Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

It is done, the Blind Helsman is also dug, and fueled. And our ratty friends are here to welcome, er, to make us work in the factory!

This was the last site! We achieved our goal! What about the Masters’?

The Blind Helmsman is now excavated, and with that all dig sites are complete. I have to say, a rat-operated factory was not what I was expecting. But I like it. We’ve been told about the L.B.'s amazing skills at machinery all this time, now we get to actually take a look inside the ratworks.

[quote=Mr J]It is done, the Blind Helsman is also dug, and fueled. And our ratty friends are here to welcome, er, to make us work in the factory!

This was the last site! We achieved our goal! What about the Masters’?[/quote]

We achieved their goal? :)

BTW, what does “L.B.” mean? “Little bastards”?


I don’t have that option in the Blind Helsman site - just to Look into the tunnels or emerge from the dig.

Anyone else have the same problem?

[quote=lady ciel ]I don’t have that option in the Blind Helsman site - just to Look into the tunnels or emerge from the dig.

Anyone else have the same problem?[/quote]

Yes, I do. To be precise, my main has access to the factory and my alt doesn’t.
edited by Wojciech on 7/28/2021

I had the problem too. Try logging out of FL and logging in again.

And the Stone Pigs have finally awakened.
Won’t be surprised if it is an elaborate way to shut down the game.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021

It’s kicking off!

Holy hell, that was awesome!

…What’s the easiest item to obtain if someone has none of them?

EDIT: Is it even possible to obtain one without extensive preparation?
edited by Huey on 7/28/2021

[quote=Aro Saren]And the Stone Pigs have finally awakened.
Won’t be surprised if it is an elaborate way to shut down the game.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021[/quote]

That will not happen. At least not yet… Perhaps the Bazaar might die, or we might get a change of the &quotpeople&quot in powers. Who knows?

[quote=Huey]What’s the easiest item to obtain if someone has none of them?

EDIT: Is it even possible to obtain one without extensive preparation?[/quote]None are easy from scratch and at short notice. Depending on one’s circumstances I would say Masters’ favour and false identity are the least demanding.

I’m struggling to decide between attending as representative of the railway and landlord of all London.

Ah, no, I meant to contribute to the Master’s plan. I DID have the plan to get to the Nadir sooner or later, and since my Crooked-Cross would be saving London for its Revolution more than anything else, contributing with Master’s Blood sounds fitting.

[quote=Huey]Holy hell, that was awesome!

…What’s the easiest item to obtain if someone has none of them?

EDIT: Is it even possible to obtain one without extensive preparation?[/quote]

You mean, to attend the meeting?
Get a metric shit-ton (15,000, iirc) of romantic notions and go to Temple Club - you should’ve received three invitations, as everyone else in the game. There you can spend notions to grind connection to masters.

Network and robe are rewards from ambitions, overcoat is from finishing the railroad, cover identity is from a certain station at railroad, but if you don’t have it already, you won’t get there quickly.

Scratch that, now I see what you’re talking about.
Well, they’re all last tier so if you don’t have them, most likely you won’t have time, but i’ll list the options.
Crimson book is available only at degustibus in exchange for blood.
Velvet is available for 3200 scraps of from spending theorem at the end of discordance studies (and then waiting for a card in London).
Breath is available for scraps and for a bunch of penultimate tier reading material at Moulin.
Fluke-core is gained at nadir, but you’ll need to draw a specific card 6 times, or once and do 5 specific robberies with the clay gang before.
Toxins require a bunch of different level stuff, but if you’re a pack-rat, it’s plausible you have most of it.
Secret College actually sounds the easiest - it requires a cover identity with 500 backstory, but many of us have enough resources for that.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021

No way are they getting their claws on my Veils Velvet!

and the game bugged out when I gave my item. So i have no idea what happens when Mr Wines is given some Master’s Blood :(

Well the servers are down :D

[quote=Aro Saren]And the Stone Pigs have finally awakened.
Won’t be surprised if it is an elaborate way to shut down the game.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021[/quote]

Personally, I’m donating Velvet, since I have a spare, and I’ll echo the result.

I propose we coordinate to echo everything.

Apparently, it’s locked if you killed the Vake. Well, whatever. I’ll have to wait for the servers to recover anyway.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/28/2021

[quote=Huey]Ah, no, I meant to contribute to the Master’s plan. I DID have the plan to get to the Nadir sooner or later, and since my Crooked-Cross would be saving London for its Revolution more than anything else, contributing with Master’s Blood sounds fitting.[/quote]Ah yes, I see… well, they’re all equivalent value, but some trickier to get than others. How tricky depends on your circumstances. The easiest would probably be to, say, buy veils-velvet for scrap, or master’s blood for bazaar tears, if you have those ready. Or secret college if you have a spare dreadful surmise and a lot of blackmail material, or void-breath if you can handily trade for it at the Moulin bookshop, or the poison thing if you have a bunch of sounders from the Khanate. The rest get a bit more involved.

I think the secret college MIGHT be the easiest one to get if you’re starting more or less from zero. But of course you need access to station VIII.

Also, heh, dactylindicacy. Good old Pages.