I have purchased my 9th bottle of Fourth City Ailrag. (Technically 10th, but I had to use the other one.)
I am very impressed.
Silasilent’s Gothic Romance Collection (I’d put some pictures on the book cover, except I had to include twelve books and you can’t see the cover this way…)
Considering it is you, I bet every single character is blood-chillingly ruthless :)
(All the better for the False-Summer?)
edited by Byron Man on 6/3/2012
I’ve started working on getting collated research for master’s connections, and decided to do so using zee voyages. I’m starting to get a collection of my own research :D
[quote=Byron Man]I am very impressed. Considering it is you, I bet every single character is blood-chillingly ruthless :) [/quote] Thank you. Truly, love conquers all - no matter the cost. It brings to mind an altogether different possible ending for Romeo and Juliet with Verona in flames, a much higher body count, whole families destroyed, but the title characters standing triumphant amid the ruins of those who stood in the way of their love. Or something.
Two households, both alike indignity,
In scorched Verona, where we lay our scene,
Where ancient grudge broke to new mutiny,
Where civil blood made civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of ruthless lovers take their life;
Whose omnicidal, fiery overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents’ strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
And the continuance of their ruinous rage,
Which, but their city’s end, naught could remove
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Connected: Society 510 and counting. I have yet to meet anyone with a higher Connected: score, though I have no doubt they’re out there.
[quote=Nathan Attford]Connected: Society 510 and counting. I have yet to meet anyone with a higher Connected: score, though I have no doubt they’re out there.
Only all added together - I hit 51,000 CP worth of contacts this week. Even then I suspect the unusual aspect of that is simply that I know the total, not that the total is high ;)
The only thing I farmed to its cap long after it stopped being useful was an Intimate of Devils. It caps at 19, by the way.
I doubt I’ve done anything particularly unique thusfar. Although I’ve farmed 19 different items up to/past 10k just for lack of something better to do, I’m sure others have done much more than that.
I hope to get my Magnanimous up as high as possible, but it’s slow going. Doesn’t help that much of the main storyline has random caps on it for no reason. “Oh, you decided to help the poor, impoverished glim-sculptor by refusing his reward? Well, we arbitrarily added a cap to a quality that has absolutely no practical value, so your selflessness won’t be recognized and you get absolutely nothing, SUCKER!” =_= I bet Ruthless and Heartless don’t have similar caps…
Do you have a Clay Sedan Chair already? It opens up an Opportunity card whose second option (teaching the Clay Man porters how to read) increases Magnanimous without cap (I think), and Connected: Society to boot.
Yes, it is helpful, though that’s pretty much the only option that raises it right now, and like I said, it’s slow going. I am also somewhat irked by the fact that the option on that card that decreases Magnanimous is far more lucrative. Yes, selflessness and all, but at a certain point it really feels like the game is punishing me for trying to be a good person.
Also, it does have a (rather low) cap on Steadfast, another quality I want to raise.
(The Magnanimous option doesn’t decrease Ruthless or Heartless though, so that’s…something, I guess? Except I want to lower them, and I bet people taking the Heartless option would likely want to decrease Magnanimous…)
edited by Little The on 6/5/2012
[quote=Little The]Yes, it is helpful, though that’s pretty much the only option that raises it right now, and like I said, it’s slow going. I am also somewhat irked by the fact that the option on that card that decreases Magnanimous is far more lucrative. Yes, selflessness and all, but at a certain point it really feels like the game is punishing me for trying to be a good person.
Also, it does have a (rather low) cap on Steadfast, another quality I want to raise.
(The Magnanimous option doesn’t decrease Ruthless or Heartless though, so that’s…something, I guess? Except I want to lower them, and I bet people taking the Heartless option would likely want to decrease Magnanimous…)
edited by Little The on 6/5/2012[/quote]
Well, I read somewhere (Failbetter blog maybe?) that it is by design that opposing quirks can actually exist in the same character - though sometimes an option will raise one and lower the other, sometimes there will only be an increase, permitting to be, for example, both Heartless and Magnanimous - meaning a complex person, sometimes benevolent and sometimes cruel.
Also, my personal take on the issue is that actually Ruthless isn’t exactly opposed to Magnanimous; it is more an indicator of how determined the character is - meaning that a highly Ruthless character COULD be not Magnanimous at all (putting his own goals before anyone else’s), but not necessarily; in Mutton Island there’s even an action that raises both stats. I always pictured myself the Magnanimous/Ruthless type as somebody similar to Rei from Fist of the North Star - both extremely determined and deeply just in his choices.
Still, though. It seems suspicious that only one of those choices lowers a quirk.
Anyway, I think I may actually have one of these: I currently have “Someone is Coming” at 13. I have been patently ignoring someone “just behind [my] shoulder” for quite some time, it seems.
It really seems to depend on the individual storylet/card as to what the cap is (if any). I’ve seen things that cap at 6, 9, or not at all (that I can tell). One of my focuses is Subtle, and the card “A Night Out” has pretty much always been useless, capping at 6, but I’m always happy to see “A Little Omen,” which still works even at my current level of 32. I’m afraid I can’t remember the last thing that actually raised my Magnanimous, though.
If you’re really desparate for Magnanimous, you can get some by giving a gift of second chances to a friend through the philosopher opportunity card. (On the bright side, I doubt that has a cap.)
Woah, really? That’s great! I’ve been meaning to do that for a while anyway, since my second chances have been piling up. The problem is I have like 80 people on my contacts list, so I don’t know who to give them to…
Uh, doesn’t offering to heal somebody’s wounds also grant Magnanimous as soon as the offer is accepted? 1 CP I think.
I believe that the “offer her a lift” option on the respectable landau card ups magnanimous as well and either has a very high cap or doesn’t cap.
It does not, alas.
Oh, yeah, this too.
By the way, what’s the highest Changed by the Iron Republic out there? Mine is 14 and it’ll probably keep increasing, since I’m attempting to make a flowchart of all the storylets.
edited by Felicity Chase on 6/6/2012