Ambition: Enigma [OLD]

Thank you for the starting-place PMs :) wanders away to start figuring the rest out

Sent, Karaeir. Actually, this should be enough to put people on the right track: ask Alexis’s avatar.

Well, I’m completely stupid. I’ve got a hint (thank you Flyte!) and googling led me to a thing that matched the wording in the hint…and now I’m stuck. (I looked at the profile as Flyte suggested above, but all it does it taunt me with the &quotpassion&quot destiny that nobody knows how to get :p). I looked in what I thought might be a related bit of London as well, but saw nothing new there. clearly I’m missing something obvious. I can’t do cryptic crosswords either. shrugs nevermind. kudos to those smarter than me. (Edit: looked in a very slightly different bit and found a relevant thing…aaaand it told me nothing helpful at all. Or, maybe it did, but I don’t get it.)
edited by Inky Petrel on 1/4/2014

I…wha…buhwha? I am so confused. o_o Granted I’m not usually good at solving mysteries anyway, but I really have no idea what’s going on here. If there were any hints, I never noticed them apparently. I presume that something more complicated than access codes are involved this time? Although if a clay man alt can get it maybe it is an access code…hm.

(EmilyStAubert no longer works for Failbetter? That’s unfortunate, I quite enjoyed her writing. I hope she’s doing well.)

@Little The me too! So glad it’s not just me who’s lost.

I think I got tunnel vision. All I see are clues for what I think my last clue leads to, but they are so flimsy that I could just as well be wrong.

Very frustrating, but it could hardly be called an enigma otherwise.

Oh wait, got it :D (thank you again for the hints)

Well I found one clue quite independently. I am almost certain I know what map is being referred to in said clue, but I have no idea what to do with that map besides stare at it helplessly.
edited by Ember on 1/5/2014

Thanks to a helpful pointer I’ve now found the answer and am, like others, berating myself for not having thought of it earlier.

Did we just…achieve CHIM, in Fallen London?


The process is somewhat similar Wells, mostly at the request of Alexis.

Speaking of which, Alexis: I just complete the two parts for leaving the Enigma 1 area, and I want to say that (as a fellow game designer), you have a lot more self-awareness than most and I applaud you for it.

I too would like a nudge; I’ve run across a few clues and, I think, have a good sense from the labyrinth clue and discussion here about the scope of the solution space, and another clue from an access code that I suspect is not to be taken literally. But I’m rather tapped out.

For those of you who need a clue, send me a PM :)

Oh wow, I was right off.

I… would not have got that without those hints.

I’m 100% lost. I certainly love scavenger hunts, but I simply cannot stand access codes or any other quirky game mechanic. I would love a PM to get me started, or at least any confirmation that it’s a storylet or not.

Blah more mirror-catching for Curses, it looks like.

Same, merusdraconis. Same.

Let’s just hope I do a better job at solving this first puzzle in the actual content, because it seems like the consequences for sucking at this part may be a bit more dire.

A word of advice for those of you who haven’t solved it yet, the access code has actually been posted on these very forums, by a very significant individual indeed! Also, worry not, as much as we like mirrors, we do not need to type anything backwards.

“Welcome. Nothing here exists. An occurrence! Your ‘Ambition: Enigma’ Quality is now 1!”

Absolutely lovely. I was over thinking it, many thanks to Zephyr and Aximillo for the delicious hints.

Now let’s see how little we all exist, shall we?

Hah hah hah, it’s an access code, I went to prison for nothing . . .

Clearly I should have kept to my prior plan and slept on it.

(Found it. GAH. Go ahead and laugh, y’all.)
edited by an_ocelot on 1/5/2014

I suspect that Enigma is intended to be a replacement for SMEN for the highly-committed; those dedicated fools pouring over every scrap of information in-game and out. For those scraping the very edges for secrets, their reward is the very last dregs of content, things shuffled away into forgotten places, experiments that didn’t quite work, that sort of thing.

I’m expecting things to get even more esoteric from here on out. Which I guess serves as a warning.