[color=#009900]An earlier version of the design needed you to pay zailors as well as feeding them; had them deserting individually if unpaid; had different experience levels for crew with different levels of pay; had promotion to officer status; had food costs reduced when you were in shore but an increased chance of desertion; …[/color]
[color=#009900]You can probably see why we ended up abstracting crew costs into a simple number with a basic ongoing Supplies drain. :-)[/color]
Talking of crew, are officers supposed to be unique? I just managed to get two Sigil-ridden Navigators.
[color=#009900]Officers are supposed to be unique - two navigators is a bug…[/color]
[color=#009900]which is fixed, I’m glad to say, in tomorrow’s Early Access release[/color]
How did you get even 1? I guess this must have been fixed since that option was locked to only occur if you already had one… :-) OK, a reason to go play again…
[color=#009900]Today, we’re going Early Access! The GOLD version will be out as soon as Humble Bundle set it live. We’ll be sending a KS email out to all backers - anyone who backed at £10 or above will have access straight away through the Humble Bundle Key Resender. The Explorer’s Beta build is now offline - the SS build will come online shortly.[/color]
[color=#009900]Thank you so much for your help, feedback, patience, enthusiasm, good humour, terrifying attention to detail, opinions, informed opinions, intuition, suggestions, passion, reason, empathy and above all your extraordinary charm and good looks. They have all been monstrously useful and have shaped Sunless Sea into the game it’s become.[/color]
[color=#009900]More when the game’s live! I’ll put up release notes in a moment, though.[/color]
Well done, Failbetter. It must be extremely exciting and gratifying to have got to this stage - I do hope you all have a holiday booked somewhere nice and warm, like Mount Palmerston…
seems like the early access version just went up on the humble bundle website. have at it, genderpersons!