Any one else having problems with Twitter?

I can’t sign into Fallen London with Twitter. Fortunately I have linked my email so can play but I can’t use any of the &quotinvite a friend from the surface&quot cards. So. I guess, there is a problem with the FL/Twitter connection.[li]

I have bug reported but it would be nice to know if anyone else is having a problem.

[color=#009900]This, folks, is a Twitter issue:[/color]
[color=#009900]With luck when the red ! marks disappear from that page, all will be well.[/color]

Thanks Alexis. I hope they fix the issues soon.

Many thanks for the explanation :)

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]This, folks, is a Twitter issue:[/color]
[color=#009900]With luck when the red ! marks disappear from that page, all will be well.[/color][/quote]

Which specific service causes the problem - they are all reading &quotService is operating normally&quot
atm but I’m still getting the error message from FL when I try to login with twitter.[li]

I just checked and everything is green but I still can’t log in with Twitter.

I’m still seeing disruptions on the following:


Wait, no. Oops. That’s the history.
edited by Playersideblog on 6/12/2013

One thing I noticed is that banner at the top of the page

" Having trouble with your app? API v1 is retired and no longer functional."

Also I can’t see Oauth on the list any more - it was there earlier today.

Is there anything we can do as users? I’m not very tech savvy so what would happen if I revoked access to the Storynexus App and then reinstated it.

Mine auto-disables the app every time I exit it, and I guarantee it won’t let you log back in. Since that’s what tipped me off to a problem in the first place.

Right - I won’t try that then. I guess I just have to hope that it works again soon.

[quote=lady ciel ]Is there anything we can do as users? I’m not very tech savvy so what would happen if I revoked access to the Storynexus App and then reinstated it.[/quote]Unlinking Twitter from your StoryNexus account, and then attempting to link it again, just brings you to SN’s General Error page (&quotSomething terrible has happened&quot). I can’t imagine it would work any better trying to reset the link from the other side.

I figured it was a Twitter issue, because my alt, who is only linked to the game by e-mail, is unaffected.

I tried logging in via StoryNexus instead, asked for a password reset, and after I logged in I got the screen for creating a new character. So…that clearly didn’t work. But I did get a password reset email, which would imply that that address was already on file. Should I just wait to see if the Twitter issue gets fixed, or is there something else I can try?

Yes, twitter login doesn’t work for me either at the moment. I can login via email, but not twitter.

The game seems quite buggy all round at the moment. I keep getting issues with graphics, such as the deck saying ‘six cards waiting’ when I’ve used all my cards, and only clicking it again shows the correct graphic. Or when I’ve played a storylet, when I choose another one I get the graphics from the previous storylet I’ve played and only refreshing will give me the correct graphics.

[color=#009900]Yes - it looks like the Twitter problem has lasted beyond their outage. We’re looking into it now, folks.[/color][li]

Thanks for the update Alexis. Hope it is fixed soon.

My side account only works with the Twitter login, so I can’t get into it at all. If it was my main account I’d be raging. (And begging that my Exceptional subscription be extended for free by the days I’ve lost.)

Well it just happens that the account I haven’t linked by email is the one with Exceptional Friendship! Very annoying indeed. Lady Ciel is the one I created to go Seeking the Name and I just had exceptional Friendship for one month in order to do the House of Chimes storylets.

Is there going to be any possible way to connect our accounts to email/etc from the other end, and enable logon that way, I wonder?

If it looks like it can’t be fixed in a timely manner,some sort of workaround so we can switch out account to a storynexus account? In particular, I’ve got a bit of work done on a game using the Storynexus backend, and I’d hate to lose that.