ealing.

My understanding is, back in the day, they were linked to the Duchess as relics of the past four cities. But I haven’t found any current-day storylet associated with the duchess that will take them.

Anyone had any luck?

I have not, and from what I’ve heard, it was originally a card. So who knows.

Originally, those items were linked to Sacksmas. You could get them from Queer Parcels, but getting one was only guaranteed if you spent a Knot-Name, but I don’t know how you got those. The Duchess took the full set in exchange for a Stone Tentacle-Key.

Presumably the reward will be different this time.

What items?

I assume - although not sure and haven’t yet started a hunt and didn’t even knew about them before this thread - items in question are Ring of Stone, Dove Mask Shard, Shrivelled Ball and Fragment of White Gold

I assume - although not sure and haven’t yet started a hunt and didn’t even knew about them before this thread - items in question are Ring of Stone, Dove Mask Shard, Shrivelled Ball and Fragment of White Gold[/quote]

Oh, no. Time for another Snipe Hunt?

Yep those are the four. One is a rare failure while excavating bones in Ealing, then there’s rare successes in jericho and evelode for doing the same, and the final one is in the lowest depths of the Magistrate. All the excavation options are the ones that cost surveys of course.

And I have Watchful too high to fail this excavation. Guess, only three for me.

If you really wanted to, you could increase the darkness in Ealing to make excavating more difficult. Though you can only do that if you are red or black on the chess board and even then you need a banditry level of 3 or higher to make shattering lamps easy to do.

Maybe you could increase Darkness to increase difficulty

That’s what I did. Also, Stone Ring isn’t on the lowest levels, it’s a bit above than that.

[quote=Kharsirr Lynx]That’s what I did. Also, Stone Ring isn’t on the lowest levels, it’s a bit above than that.[/quote]You can get the stone ring rare success on the lower floors or the lowest floors, so diving level 3-6. The lowest floors pay out better with only a small difficulty increase compared to the lower floors, so those who don’t have a stone ring and want one might as well search for it at the bottom.
edited by Mulligan on 9/14/2020

Totally forgot about that option, thank you.

And once again I match wits with the RNG, and lose horribly. :) Haven’t seen hide nor hair of any of them yet.

Yeah, that’s my grind right now. Go to london, flip some cards, go to Magistracy, flip some cards, go back. At least I’m getting 2.5 EPA from going back and forth while searching for the dig cards.

I have 2 rings, 2 gold fragmets and 1 shard. Almost ready to start rolling for ball.

And now I cannot get the card to liberate Ealings, despite being red.

I’m pretty sure I hate you. I have nothing.

Ready for the Duchess, with 2+ of everything. Shriveled Balls are really hard to catch out.

And I’m sure I hate you.